My January 2023 TBR

Hello Readers! I hope the new year finds you safe and well. And while I’m looking forward to new books and new challenges, I’m still allowing myself to spend a few more days in holiday mode after a busy December. I’m currently spending more time catching up on blogging than on reading, so my January …

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Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: My Favorite Books of 2022

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Favorite Books of 2022. Hello Readers! Happy New Year! Ready or not, 2023 is here. Trying to narrow down my favorite books of 2022 is …

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TBR Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: My Winter 2023 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books on My Winter 2022-2023 To-Read List! Hello Readers! I’ve been on a bit of an unplanned blog hiatus as we’ve been traveling. I promise …

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My December 2022 TBR

Hello Readers! How is it already the final month of 2022??!! Didn’t we just start this year? Like it or not, here we are. The first of December is always fun for me because I participate in the Popsugar Reading Challenge, and the list for 2023 was just released yesterday. Now I get to “plan” …

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