ARC Review Blog Tour Book Review

Paperback Release Blog Tour | Nightbloom by Peace Adzo Medie

Title: Nightbloom
Author: Peace Adzo Medie 
Genre: Fiction
Published On: June 13, 2023
Publisher: Algonquin Books
Source: digital
Pages: 353



‘Remarkable’ Chika Unigwe, author of On Black Sisters’ Street

Peace Adzo Medie, author of Reese’s Book Club pick His Only Wife , returns with a moving novel about the unbreakable power of female friendship.

When Selasi and Akorfa were young girls in Ghana, they were more than just cousins; they were inseparable. Selasi was exuberant and funny, Akorfa quiet and studious. They would do anything for each other, imploring their parents to let them be together, sharing their secrets and desires and private jokes.

Then Selasi begins to change, becoming hostile and quiet; her grades suffer and she builds a space around herself, shutting Akorfa out. Meanwhile, Akorfa is accepted to an American university with the goal of becoming a doctor. Although hopeful that she can create a fuller life as a woman in America, she discovers the insidious ways that racism places obstacles in her path once she leaves Ghana. It takes a crisis to bring the friends back together, with Selasi’s secret revealed and Akorfa forced to reckon with her role in their estrangement.

A riveting depiction of class and family in Ghana, a compelling exploration of memory, and an eye-opening story of life as an African-born woman in the United States, Nightbloom is above all a gripping and beautifully written novel attesting to the strength of female bonds in the face of societies that would prefer to silence women.

‘I was hooked on Peace’s writing! I found Nightbloom a blistering story, written with razor sharp precision.’ Huma Qureshi, author of Things We Do Not Tell the People We Love

My thoughts

(Spoiler free)

When I was invited to join the paperback blog tour for Nightbloom by Peace Adzo Medie, I decided to jump on board. I’d read and enjoyed her debut book His Only Wife, and I’d hoped to read Nightbloom when it was first released but couldn’t fit it in my schedule. I’m happy I made time for this one! Nightbloom is engrossing, illuminating, and empowering. A story about two Ghanian cousins who were best friends as children but their lives took them on different paths, despite unknowingly experiencing similar traumas. 

I refused to believe that God had created me to suffer.

Peace Adzo Medie, Nightbloom

In the first part of Nightbloom we get Akorfa’s story from her point of view, while the second part of the book is from Selasi’s point of view. I wasn’t expecting this shift, so at first it took me by surprise—and I didn’t know if I’d like leaving Akorfa—but I ended up liking Selasi’s point of view even more. It’s eye-opening to see the same events through different eyes. If the idea of repetition in a book dissuades you, Selasi’s story is much more concise, and while there are some of the same scenes, they’re fresh when seen through new eyes.

Medie’s technique here is smart. By the time I arrived at Selasi’s side of the story, I had formed opinions and ideas of my own thanks to Akorfa, but those beliefs were shattered by Selasi’s point of view. It’s a good reminder that we all experience things in different ways, and while we may think we know what someone else is thinking or feeling, we don’t really know unless we communicate with one another.

This is a story about friendship and hardship, but it’s also about family, specifically mother-daughter and father-daughter relationships. Akorfa and Selasi have very different familial experiences, but both are shaped by the strong influence of their parents. It’s especially intriguing to see Akorfa’s experience with her parents through her eyes and then Selasi’s. Selasi lives with Akorfa’s family for several years, and her recollection of the treatment she received from Akorfa’s parents is very different from Akorfa’s recollection.

At the end of the book I found myself wondering which point of view was the truest one? Did Akorfa just overlook the things Selasi saw? Did she knowingly ignore them? Or was the truth somewhere in the middle of their experiences? Do we all mistakenly interpret our experiences because of our own biases? It’s a fascinating thing to consider, and I appreciate books that have me pondering such ideas.

Not only did this one have me ruminating, it introduced me to a place and culture I’m not as familiar with. Ghanian food, family traditions, political and religious lifestyles. I highly recommend Nightbloom! It’s an important story I won’t soon forget.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you to Algonquin Books and Netgalley for providing me with an advance copy.

(All quotes are taken from the advance copy and are subject to change in final print.)

My Rating:

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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My review of His Only Wife by Peace Adzo Medie

About the Author

Peace Adzo Medie is a Ghanaian writer and Senior Lecturer in Gender and International Politics at the University of Bristol in England. Prior to that she was a Research Fellow at the University of Ghana. She has published several short stories, and her book, Global Norms and Local Action: The Campaigns to End Violence Against Women in Africa will be published by Oxford University Press in 2020. She is an award-winning scholar and has been awarded several fellowships. She holds a PhD in Public and International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh and a BA in Geography from the University of Ghana. She was born in Liberia.

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