
A Little Life Update

(Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash )

Hello Readers! I wanted to give my followers a little life update and let you know I may be MIA for a bit. After successfully avoiding Covid in our house for the past two years, it finally caught up with us…. or I should say ME. Because so far, I’m the only one who’s positive, which my family thinks is HILARIOUS since I’ve been so staunchly trying to avoid it. 🤦‍♀️ And much like other’s stories, it started with a sore throat which I assumed was allergies. It’s spring here in Texas and seasonal allergies are in full swing. My first Covid test was negative but after my symptoms worsened, my second test two days later was positive, that second pink line immediately appearing.

Thankfully I’m fully vaccinated and boosted, so after one really weird fever-dream night, the worst I’m dealing with so far is fatigue, brain fog, coughing, sneezing, and runny/stuffy nose. The mornings are the worst because it’s like I have to reset and start over. I’m sharing all this to say: the lack of concentration is real and I haven’t been able to do much blogging. I HAVE been doing a lot of reading, but writing reviews is proving to be difficult. Let’s be honest though, I’ve mostly been watching TikTok (that Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial is addictive!) and finishing up Ozark (not sure how I feel about that finale 🤔).

We’re not sure where I caught Covid. We don’t know of anyone around us who’s been sick. My husband has been traveling again for work, recently returning from up north where the cases are a little higher than here in the south. So we’re thinking maybe he brought it home?? But so far he’s been negative. 🤷‍♀️ BUT I’m also assuming the cases are actually higher here than we think, because I would have just assumed it was a bad allergy attack or bad cold if we didn’t have Covid tests to use at home.

So be safe out there! And most importantly, get vaccinated if you’re not already. I’m thankful my case has been mild and I’m able to laugh about it. Bear with me while my blogging is splotchy. Hopefully I’ll be back to 100% soon. ❤️

28 thoughts on “A Little Life Update”

  1. I hope you feel better soon! I had COVID back in September and it was AWFUL. I felt like I was dying for several days, AND I was fully vaxxed!

    1. Thank you! I’m feeling much better now. It’s so weird how different everyone’s experiences are. After my weird fever night, at one point my husband asked me, “Are you dying?” because I couldn’t seem to catch my breath. All I could say back was “Maybe?” 😂 I’ve never felt so weird. Covid is a strange beast.

  2. I’m so sorry you have COVID. It doesn’t sound fun at all. I am in the same camp with you. I have been trying to avoid it. My family hasn’t caught it yet, but I think it’s only a matter of time since our mask mandate went away a month and half ago. I hope you feel better quickly.

    1. Yep! My husband flew a few days after they dropped the mandate on planes. I encouraged him to wear a mask anyway. He did not. He’s such a sheep. 😂 Which is why it’s not fair that I ended up with it and not him. I hope you and your family can continue to avoid it. <3

  3. Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that you got COVID after trying so hard to keep from getting sick, Dedra! I’m glad to hear that your symptoms have been mild but I do hope that you recover swiftly and without any lingering side-effects. Rest up and take care of yourself! 💜

  4. I hope you get better quickly! I know what you mean about the allergies—mine have been bad too. I do test periodically to make sure, like you did, but still. I’m sure there are lots of others who aren’t testing and just assume they’re fine even when they’re not.

    1. Thank you! I’m doing much better now. And yes! It’s only us neurotic types over here testing after every sneeze. 🤣 And then I was frustrated because I couldn’t find anywhere to report it. The only positives that get reported here in Texas seem to be done at testing centers or by doctors. I feel so irresponsible. 😃

        1. Yeah, we were able to use that when we were on vacation in Colorado. It was so nice. But it’s not available in Texas. They consider that an infringement on privacy. 🙄😃

  5. Sorry the Rona got you. The thing that bothered me the most was not knowing how I got it. Rest up and be well! Side note – I am congested with sort throat, and you know the first thing I did was take the home test (negative). This is the age we live in.

    1. Yes! It drives me crazy, too. I know of no one around me who’s been sick. My husband has flown twice recently to Baltimore and Delaware. He didn’t wear a mask on the plane when he went to Delaware and back because they had just lifted the mandate. 🙄 So maybe he brought it home but was asymptomatic?? I wish I knew. 😂 I was over the worst of it before my test came back positive, but I definitely felt different than I’d ever felt before. Happy to be much better now.

  6. I just saw this post today, Dedra, so I assume you are recovered?? I can’t believe the people who ended up with Covid after being so careful. I think it is something we are going to have to live with, unfortunately. I am happy you were vaccinated and didn’t have a situation where you ended up in the hospital.

    1. Yes! I’m much much better, although the fatigue and congestion have held on longer than I liked. 😉 I think you’re right and it’s something that’s here to stay. We’ll just have to stay up to date with our vaccines. <3

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