TBR Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Vineyard or Orchard Settings

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Genre Freebie (Pick a genre and build a list around it.)

Hello Readers! Current weather update: we had two GLORIOUS days last week with high temps below 95 degrees Fahrenheit, then immediately had temps hitting 108-110 the days after. It was a terrible (wonderful??) tease for fall.

Today we have a genre freebie, but I don’t think this technically counts as a genre post?? Maybe more of a sub-genre?? BUT it’s what I came up with, then spent way too much time researching, so it’s what you’re getting. 😃 I LUV a vineyard or orchard setting, but I was surprised to find I don’t have that many (that I can recall, at least) on my read or to-be-read lists. I had to dig deep for this one. So let me know any others you’d recommend!

Let’s see what I came up with!

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)

Books I Can Recommend

  1. Bend Toward the Sun by Jen Devon – One of my favorite reads last year (My Review), I still find myself thinking about this debut romance. And I’m waiting not-so-patiently for the author’s next book.
  2. Spells for Forgettting by Adrienne Young – Another one of my faves from last year (My Review), this fantasy novel exudes atmosphere.
  3. Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave – I read this novel seven years ago, but it’s one that has stuck with me. It was my first book by the author and made me a fan.
  4. The Shortest Way Home by Miriam Parker – I read this debut novel as an ARC while on a road trip to the Grand Canyon. Maybe my reading experience made this book more memorable, but I enjoyed the simple, sweet story set on a winery in California.
  5. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck – I have no idea if this novel belongs on this list since I read it 20+ years ago. The only thing I remember about the book is that I liked it at the time. But after a little digging, it seems there is at least an appearance of an orchard and/or vineyard?? If you’ve read it more recently, let us know in the comments! 😃

Books on My TBR

  1. Tom Lake by Ann Patchett – The book that kind of inspired this list, I’m eager to get my hands on this new novel set on a cherry orchard.
  2. The Vine Witch by Luanne G. Smith – This fantasy novel was my Amazon First Reads choice back in 2019 and it’s still lingering on my kindle. However, it seems to have mixed reviews, which has kept me from picking it up. Have you read it?
  3. Bittersweet (True North, #1) by Sarina Bowen – This romance series set on an apple orchard has high praise from all my Goodreads friends who have read it, so I think it needs to move up to the top of my TBR for this fall. I’ve already picked up books 1, 3, and 4 for free on my kindle!
  4. Late Summer in the Vineyard by Jo Thomas – Technically I discovered these last two books while working on this list because they showed up repeatedly. I’ve never read a book by this author, but I have another one of her books on my TBR.
  5. These Tangled Vines by Julianne MacLean – And I haven’t actually added this one to my TBR yet because historical fiction is not my go-to genre, but I have another book by this author on my kindle. If you’ve read and enjoyed this novel, convince me to add it!

Have you read any of these books? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

34 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Vineyard or Orchard Settings”

  1. I also love vineyard and orchard books. Two that I read with Vineyard in the title are A Vineyard Christmas by Jean Stone and The Vineyard at Painted Moon by Susan Mallery. I have read a few about cherry orchards set in Michigan and just finished Go as a River where a peach orchard plays a role. Great twist Dedra. I haven’t read any of these, but a few call to me.

      1. I have more but I can’t think of them off the top of my head. One I really liked was The Bitter and Sweet of Cherry Season by Molly Fader, set in Michigan.

    1. I’m really hoping Devon’s next book is a continuation of Bend Toward the Sun. So many friends and siblings she could use! I’m moving Bittersweet up the tbr!

    1. Haha! I hear that about Steinbeck. Maybe it’s true for me, too. I read several of his books in college but I have no memory of them. I “thought” I enjoyed them, though. 😂

  2. Nice idea for a Top Ten. I’m enjoying seeing all the different topics people have chosen. I’ve recently read Tom Lake and really loved it. Another book that would fit your topic is At The Edge of the Orchard by Tracy Chevalier.

  3. I saw your theme and immediately thought of Bend Towards the Sun and Eight Hundred Grapes. Ironically, I just read Tom Lake on Sunday. No idea why didn’t think of it. LOL! It was really good. Adored Bittersweet too. Bowen really sold me on VT farm life with that one.

    1. Another vote for Tom Lake! Yay! Sounds like I need to get my hands on that one. And Bittersweet has definitely moved up the tbr. I’m thinking it’ll be perfect for this fall!

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