Hello Readers! November was quite the whirlwind for me. I got my Covid booster and I participated in Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) as a ‘rebel’, working on a previous project instead of creating something new. Which means I spent more time editing than writing, and it was a bit of a struggle. The editing …
Tag: Monthly Wrap-Up
October 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up
Hello Readers! Happy Halloween to those who celebrate. 🎃 I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but October flew by! It’s pretty much guaranteed I’ll be saying the same thing about November next month. 😉 I tied with my best reading month of the year in October thanks to wrapping up my …
September 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up
Hello Readers! Who else feels like we were just talking about the end of 2020 (and how happy we were to see it) and here we are quickly approaching the end of 2021?! My September flew by, but I did manage to read eight books, totaling 3,295 pages! That’s a rather good month for me, …
August 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up
Hello Readers! I spent most of August continuing my summer plans to read backlist books while picking up a couple of ARCs at the end of the month. Looking back at My August TBR, I ended up reading five of the seven books I had planned (plus my two advanced copies and one mood read), …
July 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up
Hello Readers! I hope you’re all staying well. It’s so frustrating to see the pandemic ramping up again here in the states. We had a bit of a scare when my father-in-law came down with Covid. Thankfully he was vaccinated and only has a mild case so far. We also avoided getting it. Yay for …
June 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up
Hello Readers! Am I alone in wishing I had a few more days of June?? I need this summer to slowww down. Ha! I had to split my Wrap-Up and Haul posts this month since my haul was ridiculously large. I don’t feel too bad about it since I only actually bought a few books …
May 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! I had a great reading month in May with the release of two of my most anticipated reads for the year (which also added to my haul), and as I try to stay ahead on my ARCs. And if you forced me to choose a favorite, I would struggle with making a choice. …
April 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! I’m a few days late on my wrap-up and haul post for April. We were able to get out of town for a few days with my in-laws now that we’re all fully vaccinated. We rented a house near the beach in Galveston and enjoyed being all together again. Even though the water …
March 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up
Hello Readers! I read so many great books this month thanks to my readathon and I’m excited to share them with you! I ended up reading a total of 13 books this month, two of which were novellas, and I gave 5 of them five stars. I’ve decided to do separate posts for my wrap-up …
February 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! February was a whirlwind of a month for me. From an epic snowstorm, to a blog crisis, to Valentine’s and my birthday. I did manage to read 8 books (and a short story), including my first five-star read of the year! Looking back at My February TBR, I ended up reading all of …