Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Things Getting in the Way of Reading (what’s taking up your time right now?) (lovingly stolen from A Cocoon of Books during freebie week)

Hello Readers! I hope this week’s TTT finds you safe and well. I decided to keep things light and fun this week, returning to the fun memes I used for my Bookish Pet Peeves post in 2021. No memes have been repeated, though. 😉
Let me know which one you identify with the most!

Nice Weather


Needing to Eat

Book Hangover

Being Social

TV Shows and/or Movies


My Lovely Family

Bathroom Breaks

What keeps you from reading? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Wandering!

These are all hilarious! Did you create them yourself? So funny.
I think we should all read to add to our life and it should just augment everything else we are doing. Enjoy life. Enjoy reading!!!!!! What keeps me from reading…life!
Ha! No, I’d love to take credit but these have been floating around the internet for years. I think originally they’re from someecards.com.
I agree! <3
If books burned calories, would I ever need to go on a walk? Hopefully not. 😉 Also, while I usually always started another book, I know the feeling of thinking about a read that was just THAT good.
A good book hangover can easily become the start of a reading slump for me. I have to pick up something just as good to avoid it. 😃
That book hangover one is too real!
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-things-getting-in-the-way-of-reading/
Yes! It can easily lead to a reading slump for me.
Book hangovers are horrible! If anything keeps me from reading, it’s that one I hate the most!
Yes! It can start the dreaded reading slump.
I hate when cleaning gets in the way of reading. It’s probably my least favorite thing on the list to do. Haha.
I agree! 😂
Number 6 is definitely one for me
Glad I’m not alone! It’s especially hard when I’m at the end of a really good book, and I just want to stay home and finish. 😃
LOL! Sometimes I have considered getting a treadmill so that I could read while I walked without worrying about running into anything… 😉
My TTT: https://bookwyrmknits.com/2023/05/16/top-ten-tuesday-things-getting-in-the-way-of-reading/
Haha! Yes!
These are great. Such awesome photos with them, too. Cleaning can definitely get in the way of a lot of things.
Yes! I’m not a big audiobook listener, but cleaning is definitely a time when I will put one on. 😊
The great part about cell phones is that nobody minds when you take them out at social gatherings. That’s why I always make sure my current book is synched up.
I do read on my cell phone a lot, but it’s harder to do that in smaller social gatherings. 😃
I love these Dedra. What a great way to do this top ten. I especially love the one about reading Flowers in the Attic to the kids!
Haha! Yes! For the record, I would never really do that. 😂😂
I laughed out loud at #9!
1 and 3 are on my list today, too. At least I can listen to audiobooks while I clean. That helps make my chores go faster.
Happy TTT!
Me too! I couldn’t resist that one.
Cleaning is one of the rare times I can listen to audiobooks. I have to be doing something to pay attention to them. 🤷♀️
These are great! Number 6 is so true! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
Yes! It’s definitely easier for me to lose myself in a book than be social. 😃
#9 made me laugh! 🙂
Me too!
I actually listen to audiobooks whilst I run so I combine reading and exercise! I also read more when it’s sunny because I love lounging around outside with a book, so good weather increases my reading ha ha.
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/05/17/top-ten-tuesday-420/
Kudos to you for running! I tried it a few years ago and all I could manage was listening to music. My brain was too focused on my dying body. 😃 The humidity here in Texas is not very conducive to running, either. I’m more a bike rider. We just got an exercise bike, so I’ll be anxious to see if I can listen to a book while I do that. I DO like to get outside and read when it’s nice, but those days are rare in Texas. 😅
The weather is a lot more moderate here in the UK so in that respect running is a lot easier! I started running when I was doing my A-Levels as way to get out of the house during exam revision and then I did it a bit at Uni but not particularly regularly, but when lockdown happened, I again needed something to get me out of the house so I started running on a regular basis again and the habit has stuck. I always enjoyed the exercise bike when I went to the gym, so I hope that goes well for you, maybe listening to an audiobook might be easier on that because only your legs are moving as opposed to your whole body? Idk! I mean those days are fairly rare in the UK too, it’s really a couple of months during summer where I can get outside and read…..if I’m lucky!
It’s a great habit to have picked up! I’m so thankful I discovered how much exercise helps with stress and anxiety. If I miss a few days, I can always tell. <3
Yes, my weekly runs definitely always make me feel good!
I’d be so happy if reading burned calories. I might finally be skinny. 🙂
Haha! Same!
You captured all the main reasons in this list 🙂
This was a lot of fun!! Great topic choice. 🙂