Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is School Freebie.

Hello Readers! Today’s prompt is a school freebie, and I so wanted to come up with something unique and fun, but time is not my friend right now. I’m participating in Trope-ical Readathon for the month of August, and I’m furiously trying to read as many of my read-a-thon books as I can by the end of the month. For the past week, I’ve also been dealing with a comment error issue on the blog that I thought was a me-issue but ended up being a widespread WordPress issue. Thankfully, it appears to be fixed, but it stole too much of my time last week. I’m sorry if you commented on a post and it didn’t go through!
So, with all that said, I’m taking the easy way out for this prompt and simply sharing the last ten books I read with academic settings. I enjoyed all of these, and they’re perfect for transitioning the reading mindset from summer to fall. 😉 And just for free, I’m throwing in a one-word review for each book, as well.
Let’s see what I read! (Listed from most recently read to oldest read)

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.
Link to my review, if one exists, through book cover.)

- Tweet Cute by Emma Lord (Young Adult) – Addictive
- The Make-Up Test by Jenny L. Howe (Romance) – Romantic
- The Witchery by S. Isabelle (Young Adult Fantasy) – Creative
- Only When It’s Us (Bergman Brothers, #1) by Chloe Liese (Romance) – Angsty
- Heartstopper: Volume One by Alice Oseman (Young Adult) – Joyful

- See You Yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon (Young Adult) – Charming
- This May End Badly by Samantha Markum (Young Adult) – Fun
- Very Bad People by Kit Frick (Young Adult) – Atmospheric
- The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood (Romance) – Steamy
- Good Girl Complex (Avalon Bay, #1) by Elle Kennedy (Romance) – Consuming

Are you a fan of academic settings? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Wandering!

I’ve read two from your list: Only When It’s Us and Heartstopper. Joyful is a great way to describe Heartstopper. Every volume has had me reading with a huge smile on my face. 🙂
Yes! I’m eager to get my hands on Volumes 3 and 4! And I’m eager to read the next Bergman Brothers, too. 🙂
I *love* OWIU and Love Hypothesis! I can’t believe I didn’t include that one on my list today (now I feel like a numpty esp for how much I loved it, lol)! 😂 I did have Heartstopper on my list though and I can’t wait to check out quite a few of the others you’ve mentioned on here. Great list!
I almost forgot about The Love Hypothesis, too! It’s not one of the more obvious academic settings. And I need to read the next Bergman Brothers soon!
I can’t believe I didn’t include The Make-Up Test, and the Love Hypothesis in my list! But, we both have See You Yesterday. Fun topic this week.
It was a fun topic! The Love Hypothesis wasn’t an obvious one. I almost forgot about it. 😉
Fun list! I really want to read The Witchery, and See You Yesterday sounds really cute too.
My TTT: https://bookwyrmknits.com/2022/08/30/top-ten-tuesday-school-freebie/
I think you would enjoy The Witchery! See You Yesterday was fun, too!
Cool, thanks!
A great list. I can’t believe I missed The Love Hypothesis from my list!
I didn’t realise there was a wordpress comment issue.
Have a great week!
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
My post:
Several people are saying they forgot about The Love Hypothesis. It’s not an obvious one. I almost forgot about it, too. 😉
Comments from followers were showing as anonymous. It didn’t effect everyone, but I think it had something to do with the latest Jetpack update.
Yeah. I even passed it on my trawl through my Goodreads list of books that I have read this year!
Oh ok. I didn’t have that. There are updates that go on that annoy me though. The most recent one is having to go back and quick edit a post once it is scheduled to tick the box which allows comments. It gets on my nerves!
Academic settings are always so fun to read about. I’ve only read The Love Hypothesis from your list, but it was great. 🙂
Yes! This was a fun topic. I rarely think about books in the context of their academic settings. It’s more about the romance or the fantasy or the characters or the plot. 😃
Yes. That commenting thing drove me up the wall. I wonder what happened. I love Tweet Cute so much. It made me happy. RLS’ book was fantastic too.
Yes! There were only a few of us pointing it out in the WordPress forum so it took about a week for them to finally take notice. I think it was something to do with the latest Jetpack update. 🤷♀️
I’m so happy I finally read Tweet Cute. I was happy it lived up to the hype!
So many amazing books on this list! Heartstopper is so good!! Have you watched the show yet? I can’t remember if you did or not. Glad you got the comment issue figured out!
My Top Ten!
Yes! I binged the show so fast. Haha! I can’t wait for the next season. It’s so rare for an adaptation to live up to the book, and they did such a good job. The actors are perfect.
I know!! I am starting to realize that I kind of like not being able to binge a show so I can savor it. Does it stop me?? Heck no! Haha.. but it’s kind of nice on the marvel shows that I have to wait.
As I said before, I don’t read a lot of books set in school, but there are a couple here that call to me. I did read The Love Hypothesis and enjoyed it.