Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Series I’d Like to Start/Catch up on/Finish.

Hello Readers! Today is election day here in the states. I’m hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. I think that’s the only way to survive the contentious political climate we’ve been living with for the past few years. 😃 If you’re in the states, please get out and vote! It’s the best way to make sure your voice is heard. <3
I love today’s prompt. Unfortunately, I did both options a few months ago: (Updated) Book Series I Need to Finish and Book Series on My Shelf I Still Need to Start, so I’ve decided to twist the prompt again to Book Series I Started but Probably Won’t Finish. There may be a few repeats, but I still have several more I can share. Not too surprisingly, these are all fantasy and all but one are young adult. This may explain why I’ve lost the desire to pick up books in this genre. Maybe I spent too much time reading less than great ones?
Let’s see which series I’ll probably leave unfinished!
(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)

- Furyborn (Empirium, #1) by Claire Legrand – A young adult fantasy series, I honestly can’t remember anything about this one. From my review: “…while this book does have engaging characters and a lot of action, I found myself choosing other activities over reading it.”
- A Curse So Dark and Lonely (Cursebreakers, #1) by Brigid Kemmerer – I know many of you enjoyed this series, but it was just okay for me. I didn’t enjoy it enough to pick up the next one. From my review: “While I was entertained, I was not blown away.”
- Foundryside (The Founders Trilogy, #1) by Robert Jackson Bennett – According to my review, I fully intended to pick up the second book even though I only mildly enjoyed this one. I stated that it had a strong start but slow middle. However, I now remember nothing about it, and have no desire to reread this one.
- Ready Player One (Ready Player One, #1) by Ernest Cline – I actually enjoyed this one, but the less than favorable reviews for its follow-up kept me away. And you know how sometimes you read a book you enjoy but you’re happy to leave it there in the past? That’s what this book is for me.
- The Darkest Star (Origin, #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout – From my review: “I loved this book the first time I read it and it was called Twilight.” 😂 Wow, I was sassy pre-blog. I’m much kinder in my reviews now. I hope.
- School for Psychics (School for Psychics, #1) by K.C. Archer – Another one I intended to continue with even though I wasn’t blown away. I stated in my review that I thought the next book would be better since the world and characters were established. But once again, I’ve forgotten most of what happened in this book and have no desire to revisit it.
- Julia Vanishes (Witch’s Child, #1) by Catherine Egan – Yikes. Another one I fully intended to continue with. According to my review, I really enjoyed this one, but now I remember nothing, and yes, have no desire to pick it up again.
- Dream a Little Dream (The Silver Trilogy, #1) by Kerstin Gier – This was my first physical ARC to ever read. I still remember the excitement when it showed up on my doorstep. From my review: “Charming with a little dark humor, this one is a great read for teens!” However, I did not continue with the next book.
- The Living (The Living, #1) by Matt de la Peña – I read this one for a Popsugar prompt a few years ago. I rarely give two stars, but this book got two stars from me. It was very formulaic. I have read a short story by the author that I enjoyed, so I’d probably give him another chance. If my fellow readers liked it, that is.
- Overload Flux (Central Galactic Concordance, #1) by Carol Van Natta – The only adult book on this list, this is a Science Fiction Romance or Space Opera. I actually really enjoyed it, but I grew away from the genre and have yet to return. If I ever do, I’d return to the author. I remember being impressed with her world-building.

See any I should reconsider finishing? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Wandering!

Our reading tastes change as time goes on. There are books I was hot to read when they came out, but then donated to the library book sale without opening them.
School for Psychics sounds interesting to me. I might give it a try.
So very true!
I hope you enjoy it, if you decide to pick it up.
I haven’t read any of these, but then again I’m not much of a series, or fantasy, or YA reader. So that makes sense 😋. Though the satisfaction of finishing a book or a series is great, I think we should all abandon them more often if we’re not enjoying it. I’m trying to get better at DNF’ing books myself. Hope you find some great new series you like more!
My TTT for today:
I don’t DNF very often, but I think that’s because I’ve *finally* learned what I like. But I completely agree!
A great twist on the topic. I have made a start on books and need to go back to series.
I enjoyed A Court of Thorns and Roses then left it for months and months and wasn’t particularly bothered about reading the rest of the series. I then started blogging and saw that everyone loved it so thought that I would carry on with the series. I ended up loving it!
Have a great week!
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
My post:
A Court of Thorns and Roses is on my tbr! Big hype for books has definitely led me back before. I recently DNF’d Within These Walls, but after seeing so many of my fellow bloggers enjoying it, I picked it back up and enjoyed it, as well. It’s a great reminder that nothing has to be set in stone, right?! Happy reading!
Yes, Book Lovers for me was a let down. It was a decent enough book, but I was expecting more from it.
I enjoyed ACOTAR, but A Court of Mist and Fury was my favourite of the series so far.
I think that you have to be in the right mood for books. What you like one day you might not like the next so I completely agree with you!
You too 🙂
Good for you to know your limit!
Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!
I’m learning! 😉
I’m not familiar with any of these so can’t say you should revisit – but I’ve lost count of how many series I start and if that first book is a mediocre read, I never get back to it. There are too many other books and series that are good!
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys
You’re absolutely right!
Nice twist! And very honest. It’s good to sometimes reflect on what we’ve read and didn’t enjoy enough. Why waste time reading something that doesn’t fit when we could start new books?!
I agree 100%!
I’m not very good with a series and I can’t give a good reason for that.
I’ve read Ready Player One and will probably read Ready Player Two if I stumble on it.
Elza Reads
Sometimes things just don’t click for us even when they click for other readers, but I always say, it’d get very boring if we all agreed, right?! 😃
Great twist on the topic today. Too many great books and too little time to continue with series with books you didn’t love.
Thank you! Yes, no time to waste on mediocre books. 🙂
Haha, I love that snippet from The Darkest Star review 😂 Too funny, Dedra! I’m glad I made the right decision of giving my copy of this book away cos I was no longer interested in giving it a try after deciding JLA and I don’t mix. I also won’t be continuing Cline’s series as I heard terrible things about the sequel too. Great list!
I didn’t hold back with my thoughts on that one! 😆 While it sometimes makes me sad not to finish series, it’s also a relief to let myself off the hook. Too many books to continue something that’s just okay. 🙂
Same for Cline’s series. I have no desire to read the second book.
That’s a popular response. I’m glad I made the right choice!
It can be so hard to keep up with series. I love them, but forget what happened by the next book and lose interest at times. I do want to try Furyborn though.
Yes! Pre-blogging, I could dive into a series, taking my time, but now I have too many ARCs. I hope you enjoy Furyborn, if you decide to pick it up!
Thank you.
Armentrout’s Origin series is on my list, too, but as one I want to finish. 🙂
Haha! I know many readers enjoyed it. I guess I thought it was too similar to Twilight. 😂
The only one of these I’ve read is Ready Player One… and I won’t be continuing that series, either. So I don’t blame you. 😉
My TTT: https://bookwyrmknits.com/2022/11/08/top-ten-tuesday-series-id-like-to-catch-up-on/
That seems to be the popular opinion for Ready Player One!
I can’t say I’m surprised. Ready Player One was one of the bigger reading disappointments for me the year that I read it. I just didn’t like it enough to keep going.
I’ve not read any of these, but I know there are more than a few that I might never go back to myself.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
It’s nice to let go of those series we don’t love!
Love your twist on this week’s TTT. And I’m not sure it’s possible to finish every book series you start…so why keep going with the ones you’re not loving?
You’re very right!
A Curse So Dark And Lonely is soooo good! It makes me sad you don’t want to finish, but that’s okay! It’s not everyone’s cup of tea 🙂
I hear that so much! Maybe someday I’ll change my mind. Anything can happen! 😃
This is a topic I could have completed as I have many abandoned series in my past. I would’t say I started the Player One series, as I had DNFed the book
Ready Player One definitely has mixed reviews! While I was entertained, it was one I could have easily skipped, as well.
I liked the beginning but it got old quick
Being on vacation, I did not participate this week, but I want to do it still. I have not read any of these books or series, but I think I have School For Psychics on my kindle. You can’t love them all, Dedra.
I hope you’re having a wonderful vacation, Carla! It’s better to leave those series we don’t love in the past and make time for new books, right?!
I have no plans to finish A Curse So Dark and Lonely either, I felt much the same way as you about it.
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2022/11/08/top-ten-tuesday-393/