Monthly Wrap-Up

October 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! Happy Halloween to those who celebrate. 🎃 I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but October flew by! It’s pretty much guaranteed I’ll be saying the same thing about November next month. 😉 I tied with my best reading month of the year in October thanks to wrapping up my …

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ARC Review Book Review

ARC Book Review | Always, In December by Emily Stone

Title: Always, In DecemberAuthor: Emily Stone Genre: RomancePublished On: October 12, 2021Publisher: Dell (Penguin Random House)Source: ebookPages: 398 Synopsis: It started with a letter. It ended with a love story. Every December, Josie posts a letter from her home in London to the parents she lost on Christmas night many years ago. Each year, she writes …

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My October TBR

Hello Readers! My October TBR is packed! I have four ARCs (advance reader copies) due this month and one due early November. Most of those are holiday-reads, which I’m excited for but I had dreams of fall-themed reading in my mind for October. Maybe I can make that happen in November… I’m also planning on …

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Book Haul TBR

July 2021 Book Haul

Hello Readers! I had a great reading month in July, reading mostly off my backlist. If you’d like to see what I finally got around to reading, check out My July Wrap-Up! Compared to June, my July haul was much more reasonable. Mostly because I didn’t visit any new or used bookstores. But I did …

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