Monthly Wrap-Up

May 2023 Monthly Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! I haven’t done much blogging or reading the past week, and the end of the month snuck up on me. My husband took the last week of the month off from work, but we didn’t go anywhere, opting to stay home and tackle some projects here. We spent some time getting the yard and trees ready for summer, and I finally got to pick up some plants and flowers, making my back porch much more welcoming. 🥰

I did manage to read 6 books, for a total of 2,058 pages. I read a nice mix of ARCs, backlist books, and two of my most-anticipated releases. I also crossed off a few more Popsugar Reading Challenge prompts. I read all but two of the books on My May TBR—Happy Place by Emily Henry, which I ordered but it hasn’t arrived yet, and I decided to save my reread of The Hunger Games to include with my #20BooksOfSummer2023 challenge. Both will probably make another appearance on my June TBR.

Let’s see what I read!

Be sure to check out The Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction!

May Wrap-Up

(Link to synopsis on Goodreads through the book title.)

I started the month finishing up my reading of Fleishman Is in Trouble by Taffy Brodesser-Akner. I read this one via Libby and then watched the Hulu adaptation when I finished. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed both! I think the adaptation only enhanced the book for me. The book was such a unique reading experience. Absolutely genius. It’s one of those books I wanted to start over when I finished, but my brain was mush. But watching the series worked!

➤My Rating: ★★★★¼
➤Popsugar prompt: A book about divorce

Uncle of the Year by Andrew Rannells is the actor’s second book. A collection of essays, I found this witty, charming, and comforting. I read it at the perfect time when I needed something light and easy to read.

➤My Rating: ★★★★¼
➤Popsugar prompt: A celebrity memoir
➤My Review
➤Published on May 16, 2023

One of my most-anticipated books of the year, Meet Me at the Lake by Carley Fortune didn’t quite reach the status of her previous book for me, but I still really enjoyed this second chance romance.

➤My Rating: ★★★★☆
➤My Review

Meet Me in Mumbai by Sabina Khan has appeared on several of my past TBRs, so I was happy to finally pick this one up. This YA book about adoption was compelling and informative.

➤My Rating: ★★★★☆
➤Popsugar advanced prompt: A book with alliteration in the title

Something More by Jackie Khalilieh is a contemporary YA novel about a Palestinian-Canadian teen who’s recently been diagnosed as autistic. She’s determined to hide her diagnosis from everyone but her family. I adored Jesse’s journey!

➤My Rating: ★★★★☆
➤My Review
➤Expected on June 6, 2023

Another one of my most-anticipated books of the year, it was the first time in a while I didn’t get approved for an ARC of Christina Lauren’s book so I had to wait along with the rest of the world to read The True Love Experiment. I did finally pick up a copy from a local indie bookstore, and I so enjoyed Fizzy’s story!

➤My Rating: ★★★★½
➤Popsugar prompt: A book set in Hollywood

In case you missed it…

How was your reading month? Have you read any of these books? Did you add any of them to your TBR? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

12 thoughts on “May 2023 Monthly Wrap-Up”

  1. Pretty solid month. I did like Fortune’s book more than you. It hit all right emotions for me, and there were aspects of the things Fern discovered about her mother that really got a huge response from me. Sorry it wasn’t the hit you were hoping for

    1. I’m happy to hear you really enjoyed it! I’m not sure anything she writes will ever top Every Summer After for me, but that’s okay. I’ll keep trying. 😃

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