Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Things Getting in the Way of Reading

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Things Getting in the Way of Reading (what’s taking up your time right now?) (lovingly stolen from A Cocoon of Books during freebie week)

Hello Readers! I hope this week’s TTT finds you safe and well. I decided to keep things light and fun this week, returning to the fun memes I used for my Bookish Pet Peeves post in 2021. No memes have been repeated, though. 😉

Let me know which one you identify with the most!




Nice Weather




Needing to Eat


Book Hangover


Being Social


TV Shows and/or Movies




My Lovely Family


Bathroom Breaks

What keeps you from reading? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

35 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Things Getting in the Way of Reading”

    1. Ha! No, I’d love to take credit but these have been floating around the internet for years. I think originally they’re from

      I agree! <3

  1. If books burned calories, would I ever need to go on a walk? Hopefully not. 😉 Also, while I usually always started another book, I know the feeling of thinking about a read that was just THAT good.

  2. The great part about cell phones is that nobody minds when you take them out at social gatherings. That’s why I always make sure my current book is synched up.

  3. I love these Dedra. What a great way to do this top ten. I especially love the one about reading Flowers in the Attic to the kids!

    1. Me too! I couldn’t resist that one.

      Cleaning is one of the rare times I can listen to audiobooks. I have to be doing something to pay attention to them. 🤷‍♀️

    1. Kudos to you for running! I tried it a few years ago and all I could manage was listening to music. My brain was too focused on my dying body. 😃 The humidity here in Texas is not very conducive to running, either. I’m more a bike rider. We just got an exercise bike, so I’ll be anxious to see if I can listen to a book while I do that. I DO like to get outside and read when it’s nice, but those days are rare in Texas. 😅

      1. The weather is a lot more moderate here in the UK so in that respect running is a lot easier! I started running when I was doing my A-Levels as way to get out of the house during exam revision and then I did it a bit at Uni but not particularly regularly, but when lockdown happened, I again needed something to get me out of the house so I started running on a regular basis again and the habit has stuck. I always enjoyed the exercise bike when I went to the gym, so I hope that goes well for you, maybe listening to an audiobook might be easier on that because only your legs are moving as opposed to your whole body? Idk! I mean those days are fairly rare in the UK too, it’s really a couple of months during summer where I can get outside and read…..if I’m lucky!

        1. It’s a great habit to have picked up! I’m so thankful I discovered how much exercise helps with stress and anxiety. If I miss a few days, I can always tell. <3

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