Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: I’m a Sucker for Floral Covers

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is May Flowers — Pick your own title for this one to reflect the direction you choose to go with this prompt (books with flowers on the cover, flower names in the title, characters whose names are flower names, stories involving flowers/gardeners)

Hello Readers! How is it already May?? This year is flying by. I’m feeling behind on my reading and blogging, both of which have taken a hit thanks to LIFE. But I finally read more last month, so hopefully the trend will continue and include blogging. 🥰

This week I’m taking the prompt pretty literally and highlighting book covers with flowers that I love. It’s very hard for me to resist a book with a gorgeous floral cover. 😉 I’m sharing five books I read and five from my TBR. Back in 2022, I did a similar post: Top Ten Tuesday: The Last Ten Books I Added To My TBR With FLOWERS On The Cover. I made sure not to share any duplicates here. 🌸

Let’s take a look at some of my favorite floral covers!

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)

Books I’ve Read

  1. Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings (My Review)
  2. Tom Lake by Ann Patchett
  3. Hello Stranger by Katherine Center (My Review)
  4. The Bodyguard by Katherine Center (My Review)
  5. The Shortest Way Home by Miriam Parker

Books on My TBR

  1. The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren (Expected 5/14/24)
  2. Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell (Expected 7/23/24)
  3. In the Weeds by B.K. Borison
  4. By the Book by Jasmine Guillory
  5. 100 Days of Sunlight by Abbie Emmons

Have you read any of these? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

43 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: I’m a Sucker for Floral Covers”

  1. I don’t think I’ve seen Rainbow’s book before your list. That title intrigues me though. Also Christina’s books and Katherine’s books are great fits for this type of list. Several of them have floral themes which makes them stand out since they use it well. 🙂

  2. I should have organized my list this way since I had a dickens of time coming up with ten books I’ve read with flowers on the cover. nice presentation.

  3. I do love a pretty floral cover. I think Center has a lot of that with her cover re-dos, and the two up there have a strong resemblance to each other.

  4. Don’t you hate it when LIFE gets in the way of your reading? So rude!

    I’ve loved the Center books I’ve read, but I haven’t read the two you mention. I need to do that. These all have lovely floral covers too.

    Happy TTT!


      1. I keep seeing it around, and have wanted to read it for ages. I saw it for 99p a couple of days ago on Amazon and couldn’t resist 😂

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