ARC Review Book Review

ARC Book Review | Right Where We Left Us by Jen Devon

Title: Right Where We Left Us
Author: Jen Devon
Genre: Romance
Published On: June 18, 2024
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin
Source: digital
Pages: 359


Temperance Jean Madigan and Duncan Brady have never gotten it right. After one radiant, secret summer together when they were eighteen, they’ve been on-again off-again ever since. Now, despite red-hot chemistry and TJ’s closeness with Duncan’s family, they’re virtually strangers, only capable of adversarial banter, awkward small talk―and the occasional messy hookup.

When a wedding at the Brady’s vineyard lands TJ there for the summer, their mutual avoidance strategies prove impossible. The last thing TJ wants is to be under those angsty, heated glances Duncan thinks he hides. And for Duncan, having fiery TJ constantly close is the ultimate distraction that he absolutely can’t afford. When forced proximity begins to chip away at their armor, buried tensions resurface, old wounds urge confrontation, and once-in-a-lifetime love demands one last chance to finally get it right.

My thoughts

(Spoiler free)

Right Where We Left Us by Jen Devon gave me all the summer romance feels I’ve been hoping to capture but haven’t quite been able to find so far this year. Her follow-up to Bend Toward the Sun, Right Where We left Us exudes the longing of star-crossed lovers, chemistry that leaps off the page, and a cast of characters worth rooting for—all the things I like best in my love stories

Duncan Brady wasn’t for her. He was made for folly and flirtation. Together they were binary stars built vivid and hot—unstable by nature and destined to catastrophically explode.

Just as I’ve seen many other readers say, I’m not sure why these two books aren’t promoted as a series. They most definitely are, practically picking up where the last one ended, just focused on a new couple within the Brady family universe. You could probably get away with reading this one without reading the previous book, but you might find yourself a little lost among all the characters. (And missing out terribly!) The Brady family is a big one. And even though I read the previous book, I still had to stop and jot down the family tree to refresh my memory. Once I did, I had everyone straight for the rest of the book.

In Right Where We Left Us, we get Duncan’s and Temperance’s story. Duncan is the youngest Brady brother, while Temperance is the younger sister of Maren, who married Duncan’s older brother Patrick. (See, I warned you it can get confusing!) A second-chance romance, Duncan and Temperance had a “secret” romance the summer they were eighteen, one that was so powerful they still haven’t gotten over it fourteen years later, often finding themselves unable to stay away from each other when thrown together for family gatherings. The reason these two can’t just be together is slowly revealed and I was relieved that it was a worthy reason. 

Sometimes when I read romances where our leads have pined for each other for years and years, it seems unbelievable. But I believed Duncan and Temperance. For one thing, they’ve continued to be in each other’s orbit, having to see one another often, and secondly, it was believable because they were so young when they first fell in love; it took time for them to understand their strong emotions.

Duncan and Temperance are somewhat similar in that they are both kind and sociable, but also hard on themselves. Duncan is eager to prove his worth in the Brady family, but also desires something of his own. And while Duncan comes from the most loving of families (sometimes too loving), Temperance has a very strained relationship with her parents who have crippling expectations for her, especially since they’ve been estranged from her sister Maren who chose marriage over a career. Because of all this familial tension, I expected our couple’s story would take a certain, more predictable direction, but was pleasantly surprised when it didn’t.

When you’re eighteen you don’t fret about time. Your metaphorical pockets are lined with it, and you throw it away by the handful, saying “There’s more where that came from!” because you truly believe there is. Your concept of time is that it acts for you, not on you.

I could read books in this setting forever! The Brady family had just acquired a Pennsylvania vineyard and farm in the previous book, working to restore it. They’re continuing the work in this one, and it’s the perfect summer setting with fireflies, late night swimming, thunderstorms, and a wedding to prepare for. And I adore Devon’s writing style. She’s exceptional at painting a scene, breathing life into her characters, and making me believe in their connections.

Thankfully there are plenty of Brady siblings, and friends, to continue the series. Right Where We Left Us clearly sets up the next book, and I’m very anxious to get brooding brother, single dad Mal’s story next!

If you read and enjoyed Bend Toward the Sun, you should equally enjoy Right Where We Left Us. And if you haven’t read either, but you love a heartfelt summer romance with a magical setting, make some time to visit with the Brady family!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you to St. Martin’s Griffin and Netgalley for providing me with an advance copy.

(All quotes are taken from the advance copy and are subject to change in final print.)


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

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About the Author

Jen Devon writes steamy, cinematic contemporary romances about imperfect people finding their perfect match. A former ecology academic and university lecturer, she currently works in the tech industry and dreams of writing full-time. She’s an avid gardener, photographer, and boardgamer, a thrift store enthusiast and unapologetic nerd. She’s a mom of five (three kids, two rescue mutts) and lives in central Ohio with her engineer husband.

A Song For A Book

Just as she did with Bend Toward the Sun, Devon has provided a Spotify playlist on her website (which I’ve shared below) for Right Where We Left Us. I’ve chosen to highlight “Mine” by Emorie.

There’s a line
There’s a line
From me to you
And it goes back in time
To before we knew

Holding us together
It’s holding us together
I’m tied to you forever
Holding us together

My home is not a house
It’s the place where you are found
I’m choosing you instead
Of everything I left behind

You were mine
Before the start of time
You were mine
Before opened eyes
You are mine
I am yours
Oh love of my life…

Have you read Right Where We Left Us? Will you be adding it to your TBR? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

1 thought on “ARC Book Review | Right Where We Left Us by Jen Devon”

  1. I requested this book because it was by Devon. I had no idea it was in the Brady-verse. I do agree with you that it can be read on its own, but I was giddy to be back in this world. I did adore this couple, but I was even more excited to get more time with this family. They are near the top of my list of fictional families.

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