Bookending Winter Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday/Bookending Winter: Books I Hope to Find Under My Christmas Tree

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books I Hope to Find Under My Tree!

I had so much fun participating in Bookending Autumn, I decided to join in Bookending Winter, hosted by Sam @ Fictionally Sam and Clo @ Cuppa Clo. This is my fourth prompt, Christmas Book Wishlist hosted by Anisa @ Bookish Bibliophile. You can see my first prompt: Blanket, Tea, (Holiday) Read! here, my second prompt: Bookish Naughty or Nice Book Tag here, and my third prompt: Christmas Songs Book Tag here.

(Link to add on Goodreads through the book title.)

I’m not expecting on getting any books under the tree this year. Thanks to the recent death of my laptop, I was forced to get a newer one, and that was my early Christmas present. 😉 But if Santa decided to bring me a stack of books, here’s what I’d hope to find!


Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams


The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams


Hardcore Twenty-Four by Janet Evanovich


I’ll Have What She’s Having: How Nora Ephron’s Three Iconic Films Saved the Romantic Comedy by Erin Carlson


Selected Poems of Edith Wharton by Edith Wharton


Twice in a Blue Moon by Christina Lauren


Force of Nature by Aaron Falk


The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang


Parkland: Birth of a Movement by Dave Cullen


It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover

Have you read these? Are they on your wishlist?? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering & Happy Holidays!

32 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday/Bookending Winter: Books I Hope to Find Under My Christmas Tree”

    1. I’m very intrigued by that one. I don’t know a lot of behind the scenes facts about the movies, so I think it would be fun! Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you have a happy holiday season too!

    1. I was very hesitant about a book that deals with math since I hate math, but I can’t resist the hype. 😉

      Thank you for stopping by, and Merry Christmas to you too!

    1. His book about Columbine was handled so well, I trust that Parkland will be too.

      Thank you for stopping by and sharing!

    1. It didn’t land under my tree, but maybe I’ll use my Half Price Books gift card for that one. It’ll be a hard decision. 😉

    1. None of these showed up, but I did receive a Half Price Books gift card, which is the next best thing. 🙂

  1. I’m not sure if it’s my type of book, but I really do love the cover of The Bromance Book Club.

  2. Oooh, The Kiss Quotient is sooooo good. Hopefully you love it when you pick it up!
    And I’ve also been eyeing Queenie and The Bromance Book Club.
    Happy reading when you’re able to get a hold of these books!

    1. I’ve read the first few chapters of Queenie and it sounds so good! Hopefully we can both read it soon. 🙂

      Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Ah, this is such a great list of books! Some of these are on my physical shelf sitting unread right now, but some are also on my TBR. Like Parkland! It looks so good. And so does that Nora Ephron book actually ? I hope some of these books make it into your life at some point or another 🙂

  4. A great bunch of books here. I hope you got some of them. Will be checking some of these out myself as I hadn’t heard of them before.

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