Book Review

Book Review | The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin

Title: The Storied Life of A.J. FikryAuthor: Gabrielle ZevinGenre: ContemporaryFirst Published On: April 1, 2014Movie Tie-in Edition: September 20, 2022Publisher: AlgonquinSource: digital (Netgalley)Pages: 273 Synopsis: On the faded Island Books sign hanging over the porch of the Victorian cottage is the motto “No Man Is an Island; Every Book Is a World.” A. J. Fikry, …

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ARC Review Book Review

ARC Review | The Man I Never Met by Elle Cook

Title: The Man I Never MetAuthor: Elle CookGenre: Romance, ContemporaryPublished On: November 22, 2022Publisher: Random HouseSource: digital (Netgalley)Pages: 336 Synopsis: Is it possible to love someone you’ve never met? A young woman finds out in this sweeping will-they-or-won’t-they love story that begins with a chance wrong number dial. . . . When Hannah picks up …

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My November 2022 TBR

Hello Readers! Much like my October TBR, I have big dreams for my November TBR, which is a mixed bag of sorts. I still need to finish so many books before we get to December, the month I try to always reserve for purely seasonal reads. AND I’m participating in Nanowrimo this month. So I …

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ARC Review Book Review

ARC Review | Jasmine Zumideh Needs a Win by Susan Azim Boyer

Title: Jasmine Zumideh Needs a WinAuthor: Susan Azim BoyerGenre: Young Adult, Historical FictionPublished On: November 1, 2022Publisher: Wednesday BooksSource: digital (Netgalley)Pages: 336 Synopsis: A fresh spin on the cult-classic Election meets Darius the Great Is Not Okay in Jasmine Zumideh Needs a Win when an international incident crashes into a high school election, and Jasmine is caught between doing the right …

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ARC Review Book Review

ARC Review | Built to Last by Erin Hahn

Title: Built to LastAuthor: Erin HahnGenre: RomancePublished On: October 18, 2022Publisher: St. Martin’s GriffinSource: digital (Netgalley)Pages: 330 Synopsis: Shelby Springfield has spent the last ten years trying to overcome her past, sanding it away like she does the rough spots on the vintage furniture finds she makes over. But as a former child star, it’s …

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