Book Challenge

My 2020 Popsugar Summer Reading Challenge Wrap-Up

This is my third year to participate in the regular Popsugar Reading Challenge, but I had no idea that spin-off challenges even existed! So I was simultaneously excited and anxious when I saw they’d released a SUMMER challenge! Anxious because did I really want to add to the stack of books I was already reading …

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Book Haul Monthly Wrap-Up

July 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul

Hello Readers! August is here. Whether we’re ready for it or not. As we get closer to the end of the year, I am surprised by the fact that I’m hopeful. Hopeful that things will get better. Let’s just say, I’m feeling optimistic. I may feel completely different tomorrow, though. πŸ˜‰ Looking back at My …

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Book Review

Book Review | Anna K: A Love Story by Jenny Lee

Title: Anna K: A Love Story (Anna K, #1)Author: Jenny LeeGenre: Young AdultPublished On: March 3, 2020Publisher: Flatiron BooksSource: physicalPages: 400 Synopsis: Meet Anna K. At seventeen, she is at the top of Manhattan and Greenwich society (even if she prefers the company of her horses and Newfoundland dogs); she has the perfect (if perfectly …

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My July TBR

Hello Readers! We’ve made it past the middle of the year. As Covid-19 is ramping back up here in our area, it feels like this is a year that may never end. But it will! Someday we will be able to see our friends, family, and favorite bookstores again. It’s important that we don’t grow …

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Looking Back at My Spring 2020 TBR

Hello Readers! I hope you’re all staying well and safe. Since we are about to share our Summer TBRs this week on Top Ten Tuesday, I was inspired by several other bloggers to take a look back at My Spring 2020 TBR and see how many books I ended up reading. (Link to Goodreads synopsis …

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TBR Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Spring 2020 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Spring 2020 TBR! Hello Readers! I hope you are all healthy and safe. The world may feel unstable right …

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