Book Haul TBR

May 2022 Book Haul

Hello Readers! I had a great reading month in May and you can check out my May Wrap-Up to see what all I read. I also managed to add quite a few books to my physical and digital shelves. Mostly thanks to being stuck at home with Covid and some great sales. πŸ˜ƒ I also …

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Monthly Wrap-Up

May 2022 Monthly Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! While I had a great reading month in May, I still didn’t make it to two of the backlist books I’d placed on My May TBR—thanks to Emily Henry’s latest book (which I can’t believe I forgot to include on my TBR) and a last minute ARC I needed to get to. I’ve …

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Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Comfort Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Comfort Reads (Share which books or kinds of books you turn to when you need to escape. You can either share specific titles if you …

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Book Challenge TBR

20 Books of Summer 2022

I’ve decided to join in the #20BooksOfSummer22 challenge hosted by Cathy @ 746 Books! I first saw this challenge when Carla @ Carla Loves To Read shared it, and I’ve since seen several other fellow bloggers joining in. You can check out the announcement here if you’d like to join, as well! What I like …

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TBR Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Couples

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Bookish Characters (these could be readers, writers, authors, librarians, professors, etc.) Hello Readers! I hope you’re all well and safe. If you caught my Little …

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My May TBR

Hello Readers! Whether we’re ready or not, May has arrived! I’m excited about the warm weather and hopefully getting to read outdoors more often—if my allergies and the mosquitos allow it. πŸ˜ƒ My May TBR is a nice mix of advanced copies and backlist selections. It would be great if I could get through all …

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