
Let’s Talk Bookish | Reviewing Books

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly bookish meme where participants discuss certain topics, share their opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts. Originally created and hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books, it’s now hosted by Aria @ Book Nook Bits. This week’s topic is: Reviewing Books? (submitted by Rachel @ A Bookworm in …

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My August 2022 TBR

Hello Readers! Typically, June is my month with the most ARCs (advanced readers copies), but this year it was May and July. And August coming in third. Which means most of my books this month are ARCs, but I’ve decided to participate in Trope-ical Readathon with the hopes it will push me to read beyond …

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Book Haul TBR

July 2022 Book Haul

Hello Readers! We were hoping July would take the heat with it when it left, but we’re supposed to reach a sweltering 104 today and tomorrow here in Texas. I hope you’re cool and well wherever you’re reading this from! I’m a few days late with my July haul because I’m still playing catch-up on …

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Monthly Wrap-Up

July 2022 Monthly Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! July was a busy month for me. It also included a quick trip to the beach with extended family. I had planned on reading at least one or two books, but I ended up reading zilch. Oops. At least it was a fun and relaxing trip, but my lack of reading almost had …

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Let’s Talk Bookish | Long or Short Books?

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly bookish meme where participants discuss certain topics, share their opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts. Originally created and hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books, it’s now hosted by Aria @ Book Nook Bits. This week’s topic is: Big Books vs. Short Books: Which Do You …

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Let’s Talk Bookish | Reading Formats

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly bookish meme where participants discuss certain topics, share their opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts. Originally created and hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books, it’s now hosted by Aria @ Book Nook Bits. This week’s topic is: What’s your favorite reading format? Hardback, paperback, audiobook, …

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