Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers That Feel Like Summer

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Book Covers That Feel Like Summer (Submitted by Ellie @ Curiosity Killed the Bookworm).

Hello Readers! When I saw this week’s prompt, I realized I hadn’t looked very far ahead when I did my twist three weeks ago, Books That Exude Summer. Oops. But then I noticed this week specifically said “covers”, which made me more excited. I also felt like I’d done something similar before so I did a quick search and discovered we did a Top Ten Tuesday Books That Give Off Summer Vibes in 2020, which is still not specifically covers. Determined NOT to repeat any of the books I shared in either post, I decided to focus on books from my TBR only AND books that involve my favorite summer activity: traveling!

Not too surprising, all my picks are either Romance or Young Adult. Let’s see what I chose!

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)

  1. A Thousand Miles by Bridget Morrissey – After a decade of not speaking, two ex friends reunite for a road trip they promised to take in this YA romance.
  2. Places We’ve Never Been by Kasie West – Two families plan an RV adventure, reuniting childhood friends Norah and Skyler in this YA romance.
  3. The Summer Seekers by Sarah Morgan – This romance about three different women at three different stages of life driving across the country sounds delightful!
  4. The Mother Road by Meghan Quinn – Romance about an adult brother and sister road tripping with their father and the brother’s best friend.
  5. Where the Road Leads Us by Robin Reul – Classmates embark on a road trip adventure the summer before college in this YA romance.
  6. The Layover by Lacie Waldon – A flight attendant takes one last trip before she hangs up her wings in this romance.
  7. In the Same Boat by Holly Green – A YA river canoeing adventure set in Texas.
  8. Sunkissed by Kasie West – A YA romance set at a remote family camp for the summer.
  9. Golden Boys (Golden Boys, #1) by Phil Stamper – A YA summer friendship story about four queer boys with big plans and dreams.
  10. Now a Major Motion Picture by Cory McCarthy – A YA romance set in Ireland on a film set.

Have you read any of these? Did you add any to your TBR? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

21 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers That Feel Like Summer”

  1. Great twist in topic, Dedra! These covers give me that perfectly summer wanderlust feeling. I can’t wait to read A Thousand Miles, Places We’ve Never Been and The Mother Road (I love MQ)! 😍

    1. Yes! Same! I just recently had a piña colada for the first time in a long time, and it was so yummy. I don’t know why I don’t drink them more often. 😃

  2. I love that your favorite summer activity is traveling! It’s mine too. And I love these traveling book covers.

    1. Yay!! Not traveling the past few years has been so hard. We’ve finally started taking a few trips but staying closer to home, and it’s been so nice to get back out there. It’s so good for the soul. 🥰

  3. I love all these covers. I hope you are traveling for real this summer. and not just armchair. I think Summer Seekers was one of my favourites.

    1. We are! We just returned from a quick beach trip with extended family, the first we’ve been able to take with them since before the pandemic, and it was so nice! Not long enough, but still nice. 😃 I’m pretty sure I added Summer Seekers after seeing your review! It sounds so cute!

  4. Since I read seven of these, I will applaud your list, and the fact that it includes In The Same Boat has me bursting with joy. That book was so good and not talked about enough

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