Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Questions I Would Ask My Favorite Authors

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Questions I Would Ask My Favorite Authors (Living or dead. You can post 10 questions for one author, one question each for 10 different authors, or anything else!).

Hello Readers! Today’s topic is a hard one for me. Anytime I come across the question of what would I ask my favorite author, I draw a blank. It’s an overwhelming question because I have so many favorite authors, and I always want to ask something unique, something that they’ve never been asked before. So I almost went off-topic, but since I did that last week, I decided to force myself to stick to this one. It’s good to be challenged sometimes, right??

I’ll be listing these in no particular order because how could I pick a favorite author?? That’s like picking a favorite child!

(Link to Goodreads author profile through author’s name.
Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)


Diana Gabaldon

Outlander has so many layers and characters, it shouldn’t be too hard to come up with a question for the author, but I think I would like to ask her:

Q: Did you know how the Outlander series would end when you started it?


Stephenie Meyer

So a few months ago I would have said my number one question for Stephenie Meyer, the author of The Twilight Saga, would have been when will you finish Midnight Sun, but now she’s given us that beautiful book—and while I hate to start pestering her already—I would love to ask her:

Q: Will you ever write a book solely focusing on Alice?


Edith Wharton

I was a bit obsessed with Edith Wharton in college and I would love to ask her:

Q: Which one of your novels was the most autobiographical.


Elizabeth Acevedo

Elizabeth Acevedo is a new author I’ve discovered, and I fell hard for her characters that leap off the page. I would love to ask her:

Q: Is there a character you’ve created that came to you almost fully formed?


Maggie Stiefvater

I can definitely say Maggie Stiefvater is among my top-5 favorite authors. I’ve loved everything I’ve ever read by her. I’ve attended a signing and a writer’s workshop with her, but thankfully I didn’t have to think of a question to ask her. And while I admit the ending of The Raven King left me with many unanswered questions, I’m hoping it means they’ll show up in the Dreamer Trilogy. But now that I’ve had some time to think about it, I would love to know:

Q: What new adventures will Gansey find himself in now that he no longer has to search for Glendower?


Cassandra Clare

Cassandra Clare has created so many unique characters in the Shadowhunter Chronicles universe. With every book I think she won’t be able to do it again, but she always delivers. One of my favorite characters is Magnus Bane. And I’m sure this question has been asked, but let’s pretend it hasn’t. I would love to ask her:

Q: Who/What inspired the character of Magnus Bane?


Blake Crouch

Blake Crouch created one of the most enigmatic characters I’ve come across in Good Behavior. I feel like there’s so much of her story left. I would love to ask him:

Q: Will there be any more books featuring Letty Dobesh?


Dean Koontz

I’ve known what question I would ask Dean Koontz for years:

Q: Will the next installment in the Moonlight Bay series ever be published??


Janet Evanovich

It doesn’t bother me as much as some readers that Stephanie Plum, the main character in the Stephanie Plum series, continues to be torn between Joe and Ranger even after 27 books (!!), but I would like to ask Janet Evanovich:

Q: Did you have an ending planned when you started the Stephanie Plum series?


Marissa Meyer

I was so happy to see The Lunar Chronicles on so many Top Ten Tuesday lists last week. It’s well-deserved. I would love to ask Marissa Meyer:

Q: If you decided to do a spin-off series from The Lunar Chronicles, which character would you choose to focus on?

Would you like to know the answers to any of these questions, too? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

57 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Questions I Would Ask My Favorite Authors”

  1. Great post! I love your selections of authors and the questions. A book with Alice as a MC would be really good.

  2. Oh I love the way you formatted this! It looks really nice. I totally feel you on this being a difficult topic. I usually also don’t have an answer, so I decided to ask really specific questions to certain authors. I really like your questions, especially the ones about characters, like where the inspiration came from. I’d love to hear authors talk about that!

    1. Thank you!! <3 Thankfully, it ended up not being as difficult as I thought it'd be. Now, if I ever have to come up with something on the spot, I'm sure I'd draw a blank. 😉

      Heading over to check yours out now!

  3. Really great questions, Dedra! Even though I haven’t read some of these authors before I’d still be interested to know the answers ? If Meyers ever does a spin off I hope that she focuses on Iko! She totally deserves her own story 😀

    1. That’s so cool you met Marissa Meyer. I’ve seen Maggie in person twice, but I still don’t think I’d be brave enough to ask a question. 😉 I have read Call Down the Hawk, and I really enjoyed it! But I miss Gansey and Blue. Ha!

  4. I would really like to have an answer to that first question about the Outlander series. It’s such a complex and long series. It’s almost possible she made this all up from the beginning, isn’t it?

  5. Oh my gosh YES – I would love a book focusing on Alice! I love Magnus too, and would love to know who inspired Magnus. Great questions!

    I’m a new follower – so great to (virtually) meet you!

    1. Welcome Lyra! After reading Midnight Sun, I had a whole new appreciation for Alice. Now I REALLY want a book solely on her and Jasper. And Magnus is so fascinating to me. How does an author dream up such a character?? 😉

  6. I haven’t read from any of these authors (although Marissa Meyer and Maggie Stiefvater are both on my to-read list), but I love the way you did this post! The questions are great. I particularly like the ones about if an author knew the ending to their series…it’s always an interesting one since it can go either way!

    1. I hope you pick up Good Behavior and enjoy it! There was a short-lived adaptation, as well. 🙂

      I always feel like authors probably get tired of answering questions, but we’ll never know if we don’t ask, right?? Ha!

  7. I abandoned this TTT after spending an over trying to come up with questions for the authors 😀 I love the questions you thought of and would love to know authors’ answers to them. Especially Acevedo’s 🙂

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