Book Challenge

My 2021 Popsugar Reading Challenge Mid-Year Update

Hello Readers! I usually try to do a quarterly reading challenge update post, but I blew right past that date and here we are more than halfway through the year. I like to do an update to gauge how I’m doing with the challenge and refocus my goals, if needed. I am ahead, having read 35/60 books so far. And I’ve actually read a few books that I could use in a couple of prompts but I’m leaving them off hoping I’ll get to the books I had originally planned on using. I have a feeling working on this post will mainly highlight the fact that I’ve barely stuck to my original books. Those pesky ARCs always take over my TBR. 😉

Here’s a link to my original post and what I had planned. Now, let’s see how I’m doing so far…

  • A book where the main character works at your current or dream job – (Bookseller) The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan
  • A book with a family treeThe Duke and I (Bridgertons, #1) by Julia Quinn
  • A book you have seen on someone’s bookshelf (in real life, on a Zoom call, in a TV show, etc.)The Other Black Girl by Zakiya Dalila Harris (seen on an author’s shelf during a virtual book discussion) | My Review
  • A book with a black-and-white coverBrat: An ’80s Story by Andrew McCarthy | My Review
  • A book that has the same title as a songMister Impossible by Maggie Stiefvater (“Mister Impossible” by Phantogram) | My Review

Your favorite prompt from a past Popsugar Reading Challenge (I like to challenge myself by choosing a book from each past challenge, and I added one to round out my TBR to 60 books.)

Advanced Prompts

It looks like I’ve read 14 books out of 35 in the prompts I originally had planned. I also read 4 books I had planned, but I moved them to different prompts. That’s almost half, so I’m good with that. 😉 But thanks to my ARCs, my Advanced Prompts are woefully behind. Hopefully I can read more of my backlist the second half of the year.

Are you participating in the Popsugar Reading Challenge? How’s your reading year going so far? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

9 thoughts on “My 2021 Popsugar Reading Challenge Mid-Year Update”

  1. Wow! You’re doing great! I love the idea of this challenge, but it feels like a ton of work to plan and follow up on so I haven’t taken it on yet. You inspire me to want to try it in the future though :). I just finished my 100th book of the year last night so I’m exceeding my reading expectations so far this year (maybe I should slow down on the reading and catch up on the blogging :)).

  2. I am playing along with Popsugar this year again! So far I have finished 16 of the 40 regular prompts, and 5 of the 10 bonus prompts. Not that great, but since I use this mostly as a way to shake up my mood reading and pick up books I wouldn’t normally read (due to mood reading mostly) I’m still calling it a win. And there’s still half the year left to finish the other prompts! 🙂

    1. Oh yay!! That’s great. Especially the Advanced prompts. I’ve really got to step up on those. Yes, I also love how this challenge pushes me to read books I might wouldn’t otherwise. Definitely a win!

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