Book Tag

The 2023 Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag

Hello Readers! When I saw this tag making the rounds, I had to stop and count the months. It didn’t seem like a fourth of the year had already gone by. 😅 It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a tag, so I decided to join in the fun. I’m hoping by taking stock of my reading journey so far this year, I’ll be able to reevaluate my goals, making any changes I might need to make.

Since I wasn’t tagged on this one, I’m not tagging anyone myself, but consider yourself tagged if you want to participate! 💗

(This tag was originally created by Roisin’s Reading on Booktube.)

How many books have you read so far?

I feel good about 26/80 books right now. I typically set a goal of 80 books and then adjust it to 100 books closer to the end of the year, but I like to start off low pressure in case I’m reading less or dedicating more time to writing.

Have you already found a book you think might be a 2023 favorite? If not, what was your favorite book you read that wasn’t quite five stars?

I don’t have a clear favorite yet, but I’ve rated 9 books five stars (one being a reread), so I’ve been reading some excellent books. A few favorites so far: Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert; Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood (My Review); and Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld (My Review)

Any 1 star books / least favorite book of the year?

I haven’t rated anything less than 3 stars so far, but that 3 star book, An Offer From a Gentleman (Bridgerton, #3) by Julia Quinn was a bit of a disappointment. Not terrible, but not great.

Most read genre so far?

I’m happy to see that Romance is not taking over so far this year. I was hoping to branch out more from my comfort zone, and it looks like it’s working!

A book that surprised you?

The Love Match by Priyanka Taslim wasn’t even on my radar, but when it showed up in my book subscription box, I couldn’t resist the glowing early reviews. And I was pleasantly surprised by how well this debut was written. AND how much I enjoyed it. (My Review)

A book that’s come out in 2023 already that you want to read but haven’t yet?

The Nanny by Lana Ferguson seems to be getting a lot of buzz.

One goal you made that you’re succeeding at:

I didn’t create an “official” goals post for this year. My goals are the same every year: request less ARCs, read more off my backlist, and re-read more of the books I’ve loved in the past. I have managed to request less ARCs so far this year. BUT I started off well last year and then ended up over-requesting the second half of the year. So we shall see how that goes. 😆 One goal I AM succeeding at is reading off my backlist! I joined Kal @ Reader Voracious’ Project Backlist Reading Challenge, setting a goal of reading 2 backlist books a month, and so far I’ve read 8 backlist books, which averages out to at least 2 a month—and I’m currently reading another backlist book, as well. Yay!!

One goal you made you need to focus on:

Re-reading! I was appalled to discover I didn’t re-read anything last year, so I’m determined to change that this year. I know many readers don’t like to re-read, but I love to relive a favorite book. For me it’s nostalgic and comforting. I’ve only re-read one book so far, and it was a Christmas book I didn’t get to over the holidays. So technically it’s one I would have read last year. I have plans to re-read The Hunger Game Trilogy before I read The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, which I just picked up, so hopefully that will happen soon.

New to you Booktubers/bookstagrammer/booktokers for 2023 you recommend?

I have been spending so much time on reading and creating blog posts, I haven’t spent much time perusing content by other creators—except for the blogs I already follow. I don’t typically watch Booktube, and I haven’t been spending much time on Bookstagram or Booktok, either. I’m hoping to carve out more time for that this summer! ☀️

And that’s it! Thanks for reading along. How’s your reading year looking so far?

Happy Wandering!

12 thoughts on “The 2023 Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag”

  1. I’m on book 26 of the year too! I’ve been pleased with my reading year so far. I came out of a slump toward the end of the year, so I’m just happy to be enjoying books again.

    1. Yay for 26!! Slumps are no fun. I felt one trying to come on at the beginning of this month, so I DNF’d the book I was trying to read and picked up something I knew would keep my interest. It’s hard to get out of those when they hit. I’m glad you found your way back to enjoying books. <3

  2. You are doing well with the GR challenge. I am sure you will make your goal. I also say I will request less ARCs every year. It’s hard, but I am doing well with it.

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