Title: The Key to My Heart
Author: Lia Louis
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Published On: December 6, 2021
Publisher: Atria/Emily Bestler Books
Source: digital (Netgalley)
Pages: 352
A Goodreads Most Anticipated Romance
A heartwarming novel about hope after loss as a young widow receives mysterious messages of love from the “must-buy author” (Jodi Picoult) of Eight Perfect Hours.
Sparkly and charming Natalie Fincher has it all—a handsome new husband, a fixer-upper cottage of her dreams, and the opportunity to tour with the musical she’s spent years writing. But when her husband suddenly dies, all her hopes and dreams instantly disappear.
Two and a half years later, Natalie is still lost. She works, sleeps (well, as much as the sexually frustrated village foxes will allow), and sees friends just often enough to allay their worries, but her life is empty. And she can only bring herself to play music at a London train station’s public piano where she can be anonymous. She’s lost motivation, faith in love, in happiness…in everything.
But when someone begins to mysteriously leave the sheet music for her husband’s favorite songs at the station’s piano, Natalie begins to feel a sense of hope and excitement for the first time. As she investigates just who could be doing this, Natalie finds herself on an unexpected journey toward newfound love for herself, for life, and maybe, for a special someone.
My thoughts
(Spoiler free)
Even before I knew the title of Lia Louis’ latest book, I was anxious to read it. My third book by the author, The Key to My Heart is everything I knew and hoped it would be. Heartfelt, tear-inducing, and swoon-y. If life would have allowed, I would have read this one in one sitting. For me, Lia Louis can do no wrong!
“But I try to remember that life is random. And shit just happens and there are no deep meanings to these things, no signs we missed…”
Lia Louis, The Key to My Heart
We meet Natalie at a very low point in her life. It’s been almost three years since her husband Russ died and she can’t seem to move on. She’s stuck in the cottage they bought together to restore, something Russ wanted more than she did. She hasn’t been able to make any decisions, still dealing with bad pipes and loud critters. But she hides her sorrow well from her friends, still joining them on nights-out so they won’t worry about her, covering her pain with humor each time they try to fix her up with someone new.
Her music career has come to a screeching halt since she’s had a falling out with her best friend and writing partner. She’s been unable to write anything new. Her only musical outlet is playing a public piano at a London train station. When sheet music connected to her past starts to show up in the piano bench, a journey to discover the source takes her down new paths and in surprising directions. I loved all the mentions of music and artists throughout the book, as well, which always makes my music-loving heart happy.
Louis does a great job of weaving her stories, making surprising connections while treating her readers with intelligence. She’s a queen at showing instead of telling. I’m always so impressed by her ability to make that happen. Instead of filling early chapters with backstory, she jumps right in, letting her characters reveal their own pasts through their interactions and experiences.
The Key to My Heart is packed with wonderfully well-rounded characters. From Natalie’s old friends, who she feels are obsessed with seeing her happy again, to the new friends she makes on her search for answers. I loved every minute of this romance, cheering Natalie on as she struggled to find her new path, finally opening her heart to a new love.
It’s impossible for me to pick a favorite Lia Louis book. I’m impressed by each one, from Dear Emmie Blue to Eight Perfect Hours, which is a rare thing. I know The Key to My Heart will stick with me and make my list of favorite books for the year!
Thank you to the publisher, Atria/Emily Bestler Books, and Netgalley for providing me with an advance copy.
(All quotes are taken from the advance copy and are subject to change in final print.)

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About the Author

A Song For A Book
Lia Louis mentioned many songs and artists throughout The Key to My Heart since our main character is a musician. Anytime a book includes music, I’m extra happy. I couldn’t find an existing playlist by the author, so of course I had to make my own with songs and/or musicians mentioned in the book, as well as my own additions. I’ve included it below. I’ll be highlighting “Last Train to London” by Electric Light Orchestra, which is quite fitting, I think. 😉
It was nine twenty-nine
Nine twenty-nine, back street, big city
The sun was going down
There was music all around, it felt so right
It was one of those nights
One of those nights when you feel the world stop turning
You were standing there
There was music in the air
I should have been away
But I knew I had to stay
Last train to London
Just heading out
Last train to London
Just leaving town
But I really want tonight to last forever
I really wanna be with you
Let the music play on down the line tonight…

Have you read The Key to My Heart? Did you add it to your tbr? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Wandering!

Ooh, this is the same author that wrote Emmie Blue and Eight Perfect Hours!? I have both on my TBR and I guess I should really get on to reading them cos I keep hearing great things about all three of her books. Great review, Dedra! I can tell you enjoyed this one a lot 🙂
Yes!! I love them all. She’s definitely an auto-read author for me now. I hope you can pick one up soon, Dini!
Happy to see you loved this story, because it’s on my TBR. I love when books mention music too, so looking forward to the playlist 🙂
Oh, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! She is one of my favorite authors. <3
I do think Emmie Blue is still my favorite, but this was wonderful too! Louis masterfully balance the sadness with humor, and I loved everyone she put in Natalie’s life.
Yes, Emmie Blue will always hold a special place in my heart. Louis is so great with balance and fleshing out her characters!
This sounds like a really sweet story!
It met all my heartwarming boxes. 😉
I loved this one too! Terrific review, Dedra!
Thank you, Wendy! I’m glad we both enjoyed it. <3