
Let’s Talk Bookish | Reading Goals

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly bookish meme where participants discuss certain topics, share their opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts. Originally created and hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books, it’s now hosted by Aria @ Book Nook Bits.

This week’s topic is:

How are you doing on your reading goals so far this year?

(submitted by Amber @ Escape Life in the Pages)

Prompts: Did you set any reading goals for yourself at the beginning of the year? If so, how are you doing with them? Any you’ve already met? Are there any goals you want to add? Did you set any blogging goals? If so, how are you doing with those?

Goals, goals, goals!

If you’re a follower, you’re probably tired of hearing about my reading goals. It seems like that’s all I’ve been talking about at this mid-point of the year. I recently shared My Popsugar Reading Challenge Mid-Year Update and My Mid-Year Freak Out Tag of 2022.

So, yes, I’m super goal-oriented. I’m always envious of readers who can mood-read, but that’s not me. 😃 I need the accountability, and even more important, I LOVE to make lists and set goals. I feel so accomplished when I check off that box. I use Evernote to keep track of my various lists (monthly and seasonal TBRs or challenges) across all my devices, as well as my physical Reading Planner by Owlcrate and a printed copy of My Popsugar Reading Challenge. And I also set an overall Goodreads reading goal every year. I haven’t met any of my goals for the year so far, but I am ahead of schedule on all of them.

Reading goals for the rest of 2022…

Working on my mid-year updates (thanks to Kal’s blogger and reader spreadsheet) helped to bring to my attention some goals I need to add or change. I quickly realized the Romance genre is dominating my reading, mostly because it’s comforting. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s a big change from my usual style. I’m hoping to branch back out into other genres I’ve been missing the rest of the year. (Romance is depicted in the reddish pink pie section below. See how it grows and grows. 😃)

Secondly, I always set the goal to request and accept less ARCs (advanced reader copies), but I always seem to fail. I’m already on pace to read more this year than last—unless I slam on the brakes. I’m hoping this goal renewal will refresh my willpower.

And lastly, I very much enjoy rereading books I love, but so far I haven’t reread a single book. I’m hoping to change that in the second half of the year.

Blogging goals

I still feel very new to blogging, even though I’ll celebrate my third anniversary in September. I learn new things almost every day. I set very easy and manageable blogging goals at the beginning of the year, and so far I’ve met them. My first goal was to post at least twice a week, and I’m pretty sure I’ve done that. My second goal was to finally post discussion posts, and as you can see, I’ve met that goal, as well. This is only my third discussion post with Let’s Talk Bookish, but I always enjoy participating. Hopefully, it will become part of my weekly routine.

Let’s Discuss!

Do you set reading or blogging goals? Let me know in the comments!

10 thoughts on “Let’s Talk Bookish | Reading Goals”

  1. I set reading goals. I’m still just a bit behind in my goodreads goal. Like you, I want to re read more, but still have so many ARC’s to get through. My only real blogging goal is one that I just keep in my head. I want to be sure to post at least one post a day.

    1. Yep, it’s those ARCs that keep me from rereading, as well. I admire anyone who can post on the blog at least once a day! I’m not the fastest reader, so I have to blog less to read more. 😃

  2. I think I set goals just so I have a bit of direction, but I don’t usually stick to them as much as I would like. I have set a goal to raise my NG ratio for the last two years, but it is still the same give or take one percent. I suppose that is better than going down. I don’t set a blogging goal, because i don’t want my blog to become a chore.

    1. I need that direction, as well! I think I had to finally mark some books ‘unable to review’ to get my NG ratio to go up. I had too many outstanding books that I had requested on a whim. Ha! Now I try really hard to keep my unread shelf to about 12. But it’s currently at 15. One trick I have figured out is when I get invited to read a book I’m not sure I’ll read, I’ll check the archive date, and if it’s several months out, I’ll just make a note of the book on one of my checklists without accepting the ARC yet. And then it’s not sitting on my NG shelf. I don’t know if all this actually helps, but my ration is at 90%. So maybe it did. 🙂 I absolutely agree about blogging not becoming a chore. I want to keep it fun and low pressure!

  3. I also like having goals, but I structure my reading so that there is some room for mood reading. I do weekly TBRs. There’s more flexibility with that.

    1. Haha! You want me to stay in my comfort zone, don’t you?! There’s definitely nothing wrong with it, I just went from being someone who occasionally reads romance to reading almost all romance. I miss other genres and I’m curious to see how I’ll feel if I venture back out. If I find it too scary, I’ll come running back to all romance all the time! 😃

  4. Loved reading your goals update, Dedra! It looks like you’re doing really well with your challenges. As a mood reader, fulfilling all the prompts is always a challenge for me but every time I see you update your Popsugar Challenge, it always motivates me to keep going and trying again 😂 I’m really glad that we have the Let’s Talk Bookish meme because it has really motivated me to do more discussion posts and I love it!

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