My April TBR

Hello Readers! I’m running late with my TBR this month, but I’ve been struggling to catch up with all my end of the month posts. If you saw my haul post, I mentioned a major life event that’s kept me busy, but now I’m thankful to have all the blogging to keep my mind busy. …

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Book Haul TBR

March 2022 Book Haul

Hello Readers! Once again I’m scrambling to catch up on posts and blog hops. My middle child has moved to her first apartment (cue all the mixed emotions), and I’ve been busy helping her get ready—shopping, packing, moving, and then cleaning the room she left behind. πŸ˜‰ It never fails that these big life events …

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Monthly Wrap-Up

March 2022 Monthly Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! I hope March was good to you. I’m back to splitting up my Wrap-Up and Haul because I had an amazing reading month and added too many new books to my shelves to combine them. Mostly I’m excited that I read five backlist books, four of them romance!! I also read a few …

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Let’s Talk Bookish | Buying Secondhand Books

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books and Dani @ Literary Lion where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts. Join in on this meme by writing your own discussion on the topic, and sharing your link using the inLinkz that will be …

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TBR Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: My Spring 2022 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books On My Spring TBR! Hello Readers! Anyone else still trying to adjust to time change?? I love that it stays lighter longer, but losing …

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My March TBR

Hello Readers! As we greet the month of March, it’s a mix of emotions. The sun is shining here in Texas, the weather is warming, spring feels like it’s just around the corner, and the pandemic—for the moment—seems to be receding. But the news of the invasion in Ukraine is terrifying. Hopefully support for their …

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