TBR Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: The Spookiest Books On My TBR

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is A Halloween Freebie!

Hello Readers! How have we almost made it to Halloween? It’s a strange feeling: wanting this year to be over AND wanting time to slow down. I know I’m not the only one who has books left on their yearly reading challenges. 😉 Covid-19 is ramping up again here in the U.S.—and we’re living through the election from hell, as well. To say life is stressful is an understatement. BUT I’m hopeful common sense and truth will prevail.

This week is a Halloween Freebie week. I decided to take a look at the spookiest books on my TBR (to be read) list. I finally read The Shining last Halloween, which was only my third full-length Stephen King novel, and I’m eager to read more, so he holds two places on my list. Let’s take a look!

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)

  1. Misery by Stephen King – I’ve seen the film, but never read the book.
  2. Firestarter by Stephen King – I saw this film, as well, years ago, but I hear the book is better, of course. 😉
  3. Slasher Girls & Monster Boys by April Genevieve Tucholke – This is the Halloween selection I’m currently reading for this year. It will also fill “an anthology” prompt on my challenge.
  4. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake – I own this one, but still haven’t read it. It keeps surviving my yearly un-hauls. The reviews are too good to pass on it.
  5. Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury – I’ve wanted to read this book for years. I’m not sure why I haven’t. So many readers say it brings autumn to life.
  6. The Dead House by Dawn Kurtagich – Another one I’ve owned for awhile but it still waits on my shelf. Maybe YOU can convince me to read it… or unhaul it.
  7. Snowblind by Christopher Golden – I own this one, as well, and every year I consider passing it on. Then I read the first chapter and want to read more. But the ratings on Goodreads aren’t great. Have you read it?
  8. Dark Places by Gillian Flynn – I’ve only read Gone Girl by Flynn, but I would like to read this one and Sharp Objects, as well.
  9. Watchers by Dean Koontz – I’m a Koontz fan, and have been for years, but I’ve never read this one. It seems to have very polarizing reviews, which only makes me want to read it more. 🙂
  10. We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson – The Haunting of Hill House was perfectly spooky, so of course I want to read the other selection by Ms. Jackson.

Have you read any of these? What’s your favorite spooky read? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

50 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: The Spookiest Books On My TBR”

    1. Oh good to hear! I’ve heard a few mixed reviews for We Have Always Lived in the Castle, but I’m hoping since I enjoyed Hill House I’ll enjoy Castle, as well. 🙂

  1. Dead House was good! If I remember, it’s a mixed media book so it’s super easy to read. I just read We Have Always Lived in the Castle and it was ok. But I also did not enjoy The Haunting of Hill House. It’s short, though, so give it a try! Happy reading!

  2. I’m hoping that truth and common sense will prevail as well! ? Great list, Dedra! I’ve never seen that cover for Dark Places before but it piques my interest! I hope you enjoy all of these 🙂

  3. Ooh, I’ve read Something Wicked This Way Comes! But… it was ages ago and I don’t remember anything about it. I’ve been wanting to re-read it for a while.

    I’m seconding your hope for common sense to kick in soon. We really need some of that.

    1. I really just need to make time for Something Wicked. Every time my eyes land on it, I’m exasperated with myself that I still haven’t read it. Ha!

      Yes, common sense doesn’t seem like such a high order, but we’re in short-supply. 😉

  4. Anna Dressed in Blood is one of those covers that always captures my attention, but I’m too chicken to read it. I don’t do horror anymore.

    The season is really stressful right now with COVID and the election. I’ve been trying to avoid the news as much as I can. I already voted (WA is a vote by mail state).

    1. I do have to be in the right mood for scary books. I’m hoping since Anna Dressed in Blood is YA maybe it won’t be too scary… Ha!

      It is SO stressful. Especially when friends and family are on different sides. I’m in Texas and we feel very alone right now. 😉 We only have early voting for 65+ so we had to go vote, but we did early vote and there wasn’t a line. So glad to have that done. 🙂

  5. I never read the books, but I saw all the King movies and remember being really scared as I watched (the original) Something Wicked this Way Comes.

  6. The only one I have read is Dead House, and I liked it! Slasher Girls and Monster Boys and Anna Dressed in Blood are both books I am looking forward to reading some day, too. Also, I feel you, November sounds WAY scarier than anything Halloween or horror novels can throw at us!

  7. I am not a fan of being scared so always avoid creepy/scary books. I have been told that Anna Dressed in Blood is good for me. haha.

    Ugh, Covid. It’s ramping up like crazy again and it’s so depressing. This election.. ugh. It’s partly why I took a social media break and am limiting myself like crazy.

    I have followed you on twitter so I could message you about my tidbit… I thought I was already but it will not let me message you! I went through Goodreads!!

    1. I don’t blame you for taking a social media break. I’ve had to take a few brief ones. 🙂 It’s like the perfect storm of things right now. It makes me just want to hide under a blanket with a stack of books. <3

      Thanks for the messages!!

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