Book Challenge TBR

20 Books of Summer 2024

I’ll be joining in the #20BooksOfSummer24 challenge again this year, hosted by Cathy @ 746 Books. It’s actually the 10th Anniversary of the challenge, which is so cool! You can check out the announcement here if you’d like to join, as well! 🎉

What I like most about this challenge is the flexibility. You can choose to read 10, 15, or 20 books from June 1 until September 1. Since I’ve been reading less this year, I’ve decided to choose 15 books, with a mix of reads from my ARCs to my backlist. I may not get to all of these, but I’m increasing my odds by including the ARCs I know I’ll be reading, as well as books from my Popsugar Reading Challenge. If by some miracle I get to all of these and have time left, I’ll add more books because Cathy is awesome and allows it! 🥰

Let’s see what I’ve chosen (in no particular order)!

(Link to the synopsis on Goodreads through the book title.)

Are you joining in this challenge? Do you see any books that are must-reads?
Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

21 thoughts on “20 Books of Summer 2024”

  1. Circe is one of my alltime favs! This is a fun challenge and I love how varied your selection is! I’ll be starting Heartstopper Vol 5 soon so I encourage you to read Vol 4 as soon as you can too! 😛

      1. Fantastic! I feel like I’ve had a slow start too but glad you’re crossing books off! 🙂

  2. Flexibility in a reading challenge is key! I loved Kinsella’s Can You Keep a Secret? and the cover of Rules for Second Chances looks so fun. Happy reading all of these this summer. 😀

    1. I’m discovering how important flexibility is this summer. I finished absolutely nothing in June. 🤦‍♀️ I’m trying to play catch-up now. Rules for Second Chances is next on my list, and I REALLY want to get to Can You Keep a Secret!

  3. I am reading the CLo right now, good as expected. I read a few from the bottom row. I always love Kinsella and Motion Picture was great. Can’t wait to read Devon, North, Rowell, Dave, and Kaylor. Hope these are all amazing for you.

    1. I finished no books in June thanks to life, but I’m trying to make up for it this month. Once I get through my ARCs I’m behind on, CLo’s is high on the list. I’m reading Kaylor’s right now and I’m enjoying it!

  4. I’ve only read one of these, Devon’s, and I thought it was okay but it didn’t work in all areas for me. I think that was because it was slower and a second chance romance. I have a feeling you will enjoy it more than I did.

  5. I doubt I will have time to read 10 books in that time, but I do really like the sound of the challenge! Looks like you have some great books lined up 🙂

  6. Good luck! I’m thinking of participating as well ahhh. Also seeing a bunch of adorable-looking romcom covers here, so I’ll be eagerly awaiting your reviews for those. 😉

  7. Great list of books! I’m so tempted to give this challenge another go since I haven’t come back to it since the first time I attempted it a couple of years ago and failed kinda miserably, lol. 😂 I’ve got Nightbloom on my TBR as well and I absolutely *cannot* wait for Right Were We Left Us! I read Devon’s debut last month and it quickly became a new romance fave! 😍 I hope you enjoy all of these books, Dedra!

    1. It’s not too late to joinnnnn…. 🙂 I do mine in categories and not specific titles which helps, maybe you could try that. Plus if you “fail” you’ve still probably made some progress with reading and posting reviews even if not all of them which is better than nothing! 👏

    2. I didn’t finish a single book in June thanks to life, so I’ll be lucky if I make it to ten books. Ha! Nightbloom was great! And I’m so happy you enjoyed Bend Toward the Sun! It’s still one of my faves, too. I just finished Right Where We Left Us and I loved being back in the Brady family universe. <3

  8. Looking through your covers, all I can see is what a rainbow of colors there are! So many pretty ones in the mix, hopefully with stories to match. 🥰 Enjoy and good luck!!

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