Book Tag

What’s Your YA Superhero Identity?

Happy International Women’s Day! I came across this post I created back in November but never shared. Women are basically superheroes, right?? πŸ˜‰

I received the Book Riot YA newsletter on November 7, 2019 and the author Kelly Jensen reshared an article from 2017 called What’s Your YA Superhero Identity. It’s super fun, so I decided to make a book tag out of it. Feel free to play along! My answers are below the pink arrows. <3

Find Your YA Fantasy Series Name:

Your YA fantasy series name is “A [last place you went] of [your birthstone] & [current weather condition]”

A Room of Amethyst & Wind (Oh I like it!)

Find Your YA Superhero Name:

What would your YA superhero name be? Add any conjunctions you deem necessary. Birth month and birth date digit correspond to words listed below the formula.

The [Birth Month] + [Last Digit of Birth Date] + [First Street You Lived On]
January: Great
February: Fabulous
March: Majestic
April: Astonishing
May: Magnificent
June: Incredible
July: Fierce
August: Awe-Inspiring
September: Spectacular
October: Splendid
November: Unforgettable
December: Dazzling
0: Wondrous
1: High-Flying
2: Gravity-Defying
3: Magnetic
4: Sparkling
5: Powerhouse
6: Ageless
7: All-Encompassing
8: Dauntless
9: Tender-Hearted

The Fabulous & Dauntless Melody! πŸ˜‰

Find Your YA Crush’s First Name:

[First three letters of your favorite vegetable]+ [Last three letters of your last name]

Carove (Hmm. Interesting.)

Find The YA Fantasy Kingdom You’ll Take Over:

[First 3 letters of your last name] + [First three letters of the name of the biggest city you can think of] + [Favorite Color of the Rainbow]

Red: Landia
Orange: Stania
Yellow: Townia
Green: Worldia
Blue: Citia
Indigo: Villia
Violet: Communia

Colnewcitia (That’s a tongue twister!)

Find Your YA Deep Dark Secret:

Eye color corresponds to a word below, and you may need to add conjunctions as fits. This will be at least three words long, maybe longer.
[Eye Color] + [Your least favorite subject in school]  + [The object closest to your right hand]
Green: Stealing
Blue: Hiding
Brown: Breaking
Hazel: Forgetting
Grey: Conspiring
Other: Gallivanting

Stealing Math Books ( I feel like I did something wrong here…)

Find The Title Of Your Contemporary YA Romance Novel:

The/A [A math or science term] + of + [First name of your seventh grade crush] + and + [First name of your favorite female-identifying person from history]

The Dissolution of Jordan and Jane (I like it!)

Find The Way You’ll Break The Heart Of Your Reader and/or Love Interest:

You choose the path you find more satisfying, since you’re the lead in this story. Hair color corresponds to a word below. Add conjunction words as you see fit.

[Your Hair Color] + [Optional Adjective] + [Two- or Three- Word Real YA Book Title Of Choice]
Black: Stomping
Red: Burning
Brown: Running
Blonde: Dying
Other: Believing

Dying Across the Universe (Not gonna lie. It sounds painful and tragic.)

Find Your YA Mixtape Title:

Build the title of what your ultimate mix is below. Season corresponds to a word below.

[Season When You Were Born] + For/About/To + [Your Favorite Hobby]
Spring: Songs
Summer: Jams
Fall: Tunes
Winter: Music

Music for Reading (Ha! Not very exciting. But right up my alley.)

Find Your YA After School Job:

Add any conjunctions you see necessary.
[Least Favorite Kitchen-Related Activity] + at/with/for + [The Last Physical Place You Spent Money]

Mopping at Wal-Mart (Not the worst job ever.)

Find Your YA Travel Adventure:

Month of the year corresponds to a word below, as does the pet you own/wish you owned. If you own multiple pets, you’re welcome to combine them for an ultimate teen dream trip.
[Month of Birth] + by + [Color of Your Underwear] + [Pet you own or wish you’d own]
January: Paris
February: Mars
March: Disneyland
April: Antarctica
May: Tokyo
June: The Desert
July: North Dakota
August: The Sun
September: Tasmania
October: New York City
November: Moscow
December: The North Pole
Cat: Unicycle
Dog: Spaceship
Rabbit: Rollerblades
Fish: Cable car
Turtle: Parasail
Snake: Steamboat
Guinea Pig/Hamster: Motorcycle
Bird: Wings
Other: Helicopter

Mars by Black Unicycle (Alrighty then.)

Thanks for playing along with me! Let me know some of your best results in the comments. Or even better, participate in the tag and be sure to leave me a link to your post!

Happy Wandering!

2 thoughts on “What’s Your YA Superhero Identity?”

  1. Omg, this looks like so much fun! I love doing these types of ‘quiz’ things so I’ll for sure be doing this at some point ? Loved reading your answers too. Dying Across the Universe sounds not only painful AF but absolutely heartbreaking?! Haha

    1. Ha! Yes, I see one of these quizzes and I can’t resist! πŸ˜‰ It does sound like it might be a slow and agonizing death, right??

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