Book Haul TBR Unboxing

My Fall 2023 Book HookUp Unboxing

After visiting New York, my husband gifted me a subscription to The Strand’s The Book HookUp. We’d visited New York City for the first time at Christmas in 2018, stopping in at The Strand bookstore, of course, so it was the perfect gift. What I love about this subscription is that it’s quarterly, so not a huge commitment.

  • Boxes ship out in March, June, September, and December—or Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
  • The box comes with two bookstypically one is a signed currently hyped book and the other is an advanced reader copy.
  • It also includes other bookish and local goodies.

September’s box had a gothic horror fantasy theme going on, which is perfect for this time of year. (Cat Sophie not included. 😻)

Let’s wander in!

My box is a young adult box, but you can choose from a variety of boxes, including fiction, classics, and sci-fi. However, the prices differ for some of the boxes. There’s also a spoiler link on the website where you can see what the main title will be in your next box. I can never resist a peek!

What I found inside:

The Books

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)

  • The new release signed copy included in the box was The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White. This horror fantasy set in historical London featuring an autistic trans protagonist wasn’t even on my radar, but the reviews are glowing!
  • Also included was an ARC (advanced reader copy) of Before the Devil Knows You’re Here by Autumn Krause, another historical fiction horror fantasy, this one set in Wisconsin. It’s recommended for fans of Maggie Stiefvater, which is all I need to hear.

The Spirit Bares Its Teeth Synopsis:

New York Times bestselling author Andrew Joseph White returns with the transgressive gothic horror of our time!

Mors vincit omnia. Death conquers all.

London, 1883. The Veil between the living and dead has thinned. Violet-eyed mediums commune with spirits under the watchful eye of the Royal Speaker Society, and sixteen-year-old Silas Bell would rather rip out his violet eyes than become an obedient Speaker wife. According to Mother, he’ll be married by the end of the year. It doesn’t matter that he’s needed a decade of tutors to hide his autism; that he practices surgery on slaughtered pigs; that he is a boy, not the girl the world insists on seeing.

After a failed attempt to escape an arranged marriage, Silas is diagnosed with Veil sickness—a mysterious disease sending violet-eyed women into madness—and shipped away to Braxton’s Finishing School and Sanitorium. The facility is cold, the instructors merciless, and the students either bloom into eligible wives or disappear. When the ghosts of missing students start begging Silas for help, he decides to reach into Braxton’s innards and expose its guts to the world—if the school doesn’t break him first.

Featuring an autistic trans protagonist in a historical setting, Andrew Joseph White’s much-anticipated sophomore novel does not back down from exposing the violence of the patriarchy and the harm inflicted on trans youth who are forced into conformity.

Published on September 5, 2023

Before the Devil Knows You’re Here Synopsis:

A deliciously dark folk horror for fans of Maggie Stiefvater and Erin Craig, blending the tall tales of Johnny Appleseed and Paul Bunyan with Faustian elements, and centering a fierce Mexican-American poet on a quest to rescue her brother.

1836. Wisconsin Territory. All Catalina has left is her little brother—Mama died years ago, and Papa was buried just yesterday. She and Jose Luis are alone now, in their ramshackle cabin on the edge of the Wisconsin wilderness, with the cold weather coming.

As Catalina sets plans to ensure their survival, a strange man appears—a man covered in bark, leaves growing from his head, and sap dripping from his eyes. Before Catalina can stop him, he scoops Jose Luis up and disappears. He leaves behind a strange bird with crimson wings. She can’t let this man—if that’s what he is—have her brother. With no idea where they’ve gone, she tracks the bird in hopes it will lead her to Jose Luis.

Along the way she finds help from a young Paul Bunyan, whose life has also been changed by the Man of Sap. As they travel deeper into the Northwoods, they uncover more of the Man of Sap’s history and the connections he and Catalina share, ultimately learning her fate is deeply entwined with his—set in seeds planted long ago—and now, giving her the power to change his life, or end it.

Expected on October 3, 2023

Tea Leaf Reading Cards

Included in my box was a set of 100 Tea Leaf Reading Cards by Gift Republic. The set includes instructions on how to use the cards, how to read tea leaves, what the many different symbols can mean, and even quotes about tea from famous people.


There’s always a fun snack included, unfortunately my cookie arrived broken. But it’s still edible, right?! The cookie is The Snappy Dresser by Salt of the Earth Bakery. “A crispy, sweet and salty masterpiece of buttery cookie, chocolate, and Maldon Sea Salt.”


And lastly, two pieces of unroasted dark chocolate by Raaka were included. One that’s 100% Cacao and one that’s made with Oatmilk. These were yummy, if you’re a fan of bitter chocolate. 😋

Have your read any of these books? Tried any of the other items? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

10 thoughts on “My Fall 2023 Book HookUp Unboxing”

  1. Oooh… my first box (mystery) shipped Friday! I’m eagerly awaiting it’s arrival. Love this look into what you got. Oh, and there are no calories in cookie crumbs! 😀

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