TBR Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Books for People Who Like Author Emily Henry

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books for People Who Liked Author X.

Hello Readers! I hope this week’s TTT finds you well. Participating in the Trope-ical Readathon has been so much fun, but I’ve spent more time reading than blogging, so I apologize for being so late with commenting back and blog hopping. I’m also dealing with some kind of glitch on my website, and the method I used to read comments and replies has just…disappeared! 🤦‍♀️I need to devote some time to figure that out, but it’s just such a pain. 😆

When I first saw today’s topic, my instinct was to choose something else. It always makes me nervous to recommend authors who are similar to others, because we all have such different tastes. BUT, then I thought about how much I enjoy it when other people recommend books or authors that are similar so it gives me an idea if it’s something I might like. And so I decided to go with an author in the romance genre since I feel most comfortable recommending books to readers who also enjoy romance. 💗

Most of Emily Henry‘s books involve travel or summer so a lot of these have similar themes. I tried to steer away from the most popular books, and I’m hoping some of these might be new to you! Let’s see what I chose! (In no particular order)

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title or link to my review through the book cover, if available.)

  1. Float Plan by Trish Doller – While this book is by no means perfect, it swept me away and it’s one I still think about fondly. It’s like a road trip book on the sea!
  2. The Man I Never Met by Elle Cook – This debut has more depth than a typical romance, and the characters are well-rounded, which reminds me of Henry’s Beach Read (My Review). And even with the more serious subject matter, it still manages to be joyful.
  3. Dear Emmie Blue by Lia Louis – Another debut, this romance has so much heart and completely surprised me when I first read it. Another book with more depth, Emmie Blue is a character I don’t think I’ll ever forget.
  4. The Road Trip by Beth O’Leary – I’ve enjoyed all the O’Leary books I’ve read, but this one reminds me the most of a Henry book, specifically People We Meet on Vacation (My Review) with the friends to lovers trope.
  5. One Night on the Island by Josie Silver – One of my favorite books from last year, I thought this one was splendidly written, with those romantic moments we readers crave, which also reminds me of Henry’s books.
  6. The Highland Fling by Meghan Quinn – This one has the travel and humor we all adore in an Emily Henry romance.
  7. Luck & Last Resorts by Sarah Grunder Ruiz – This is the only book I’ve read by the author so far, but it instantly reminded me of all the things I adore in a Henry book: great characters, well-plotted, humor, and romance!
  8. I’ve Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella – I’ve only read three or four Kinsella novels, but this is my favorite so far. While on the surface it seems like a silly, light romance, I was impressed with how well it was done and all the feelings it had me feeling. Which is something Emily Henry is very good at, too.
  9. Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave – Most readers might know Dave by her more recent and popular The Last Thing He Told Me (My Review), but I read Grapes as an ARC several years ago and it’s one that has stuck with me. The setting on a vineyard is very engrossing, much like Henry’s ability to capture the reader with a location.
  10. Summer Hours by Amy Mason Doan – This romance about two friends who have drifted apart because of something that happened between them in the past, is another book that reminds me of People We Meet on Vacation, although this one came first!

Did you add any of these books to your TBR? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

38 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books for People Who Like Author Emily Henry”

  1. Still have to read Beth’s novels! They just sound and look like they’d be fun and entertaining reads. Hoping I add her to my “read” stack at some point. 🙂

  2. I have only read one Emily Henry book, so I don’t have much to compare to. All of these sound like they would be great books for people who love her. And I always love seeing Meghan Quinn on a list.

    1. If I remember correctly, you weren’t a big fan of Beach Read, right? You might like her other books more, if that’s the case, because for me they’ve all been very different from the style of Beach Read. So happy I finally gave Meghan Quinn a try!

        1. That’s right! I remember you saying that now. I think all her other books after Beach Read have been on the lighter side. Especially Book Lovers, which is probably why I haven’t liked them as much as Beach Read. 😃

  3. Emily Henry is such a great choice for this week’s TTT! And you found so many fun books for your list. I absolutely loved Float Plan. 😀

  4. Emily Henry is popular today. I can at least say what a great list of books you came up with. I read nine of them (and Hoopla has Summer Hours). I am going to check that one out

    1. Oh, I would love to hear what you think of Summer Hours! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fellow blogger review it. It’s not perfect, but gave me so many feels. It’s one that’s stuck with me! I think it’s one you’ll enjoy.

  5. Great choices, Dedra. I have red six of these books and enjoyed them all except for Summer Hours by Amy Mason Doan. I didn’t enjoy the older man/younger woman romance.

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