Book Tag Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Thanksgiving Book Tag

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Thanksgiving Freebie. I wanted to do something Thanksgiving related, but fun, and I came across the Thanksgiving Book Tag on The Sassy Book Geek. It was originally created by Erin & Becca!

A special thank you to my daughter, from hello, it’s abby, who created all the new embellishments you see! Like this one below. <3 You can find her here on Instagram too!

(Link to synopsis on Goodreads through the book title.)

1) Bread – What book is purely fluff (and has no real plot line)?

So, I don’t read books that are pure fluff, and if I start one, I usually put it down, so I’m going to change this prompt to mean ‘good fluff’. The kind of book that is lighthearted, but also has a message.

Pumpkinheads is a book I’m currently reading, but I can already tell it’s the good kind of fluff. It’s so much fun!! Perfect for the week of Thanksgiving!

2) Turkey – A book that made you want to fall asleep!

I struggled through A Tale of Two Cities. I wanted to love it, but I just couldn’t.

3) Gravy – What book makes the whole series worth reading?

Cress is the third installment in The Lunar Chronicles, but it’s my favorite. I love Cress and Thorne. I could read a whole series dedicated to just them.

4) Stuffing – What book is stuffed full of action scenes?

The Silent Corner is the first in the Jane Hawk series, all of which are action-packed. These are more thriller than horror, which is Koontz’ typical genre. I thoroughly enjoyed each one!

5) Mashed Potatoes – What book looked good, but then wasn’t?

I’m very much in the minority with this one, but I did not enjoy November 9. And I typically like most of Colleen Hoover’s books.

6) Cranberries – What book has the sweetest romance?

The latest novel by Katherine Center, Things You Save in a Fire, has the sweetest romance and maybe one of the sweetest leading men I’ve come across. Loved it!

7) Corn – What’s the funniest (corniest) book you’ve ever read?

This is another one I’m having a hard time with. I don’t read corny books, so I’m going to go with funniest.

I’ve read Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim a couple of times (once even out loud to my husband) and I always laugh.

8) Green Beans – What book is too long and needs to be shortened?

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed The Correnctions, but I think it could’ve been edited down a bit. I’m sure the author disagrees. 😉

9) Pumpkin Pie – What book do you read to get out of a reading slump?

Whenever I need to ‘cleanse the palate’ I pick up a Janet Evanovich novel, usually whichever Stephanie Plum novel is next in the series. One for the Money is, of course, the first one in the series.

10) Dog/Cat – What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food that you would steal from the table?

I’m honestly confused by the Dog/Cat description. I’m assuming it means if you were a dog or cat?? However, I’ve never known a dog or cat to be that selective. 😉 If I’ve got it all wrong, please feel free to correct me!

Stuffing (or Dressing) and Cranberry Sauce! Yum!

Tag! You’re It!
Please be sure to tag the creators and me, so I can see what you chose! 😉

(Here are the questions for your copy and pasting convenience!)

1. Bread- What book is purely fluff, and has no real plot line?
2. Turkey- What book made you want to fall asleep?
3. Gravy- What book makes the whole series worth reading?
4. Stuffing- What book is stuffed full of action scenes?
5. Mashed Potatoes- What book looked good, and then wasn’t?
6. Cranberries- What book has the sweetest romance?
7. Corn- What’s the corniest book you’ve ever read?
8. Green beans- What book is too long and needs to be shortened?
9. Pumpkin Pie- What book do you read to get out of a reading slump?
10. Dog/Cat- What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food that you would steal from the table?

Have I included any of your favorites books? A book that didn’t agree with you?? Let me know in the comments! And if you celebrate, have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Wandering!

57 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Thanksgiving Book Tag”

  1. This is SO much fun! Love that you went with a tag for this week’s freebie thankful option. (Fun Q’s, too.) I haven’t read any of the Stephanie Plum books, but they seem fun, and silly as it is sometimes, I like the movie! Oh, and “Thinks You Save in a Fire” sounds interesting. Definitely one to look up. 🙂

    1. I actually loved the movie too! I wish they would have made more. And you should pick up Things You Save in a Fire if you enjoy romance. It was one of my favorite reads this year. 🙂

  2. This is so cool!

    I loved Things to Save In Fire. I really want to dig into Katherine Center’s other books.

    I have heard that Sederis is hilarious and I remember reading Tale of Two Cities in high school and not liking it that much.

    1. It was a lot of fun! I love everything Katherine Center writes, but I also want to go back and read her older novels. 🙂

      Thank you for stopping by!

  3. This is such a fun twist! I totally agree with you on Cress, I would sell so many valuable possessions to get at least one book of just Cress and Thorne.

    1. You know, I really liked Great Expectations, which I think was the first one I read. Which is probably why I thought I’d like his other ones. Not so much. 😉

    1. I know I’m in the minority with November 9, but it was just too over the top for me. I will keep picking up her books though. I do enjoy her writing style!

    1. They were the best. We need a whole novel dedicated to just them. 😉

      Thank you for stopping by!

  4. I’m definitely with you on Cress! It was my favourite book of the series too! I still enjoyed the first two, but I LOOOOOOOOOVED Cress. I too would read an 8 book series of just Thorne and Cress… The shenanigans …. the fLUFF!
    I actually have A Tale of Two Cities on my physical tbr, but I just haven’t picked it up at all. I only got it because Will and Tessa in The Infernal Devices talked about it and I thought it sounded interesting XD
    Happy Reading! <3

    1. Can you imagine?? 8 books of Thorne and Cress! I’m in!

      And Will and Tessa are my all-time favorite character out of all the Shadowhunter books. That maybe why I picked up A Tale of Two Cities too. 😉

      Thank you for stopping by!

  5. This is such a fun tag! I wish I had seen it sooner to do for Thanksgiving, but maybe I’ll keep it for next year. 🙂

  6. Oooh, a book tag! What a fun idea for a Thanksgiving post. You know, I *know* the name David Sedaris, and I feel like I’ve read something of his before, but I looked him up on Goodreads the other day (because his name came up again in relation to a book I was looking at) and I guess I haven’t? I’m having a really weird Twilight Zone moment. Is there a book out there that I once read that has since ceased to exist?! I’ve heard really good things about how funny his work is, though, and knowing that you enjoyed it so much makes me think I should go look up some of his books. 😉

    1. Ha! That happens to me all the time! His most recent book, Calypso, was everywhere last year, but I haven’t read that one yet. I have enjoyed everything of his I’ve read. Although my family has a dark sense of humor. 😉 I just remembered this, but you can listen to him read his Santaland Diaries aloud on an episode(s) of This American Life. That’s a nice introduction to him too!

    1. I’ve been surprised to discover so many people agree that Cress is their favorite. I thought I was in the minority! 😉 Happy Reading!

  7. I really like your design elements! Looks great. This is a fun list. I loved Things You Save in a Fire, and I’m a fan of the Lunar Chronicles (yes, Cress is wonderful). I actually really love A Tale of Two Cities, and should probably read it again one of these days. Pumpkinheads was so much fun too!

    1. Thank you!! Yay, for Cress! I did enjoy the last few chapters of A Tale of Two Cities, but I struggled through the rest of it. Maybe I just read it at the wrong time, but I don’t think I can muster up the courage to try it again. 😉

      Thank you for stopping by!

    1. Yes! The last few chapters were so good, but the rest of it was torture for me. 🙂

      Thank you for stopping by!

    1. So far I’ve loved everything Katherine Center has written. They’re always the perfect balance of romance, characters, and story.

      Thank you for stopping by! <3

    1. Yes, Stephanie Plum is what I turn to when I need something quick and fun that I don’t have to think too hard about. 🙂

      Thank you for stopping by!

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