Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set In A Place I’d Love to Visit

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books Set In a Place I’d Love to Visit (real places or fictional).

Hello Readers! Is it just me or is anyone else scrambling to catch up? I needed a few more days in July. 😃 I’m working hard to get books reviewed, my wrap-up and haul posted, and catch up on some blog hopping. The summer is winding down, and while I’m ready for the heat to go away, I need more time with my summer TBR!

✷✷✷Be sure to check out my review and giveaway of The Witchery by S. Isabelle!✷✷✷

Today we’re looking at books set in places we’d love to VISIT. It reminded me of the prompt we did last year, Places in Books I’d Love to LIVE. Living and visiting are two very different things, but sometimes they do overlap for me. I tried to stick to more recent reads for today’s prompt, which ended up being very easy. I’ve read some books set in beautiful places lately.

Let’s see where I want to visit!

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)


Moab, Utah

Photo by Ben Stiefel on Unsplash

When I saw today’s prompt, the first book I thought of was Something Wilder by Christina Lauren. We’ve wanted to travel to Moab for a few years and we finally have a trip booked for later in September! It’s a top destination for my mountain-biking husband, and I love to travel anywhere new! Oh, and I adored the book, too. 😉

My Review


New Zealand

Photo by Michael on Unsplash

I recently read The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera to fulfill a prompt on my Popsugar Reading Challenge, and once again, I was reminded why I love the challenge: I discovered a book I might not have ever read without it. The setting of Whangara, New Zealand leapt off the page, as well.



Photo by David Sink on Unsplash

Sooo, technically I’ve been to Wyoming. We visited Yellowstone about five years ago. But we were there with a large group of family and stuck to the touristy spots. In Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center, our main character Helen enlists in a wilderness survival course in the backwoods of Wyoming. While I’m not ready to go that far, I would like to see more of the less touristy spots. 😉 I absolutely loved this book, by the way.


Barry’s Bay, Ontario

Photo by Jeff Boadway on Unsplash

If you’re a follower, you’ve seen me repeatedly gush about Every Summer After by Carley Fortune. She set this romance in her hometown of Barry’s Bay, Ontario, Canada, and once I realized it was a real place, it went on my bucket list of dream destinations. It sounds like the perfect place to get away.

My Review


Corsekelly, Scotland

Photo by Eduard Militaru on Unsplash

The Highland Fling by Meghan Quinn is set in Corsekelly, a small village in Scotland, and it made me want to run my own coffee shop in the Highlands.


Kelleys Island, Ohio

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

When I read The Suite Spot by Trish Doller, I just assumed it was set in a fictional place since it was so idyllic. But it’s set on the very real Kelleys Island in Ohio.

My Review



Photo by Rizby Mazumder on Unsplash

One of my favorite books so far this year is One Night on the Island by Josie Silver set on fictional Salvation Island, a remote island in Ireland. The island was a character itself, and I desperately wanted to visit.

My Review


London, England

Photo by Hat Creative on Unsplash

The Certainty of Chance by Jacquelyn Middleton was a surprise hit for me. Madeleine is stuck in London over Christmas when her flight is cancelled. She meets Julian, a black cab driver, who shows her the sights. I loved traveling all over the city along with them!

My Review


Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Photo by Jack Cohen on Unsplash

A book I don’t think gets the attention it deserves is A Summer to Remember by Erika Montgomery. I adored this romance set in Cape Cod, Massachusetts that revolved around a summer film festival.

My Review


Key West, Florida

Photo by Jonathan Wheeler on Unsplash

I knew Key West was beautiful but Anchored Hearts by Priscilla Oliveras brought it to life and made me want to see the palm trees and feel the sand between my toes!

My Review

Do we share any dream destinations? Did you add any books to your TBR? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

21 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set In A Place I’d Love to Visit”

  1. Scotland is such a great choice. Really… you have many amazing ones here. Also- yes! I’m so behind and wish I would have had a couple more days in July! lol

  2. So many gorgeous settings and pictures 😍 I’ve got a few of these books on my TBR and now you’ve got me even more excited to read them! Great list, Dedra!

  3. That’s an interesting and important point you make. There are places I would like to visit, but may not want to live there. See now, Salvation, I would live there.

  4. I think everyone is commenting about how fast July went by. I would love to visit all of these places (I have been to Key West and Wyoming) and several are on my post today, Dedra. I forgot about Salvation Island, a big yes for me too!

  5. I nearly planned a trip to London for my birthday (in two weeks!) but at last minute I changed my mind and decided to go to Bath, in true Austen fashion. I really don’t fancy the tourist crowds right now and Bath should be much calmer!

    1. Oooh, I hope you share some pictures when you get back. Have a wonderful trip, and yes, avoiding crowds is the way to go. That’s one of the reasons I’m excited about our trip to Moab, too. 🙂

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