Book Challenge

My 2021 Popsugar Reading Challenge Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! I finished my reading challenge for the year, and I think this is the earliest I’ve ever completed it. It’s nice to be done so I can focus on finishing up advanced reader copies, participate in Nanowrimo, and start picking up my seasonal reads. I enjoyed the challenge this year. I thought it …

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Monthly Wrap-Up

August 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! I spent most of August continuing my summer plans to read backlist books while picking up a couple of ARCs at the end of the month. Looking back at My August TBR, I ended up reading five of the seven books I had planned (plus my two advanced copies and one mood read), …

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Should I Give Up on Audiobooks?

(Photo credit: Findaway Voices on Unsplash) I was so hopeful. When I had a free Audible trial last year, I chose Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid as one of my free picks. I’d heard it is THE book for people who struggle with audiobooks. I’d heard the full cast brings the …

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My August TBR

Hello Readers! It was lovely to finally read several books off my backlist in July and I’m looking forward to continuing with it into August. Although, I will probably need to pick up some ARCs (advanced reader copies) towards the end of the month. Once our family was fully vaccinated, we scheduled a summer road …

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My July TBR

Hello Readers! I’m just finally getting my July TBR (to-be-read) posted. I’ve been catching up on blog posts and it coincided with the end of the month. 😉 My TBR for this month will be a little different. I managed to stay ahead on my ARCs in June. I have one I’m currently reading, but …

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Book Tag

The Mid-Year Freak Out Tag of 2021

While 2020 was a year that felt like it would never end, 2021 is zooming by! Am I on track to reach my reading goals? Is it time for me to freak out? OR am I doing better than I think? I’m hoping this tag will put everything in perspective and help me to have …

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