Hello Readers! I finished my reading challenge for the year, and I think this is the earliest I’ve ever completed it. It’s nice to be done so I can focus on finishing up advanced reader copies, participate in Nanowrimo, and start picking up my seasonal reads. I enjoyed the challenge this year. I thought it …
Tag: Moonlighting: An Oral History
June 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up
Hello Readers! Am I alone in wishing I had a few more days of June?? I need this summer to slowww down. Ha! I had to split my Wrap-Up and Haul posts this month since my haul was ridiculously large. I don’t feel too bad about it since I only actually bought a few books …
June 2021 Book Haul
Hello Readers! Thanks to being fully vaccinated and low case numbers here, my daughter and I visited a few thrift stores for the first time in over a year. Which means my haul for June was bigger than normal. I also had so many books off my Paperbackswap list becoming available, I didn’t have enough …
The Mid-Year Freak Out Tag of 2021
While 2020 was a year that felt like it would never end, 2021 is zooming by! Am I on track to reach my reading goals? Is it time for me to freak out? OR am I doing better than I think? I’m hoping this tag will put everything in perspective and help me to have …
ARC Review | Moonlighting: An Oral History by Scott Ryan
Title: Moonlighting: An Oral HistoryAuthor: Scott RyanGenre: Non-FictionPublished On: June 1, 2021Publisher: Fayetteville Mafia PressSource: digital (Netgalley)Pages: 288 Synopsis: Once upon a time ABC-TV’s Moonlighting was among the most buzzed-about shows in the country, thanks largely to the bravado of creator Glenn Gordon Caron, who never met a television convention he didn’t want to break, …