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Chain of Gold TBR: What To (Re)Read Before Starting Cassandra Clare’s Next Novel

STOP! SPOILERS AHEAD!! Let me start by saying, if you haven’t read all of the primary texts of The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices in the Shadowhunter universe, you should probably ignore this post. If it’s your first reading, I suggest you read them in the order the author, Cassandra Clare, suggests, or at least in order by series, starting with The Mortal Instruments. Check out this cool list on Riveted for suggestions!

I decided to make this post to organize all the stories I want to read (and reread) to refresh my memory in preparation of Chain of Gold. I’ve been rereading The Infernal Devices, and I know there are many short stories and snippets involving the main characters from TID that take place directly before, during, and after the events in the books, leading up to the events in Chain of Gold. I figured if I’m going to organize them for myself, why not share them with my fellow readers. 🙂 Please, if you see something I missed, let me know in the comments!

*Update: Loretta @ Laughing Listener has created the ultimate Shadowhunter Family Tree on her blog! I’ll be bookmarking it to refer back to when things get confusing while I’m reading. Which they always do! 😉

Chain of Gold is set about twenty years after The Infernal Devices, and I will not be including any stories that take place after that time period–about 1903–with the exception of stories that are set in the future but reveal events that occurred in the past.

Everything leading up to Chain of Gold

{in chronological order}

(link to selection or synopsis on Goodreads through title)

  • October – December of 1878 – Clockwork Princess (DO NOT read the “Epilogue” if you want to continue in the right time period. Or, if like me, you just don’t want to cry for days.)

Now, you’re ready to dive into Chain of Gold! Enjoy!

If you like to be totally immersed when you’re reading, here’s my Infernal Devices playlist!

Will you be rereading The Infernal Devices before you pick up Chain of Gold? Do you think Cassandra Clare will leave us with a soul-crushing ending?? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

9 thoughts on “Chain of Gold TBR: What To (Re)Read Before Starting Cassandra Clare’s Next Novel”

  1. Yikes, there’s so much to read and so little time until ChOG comes out! Excuse me, I got a lot of reading to do! Lol. And thank you so much for compiling this list! It’s SO helpful!

  2. Ha! I hear ya. I’m still making my way through this list myself. I enjoyed pulling this together. I couldn’t find a similar one anywhere else. 🙂

    1. Oh yay!! I’m so happy you found something new from it. 🙂 And I’m still in awe of your post. I can’t imagine the time it must have taken to make that. So very cool!

  3. I don’t know why I didn’t see this but I wish I would have before jumping in! It’s actually picking up for me, finally! 🙂 This is a great post though!!! <3

  4. If you loved James in Shadowhunter Academy, you will be in for a nice surprise when you start Chain of Gold! He has slowly become one of my favorite characters.

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