Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: My Ten Most Recent Reads I Didn’t Review On My Blog #3

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Hilarious Book Titles, but it didn’t feel that long ago since I’d done a similar spin on the topic with my post, Non-Fiction Books With Humorous Titles, so I decided to return to my most recent reads I haven’t reviewed on the blog.

Hello Readers! I hope this week’s TTT finds you well and safe. There’s a slight chance of rain here this week with some slightly cooler temperatures. After two months of no rain and 100+ temps, I’m hopeful, but also realistic. I AM looking forward to some reading time this week, which I desperately need so I can cross off some of those books on my many challenges.

I mostly review new release books on the blog, but I do read some great books off my backlist that deserve attention. This will be my third post featuring books I haven’t reviewed on the blog. You can check out my first and second posts, as well. I’ll be sharing three-word reviews of each book, too.

Let’s see what I’ve read off my backlist recently! (Books are from oldest read to most recent.)

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)

What’s your favorite most recent read? Did I include any of your favorites? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

19 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: My Ten Most Recent Reads I Didn’t Review On My Blog #3”

  1. As always, I read about half of these. I have to agree, The No Show was surprising. I just got hit with the feels thinking about “that moment”, when I realized what was going on. So good! Happiness for Beginners was so uplifting!!! Best word to describe it.

    1. I didn’t connect with The No-Show as well as I did with her other books. I think it’s because I had figured out the twist before I got to it. But it was still really good! I loved Happiness for Beginners. I wish I had the time to just read all her backlist books I have waiting on my shelf!

  2. Oh no, it really doesn’t seem like TJR’s books are for you huh? I’m sorry to hear it! But it seems as if you enjoyed the rest of the books on here so that’s awesome! 😃 I can’t wait to read many of these. Great post, Dedra!

    1. TJR is definitely hit or miss. I did enjoy Malibu Rising, so I’m hopeful for Carrie Soto. I’ll be reading that soon. And I loved One True Loves, which was the first TJR book I read, and probably the reason I keep trying with her backlist books. 😉

  3. What a fun way to review books without writing a long review! Love the three word descriptions you chose. I might have to steal this idea sometime. 😀

  4. Great topic change. I looooove reviews like this! It’s so quick and easy but gets to the point. Great job! I agree with the ones I’ve read. 🙂

  5. I have only read The No Show and Anxious People and agree with your words, perfect. I should do this to clear up some that I haven’t reviewed yet. Great post Dedra.

  6. So many wonderful books on this list! And your words are perfect. I loved Happiness is for Beginners and The No Show, Anxious People and your words are perfect for them.

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