Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Comfort Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Comfort Reads (Share which books or kinds of books you turn to when you need to escape. You can either share specific titles if you love to re-read, or you could share qualities of books you look for in a comfort read.)

Hello Readers! Boy, is this prompt timely. As many of you know, I’m in Texas where we’ve had another devastating school shooting. It’s so very frustrating to watch our leadership stick their heads in the sand and do nothing again and again. And to know that those of us who want change are outvoted by the numbskulls who treasure their guns more than the safety of their fellow human beings. It feels like common sense that if the police feel outgunned, the weapons used in mass shootings should not be available to the general public. Right? Here in Texas, it’s easier to get a gun than it is our driver’s license. If you think I’m joking, I’m not. It literally feels like we’re living in the wild, wild west over here. I could rant for days, but I’ll just leave this here if you’re feeling helpless, as well. Donate, volunteer, get involved.

Everytown for Gun Safety

Today we’re here to discuss comfort reads, those books we turn to when we need to escape, to feel safe, to get lost in. I was pleasantly surprised by the variety of genres that made up my final list of comfort reads. It’s a great reminder that we can find comfort in all different kinds of books, even those outside of our designated “comfort zone”.

Let’s see what books have brought me comfort! (Listed from oldest read to most recent.)

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)

  1. The Morning Gift by Eva Ibbotson – Young Adult
    I’ve read four books by Ibbotson and any of those could have made this list. From my Goodreads review: “The Morning Gift is a sweet tale of love that is balm for a weary soul.”
  2. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han – Young Adult
    Read the entire series for a comfort-binge extravaganza! From my Goodreads review: “It was just the right amount of happy I needed…” (Blog Review of series)
  3. The Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morgenthaler – Romance
    Another series to binge, especially if you’re a fan of furry friends in your romances! There are currently three books in this series with a fourth book on the way. I’ve loved each one I’ve read. From My Review: “I laughed, smiled, and got misty-eyed, and that’s the kind of escapism needed right now.”
  4. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows – Historical Fiction
    Don’t let the title scare you! This little book may be the book I think of most when I think of “comfort reads”. From my Goodreads review: “This book is delightful. Charming. Unlike anything else I’ve ever read. Dare I say, perfect?”
  5. 84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff – Non-Fiction
    Once you’re read and loved Guernsey, you need to pick up this little book, as well. It is actual letters exchanged between a bookseller in London and a writer in New York. From my Goodreads review: “Just lovely. A must-read for every book lover.”
  6. A Summer to Remember by Erika Montgomery – Romance and Historical Fiction
    I was enchanted by this debut last summer. I also signed up for the author’s newsletters, which have been comfort reads all year, as well. From My Review: “A Summer to Remember is the perfect escape—especially if you’re a fan of movies and old Hollywood.”
  7. The Suite Spot by Trish Doller – Romance
    The second in a series, each book can be read as stand-alones, but it’s this one that had me feeling cozy! From My Review: “The Suite Spot is a like a warm cinnamon roll fresh out of the oven. Gooey, heart-warming goodness for my weary soul.”
  8. Just the Two of Us by Jo Wilde – Romance
    You might not think a book set during the current pandemic could be comforting, but this book proved it could! From My Review: “I would love for this gentle story to get the attention it deserves. It’s hopeful and sweet, an inspiring tale about the enduring power of love—in everyday life, as well as when the world around us is in chaos.”
  9. Heartstopper by Alice Oseman – Graphic Novel
    I finally picked up and read the first two volumes in this graphic novel series, and I adored them, just as I knew I would. Pure and sweet! I’ve watched the first two episodes of the adaptation, and I’m loving it, as well. From my Goodreads review: “Ahhh, now I get the hype. So sweet. Charlie and Nick are the best!”
  10. Our Little World by Karen Winn – Mystery
    Probably one of my biggest bookish surprises recently was how comforting I found this mystery that centers around the disappearance of a child set during the 1980s. Winn does a great job putting the reader back in the idyllic setting of ’80s summer suburbia. From My Review: “I felt at home despite the fearful nature of the subject matter.”

Do you consider any of these comfort reads, as well? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

16 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Comfort Reads”

  1. So… I lived in Hondo, Texas FOR YEARS. I couldn’t believe it when I saw Uvalde! My heart literally dropped into my stomach. I’m so, so sick. Thankfully, everyone I’ve kept in touch with is okay but still. My heart is so heavy. I’m actually going to be in FL, visiting my in-laws in two weeks. I saw that March of Our Lives is doing another March on the 11th. I immediately, texted my MIL and asked her to find the closest one to her. I will be on vaca but going to march!! This needs to STOP!

    Also- Jenny Han was on my list! Heartstopper is definitely a comfort!! <3

    1. I didn’t know you used to live in Texas! It’s so very frustrating that nothing has changed. I love that you’re going to march while on vacation. I’m hoping we can join that day, as well. Clearly nothing is going to change unless we demand it.

      Yay for Lara Jean! I’m so happy I finally picked up Heartstopper!

      1. Yes, I lived there until I was 13! Love, Texas! ❤️❤️ we lived in SA until I was in 4th grade and then moved to Hondo until 8th grade. Then Ohio where I’ve stayed, begrudgingly. Haha. Yay, I hope you can too!! We need to make something change bc it’s getting out of hand!

  2. These all look comforting. I especially like The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and Our Little World.

  3. A Summer to Remember was really good. I didn’t see it around much, so I am glad you have it on your list. Boys is all the baked goodness. Miles of smiles from that book. I loved all the books in both the Beck Sisters and Moose Springs series. Totally heartwarming.

  4. What a great list, Dedra. I love your excerpts from your reviews too. I am hoping to read, A Summer to Remember during my 20 Books of Summer and have the Suite Spot ready to go from the library. There are a few others I am adding to my TBR as well.

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