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The Liebster Award

Thank you to the very wonderful Leslie @ Books Are The New Black for nominating me for The Liebster Award! If you’re not following Leslie, you should be! I always enjoy her posts—and the discussions in the comments that follow. <3 This is my first nomination for The Liebster and I had so much fun with it!

The Rules

  • Acknowledge the blog that gave it to you and display the award
  • Answer 11 questions that the blogger gives you
  • Give 11 random facts about yourself
  • Nominate 11 blogs and notify them of their nomination
  • Give these blogs 11 questions to answer

Leslie’s Questions:

1) Who’s a character that reminds you of yourself?

Ooof, a tough question right out of the gate! So, the only character that comes to mind is Hermione from Harry Potter. And mostly she reminds me of my child-self. I’ve been told I was quite bossy and opinionated. πŸ˜‰ I came into my introversion later in life. And I’m loyal—to a fault sometimes. Which seems like Hermione. BUT this seems like a giveaway answer… hopefully I’ll do better with the rest of the questions! Ha!

2) What’s a book that you loved but wasn’t in your typical genre?

I don’t typically enjoy many books in the magical realism genre—for example, I wasn’t a big fan of The Night Circus. And the books from this genre that I do love are usually the ones other readers don’t enjoy as much. Like The Dinner List by Rebecca Serle. I gave it five stars and was so surprised more people didn’t love it. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

3) What’s a book that deserves more hype?

His Only Wife by Peace Adzo Medie. I still find myself thinking about this one. It was unlike anything I’d read before. (My review)

4) What’s one unusual thing about yourself?

Um… well, my friends always think it’s funny that while I don’t enjoy watching sports, I do enjoy a good boxing match! Maybe because they don’t usually last long?? πŸ˜‰

5) If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d do or purchase?

I’d purchase an RV and drive across the country! I love to road trip and I miss it so much.

6) What’s your favorite trope?

Ooooh, this one will be tough because I love a lot of tropes! I do enjoy the enemies to lovers trope, but the trope that consistently gets my highest rating is—not much of a surprise here—the road trip trope! My most recent book to read and enjoy from this genre was Float Plan—a road trip book set on the sea! (My Review)

7) Is there a character that you absolutely hate and why?

I honestly can’t think of a character I absolutely hate, but I was surprised not to like The Darkling more when I recently read The Shadow and Bone Trilogy. He seems to be a character that a lot of readers name as their favorite villain, but I…. wasn’t as impressed. (Please don’t hate me.)

8) What is your best advice for someone in a reading slump or what works for you?

Reread an old favorite or pick up a book in your favorite genre that you already suspect you’ll love! I hit a bit of a slump this time last year when the pandemic was becoming a reality, and I decided to finally read The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker, a romance set in Alaska. I’d only heard great things about it and I was almost positive I would enjoy it. I did! So much so that I immediately purchased the next book in the series and kept reading. πŸ˜‰

9) If you could receive any ARC in the mail, what would it be?

People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry. Beach Read was my favorite book last year, and I was lucky enough to win an ARC of it. I haven’t had any luck snagging an early copy of People We Meet on Vacation yet.

10) Do you subscribe to any monthly book boxes or other items?

I subscribe to a quarterly book box through The Strand Bookstore in New York, The Book HookUp. (A gift from my husband.) My next box should be arriving any day now!

11) If you had to choose, which book villain would you be?

Hmm. Probably one that has a change of heart by the end?? Is that cheating? πŸ˜‰ It also seems like cheating to pick another character from Harry Potter, but I think Snape is my all-time favorite villain. 😭

11 Random facts about myself:

I had enough trouble coming up with something unusual about myself on question 4, so for this one I’ll be listing 11 of my favorite random foods in random order. πŸ˜‰

  1. Dark chocolate
  2. Coconut
  3. Mango
  4. Blackberry
  5. Blueberry
  6. Jelly Beans
  7. Avocado
  8. Jack-in-the-Box egg-rolls
  9. Peanut M&Ms
  10. Fried eggs
  11. Cinnamon French toast

I nominate:

Lisa @ Reading, Writing, and Random Musings | Leah’s Books | Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse | Molly’s Book Nook | Carla Loves to Read

No pressure to participate, just know I appreciate all of you and your blogs! <3

My questions:

  1. You’re leaving tomorrow on vacation, what three books would you toss in your suitcase?
  2. Do you read spoilers? And if not, are there any circumstances in which you would?
  3. What’s a book genre you’ve never read but wouldn’t mind trying?
  4. What’s the last book you read that you had an unpopular opinion about? Maybe you liked it and everyone else hated it, or you hated it and everyone else liked it?
  5. What is the last movie/tv series you watched that you would recommend?
  6. What’s a talent you admire in others that you wish you had?
  7. What book do you find yourself recommending more than any other?
  8. If you had a theme song, what would it be and why?
  9. Where is the most memorable location you’ve read a book? And share the book, if you’d like!
  10. What is your favorite comfort food?
  11. If you could receive any ARC in the mail, what would it be? (Stealing Leslie’s question!)


I’ve been made aware of a commenting error issue. I’ve recently switched blog hosts and I’m still working out the kinks. I would be so grateful if you’d reach out via email, instagram, or twitter and let me know if you experience any problems commenting. Thank you for your patience and for being the best blogging community! <3 <3

16 thoughts on “The Liebster Award”

  1. I really enjoyed reading your answers!! Okay, I might have to try The Dinner List. I also have a hard time with magical realism in books. I usually rate them way lower than most people. The Float Plan looks like sooo much fun! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I was declined twice (netgalley & edelweiss) for the Henry’s new book. So Sad! It is one of my most anticipated this year. Well it’s still pending on Edelweiss but it’s been a looong time and I assume it’s a no. I really want to give The Strand box a go. I do get OwlCrate and it keeps going up in price… but it’s so good. haha. Snape is THE BEST! He’s one of my all-time favorites too, Always! <3

    1. I don’t know what it was exactly, but I really enjoyed The Dinner List. I think most people were unhappy with the ending?? But I was okay with it. And I guess that’s the downside to promoting the authors we love… they get so big we can’t get approved for their ARCs anymore. Haha! Oh I love Owlcrate too. But I’ve only bought individual boxes. I do like that The Strand’s is only quarterly. It’s not as much of a commitment. πŸ˜‰ Snape is probably the character I cry the most over whenever I rewatch/read Harry Potter. It’s just gut-wrenching! 😩

      1. Endings are huge.. so I can totally see that being a reason. Oh yeah, right?! I remember.. Fredrik Backman.. A Man Called Ove was a read now option.. I thought it sounded interesting and promoted it like CRAZY! I even had my library’s librarian order more (they only ordered 2 copies bc it wasn’t a well known author). She used it for her book club and it exploded. The next one he had, the publisher reached out with an e-galley since I had liked the first one. NOW, I have to reach out to them. HAHA! Like come on.. I’ve been there since the beginning.. I should be an auto approval. LOL! Yeah, it is a big commitment. My husband loves to open them now.. We just did one tonight! Not sure if I will re-up with the new prices. Oh yes.. his story line is absolutely heart breaking but so powerful!! <3

          1. And yet, you’re so good at it already! Just followed you on Twitter and I’ll try to tweet some of your posts to help boost your following.

          2. Oh, thanks, but I don’t post much on Twitter. I do share my Netgalley reviews there because they automatically post. I’m more active on Instagram. I wish I had time to do it all. πŸ˜ƒ

    1. Oh yay!! I look forward to your answers, and I hope you find lots of time to read during your spring break. Emily Henry’s latest is an elusive little bugger! Ha! <3

  2. I just discovered your blog and I love it!β™₯ I enjoyed reading through your answers and I found myself agreeing with most f them! πŸ™‚ I read Shadow and Bone yesterday and I might agree with you about the Darkling, at least so far! =P

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