Hello Readers! I hope you’re all staying well. It’s so frustrating to see the pandemic ramping up again here in the states. We had a bit of a scare when my father-in-law came down with Covid. Thankfully he was vaccinated and only has a mild case so far. We also avoided getting it. Yay for …
Tag: The Song of Achilles
Olympic Book Tag: Tokyo Style
Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight created a super creative Olympic Book Tag and I couldn’t resist joining in the fun! She’s even made her images available, as well. Be sure to check out her original post and give her credit if you decide to participate. <3 While the Olympics are a year late and …
My July TBR
Hello Readers! I’m just finally getting my July TBR (to-be-read) posted. I’ve been catching up on blog posts and it coincided with the end of the month. 😉 My TBR for this month will be a little different. I managed to stay ahead on my ARCs in June. I have one I’m currently reading, but …
Top Ten Tuesday: 2020 Five-Star Predictions
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books on my 2020 TBR I Predict Will be 5-Star Reads! Hello Readers! January seemed to last forever, but …