I’m reaching deep into my drafts folder for this one. I was tagged by Leah @ Leah’s Books many many months ago for the OMG! That Song Book Tag and if you’re a regular follower you know books and music is one of my very favorite combinations. This one should be fun! This tag was originally done by a Booktuber Katesbookdate on Youtube.

My Jam:
A song you have to listen to no matter how many times you’ve heard it before
A book you’ll never get sick of reading
A song I’m physically unable to skip when it comes on is “Please Forgive Me” by David Gray. I get chills EVERY TIME I hear it.
And I don’t think I could ever get tired of reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Each time I reread P&P, I discover something new.

A song that reminds you of the cringiest time of your life
A book you read that you wouldn’t like if you were to read it now
Probably the cringiest time of my life was middle school, or when I was about 13, and I was obsessed with New Kids on the Block. #JordanKnightFanForLife
My favorite song of theirs: “I’ll Be Loving You Forever”. I giggled so much rewatching this video.
I honestly can’t think of a book I know I would dislike if I read it for the first time now. I can think of many that I wouldn’t love as much… like maybe Delirium or Divergent?
A recent song that you have on repeat
A recent favorite book
We’ve been watching McCartney 3,2,1, the documentary on Hulu with Paul McCartney, and listening to The Beatles backlog on repeat. “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da” plays on repeat in my head even when we aren’t listening to the music.
I recently read The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller and it was perfection.

Gets Me:
A song that is literally me
A book that is me in book form
As a hopeless romantic and a reader, it’s the lyrics that catch my attention first. And my favorite lyrics ever are in the song “All I Wanted” by Paramore. I even have them printed on a sign in my house. It’s another song that gives me chills every time I hear it.
A book that is me in book form…. hmmm. What comes to mind is Just One Day by Gayle Forman. I’m a romantic, I fall in love fast, I can be a little melancholy, and I love to travel. 😉

A weird song that you liked anyway
A unique book that stuck out to you for some reason
I have the perfect song! It’s definitely the weirdest song in my collection. But it also may be my most fun song! “Came Out of a Lady” by Rubblebucket. I dare you to listen to it and not smile. 🙂
A unique book that has stuck with me is The Portable Veblen by Elizabeth Mckenzie. I had so much fun reading this one!

Let’s Go:
Pick your best pump up song
A book that inspires you
Muse’s “Uprising”. I’ve seen Muse perform this song live a few times now and the feeling of the entire crowd belting out this song with fists raised is something I’ll never forget.
Some of the most inspiring books I read are memoirs. Two recent ones are Carry: A Memoir of Survival on Stolen Land by Toni Jensen and Ordinary Girls by Jaquira Díaz.
Your best relaxing song
A book you’d curl up with on a rainy day
The first song that comes to mind when I think of a relaxing song is “Summer Breeze” by Seals & Crofts. It’s a drowse-in-the-hammock-on-a-warm-summer-evening kind of song.
The most recent book I remember enjoying on a rainy day is Emily Henry’s People We Meet on Vacation. It even opens with a rainstorm. 😉

A guilty pleasure song
A guilty pleasure book
My guilty pleasure song: Mariah Carey’s “Fantasy”. And I’m totally showing my age here. 😉
My guilty pleasure book: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. But I don’t feel that guilty about it.

A throwback song you remember fondly
A book you read and loved when you were young
“Take on Me” by a-ha will always hold a nostalgic place in my heart. It’s one of the many songs that I remembering listening to in my childhood. And I was obsessed with the video.
One of my favorite books to read when I was a child was Socks by Beverly Cleary. I didn’t own a copy so I had to check it out of the library. It was mostly my name that filled up the card. 🙂

I’m not going to officially tag anyone, but if you love to mix books and music, consider yourself tagged!
Let me know if I included any of your favorite songs or books in the comments!
Happy Wandering!

This is awesome! And don’t feel bad about showing your age, because we must be close to the same age. We even had actual library cards in the back of books when I used to check out books as a kid! And I remember a lot of what you were talking about. Great choices.
Haha! Thanks! Yep, we definitely had actual library cards. It was fun getting a little nostalgic. 😉
Ooo! I love this tag! It was fun to read and I had so many ideas! I have to do it!
Oh yay!! I would LOVE to hear your responses.
Such a fun tag and some of these songs are real throwbacks that I loved as well! 😂 Watching that NKOTB video makes me realise just how young they were? Jordan Knight in that video is so baby face! Lol. Also, Fantasy is STILL one of my favourite songs (actually a lot of her tracks are)—just some pump up, happy throwback vibes! Great post, Dedra 🙂
Haha! They were babies! YES, I still love so many of Mariah’s songs, too. So many memories with her songs. Listening to Fantasy again made me realize it’s been a long time! <3
I was pretty excited to know all but one song on your list. Oh yeah! Loved the Chill pairing. Henry’s book was a total smile-feel-good book for me.
Yay!! Yes, I can totally envision myself listening to that song while reading that book. 😉