Book Haul TBR

July 2021 Book Haul

Hello Readers! I had a great reading month in July, reading mostly off my backlist. If you’d like to see what I finally got around to reading, check out My July Wrap-Up! Compared to June, my July haul was much more reasonable. Mostly because I didn’t visit any new or used bookstores. But I did add a few physical books from Paperbackswap and some ebooks from various other places, including some eARCs.

Let’s take a look at my haul for July!

(Link to synopsis on Goodreads through the book title.)

My eARCs

  • How Sweet It Is by Dylan Newton – This was an impulse request on Netgalley. I’ve already read and enjoyed this romance set at Halloween! Available 7/13/21 My Review
  • Slanted and Disenchanted by Lisa Czarina Michaud – The author reached out and invited me to read this coming-of-age novel about two misfits that start a band. Bonus, it’s set in New York in the early 2000s! Available 9/21/21
  • The Book of Magic (Practical Magic, #2) by Alice Hoffman – I figured what better way to make me finally read Practical Magic than being approved for the second book in the series. This one will be a perfect lead up to Fall! Available 10/5/21
  • Always, in December by Emily Stone – I couldn’t resist accepting the invitation to read this holiday romance. Even though it sounds like an emotional one! Available 10/12/21
  • The Last House on the Street by Diane Chamberlain – The early reviews for this mystery thriller are glowing! Available 1/11/22

My Paperbackswap Books

My Purchases

I picked up an ebook of Kate Clayborn’s Luck of the Draw on Kobo when I saw it on sale. I adored Love at First and I’ve been wanting to read some of Clayborn’s backlist ever since.


I also picked up a couple of free romances that had good ratings. I never know when one may end up being perfect for a reading challenge prompt. 😉 Let me know if you’ve read either of these!

Amazon First Reads

My Amazon First Reads choice for July was The Magic of Found Objects by Maddie Dawson, a romance about a girl conceived at Woodstock! Available 8/1/21

Have you read any of these books? Did you add any of them to your TBR? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

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