Book Haul Monthly Wrap-Up

October 2019 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul

Be sure to check out The Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction!

October was very good to me, reading-wise. I finished 7 books and two of those were 500+ pages. For someone who tends to read on the slower side, that’s pretty good for me! Let’s break it down!

Twenty-One Truths About Love by Matthew Dicks ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 stars

This was an ARC I received through Netgalley and I really enjoyed it. I wouldn’t think an entire novel could be done through lists, but it absolutely can. And I might have even cried a few times.

Romeo and/or Juliet: A Chooseable-Path Adventure by Ryan North ⭐⭐⭐/5 stars

I tend to love the idea of Choose Your Own Adventure books more than I love the actual book. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy this. The illustrations were phenomenal and I laughed out loud several times while reading it. But I mainly only enjoyed the path that followed Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Ryan North did a great job making it new and current.

Persuasion by Jane Austen ⭐⭐⭐/5 stars

I mostly listened to this one on audiobook, so that may be why I didn’t love it as much as other Austen novels, but probably not.

The Secret History by Donna Tartt ⭐⭐⭐/5 stars

This was my most disappointing read this month. I fully expected to love it, and was surprised when I didn’t.

The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 stars

This was a last minute addition to my tbr when I was approved for it on Netgalley. It was the perfect read for this time of the year. Very atmospheric and creepy.

The Shining by Stephen King ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 stars

If you look back at my September Wrap-Up, you’ll see I was hoping to add in a fallish/spooky read and this is the one I chose. I’ve had it on my tbr forever, so it was very nice to cross it off. It didn’t scare me as much as I expected, but in typical King fashion, it was thrilling and memorable!

Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 stars

I listened to most of this one on audiobook. Even though it was a reread, I’d forgotten most of it. It’s gothic the only way Austen can do it, with quirky characters and romantic notions that are often misunderstood, especially by the naive Catherine.

October Book Haul

I had an exceptional book haul this month! I received several physical ARCs and several e-ARCs. Plus, I attended my first Half Price Books Clearance Event and acquired a few books via Paperbackswap. Yay for more books!!

My physical ARCs:

My e-ARCs from Netgalley:

My Paperbackswap Haul:

My Half Price Books Haul:

(Check out my full post on my Half Price Books Clearance Event here!)

  • Hamlet: No Fear Shakespeare
  • The Island by Elin Hildebrand
  • Naked by David Sedaris
  • World War Z by Max Brooks
  • The Middlesteins by Jami Attenberg
  • Something Blue by Emily Giffin
  • One Plus One by Jojo Moyes
  • Cocoa Beach by Beatriz Williams
  • Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris

Now that cooler/cold weather has arrived, I’m ready for atmospheric reads and looking forward to holiday/winter themed reads as well! I’m planning on participating in Nanowrimo in November, but I will probably break the rules and pick up with the book I was writing last year; I just don’t have it in me to start anything new right now. How about you?? Do you participate in Nanowrimo? What was your favorite read in October? Is there a certain book/books you’re excited to read in November? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

24 thoughts on “October 2019 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul”

  1. I’ve been trying to read Jane Austen novels this year – have read 2! Have to read more. Looks like some great reads!

    1. Love Austen! I think I’ve almost read all of her work. Except all her novellas. Happy Reading and thank you for stopping by!

  2. You did have a great month of reading. Those are the best. I haven’t read all of Austen’s works, but I’ve enjoyed the ones I have read. I enjoyed The Trespasser so-so. I can’t read Stephen King; too scary for me! ha. Hope your November reading goes just as well!

    1. I’ve yet to read anything from Tana French, but I’ve been trying to collect all the Dublin Murder Squad books. Thank you for stopping by and Happy Reading to you too!

    1. If you like Romeo and Juliet AND you like Choose Your Own Adventures, you’ll enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    1. It was my second time to read it, and I’d forgotten how much fun it was. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I haven’t read a choose your own adventure since I was a kid. Good job on the 500+ pages books. I typically only read books that long if they are audiobooks. I have The Light After the War in TBR pile too. Good luck with NaNoWriMo. See my October wrap up

    1. I have a shaky relationship with audio books. I guess I’m more visual. I can listen to them if I’m cleaning, but there’s only so much cleaning I want to do. 😉

      Thank you for stopping by and I’m jumping over to your wrap up now!

  4. Those covers of the Austen books are just so pretty. And you have a great haul. I got A World Without You in a book box a few years ago but realized that it was more the cup of tea of a friend. She really loved it. 🙂

    1. I wish I had room to collect all the various editions of Austen books. 😉 I’m intrigued by A World Without You. I’m anxious to give it a try!

      Thank you for stopping by!

  5. Excellent reading month! The Family Upstairs is high on my list as I’ve heard great things about this author’s books. Your October book haul is so awesome. The Sun is Also a Star is one of my favorite YA books.

    1. It was my first Lisa Jewell book, so I don’t have anything to compare it to, but it was definitely very fallish! I’ve heard great things about The Sun is Also a Star. Hopefully I can get to it soon!

      Thank you for stopping by! <3

    1. I’m so glad you’ve heard good things about Summerlost! The cover is so pretty! Thank you for stopping by!

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