Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover (basically, people know you’re a book lover because… i.e., you’re always carrying a book or two, your library card broke from overuse, etc.)

Hello Readers! I hope you are all staying healthy and safe. How is everyone doing? When I first read the prompt for this week, I thought it was going to be hard to come up with ten things, but I quickly discovered it was going to be hard to limit myself to ten things. 😉 I ended up picking ten things that I personally do or have that let the world know I’m a book lover.
Wear book-themed t-shirts
When I visit bookstores on vacation, I love to pick up a t-shirt! I have this one from The Strand in New York. And one similar to this from Powell’s in Portland. I’m also a sucker for the reading/book-themed t-shirts on Jane.com.
Use a reading planner or book journal

I’ve been using this reading planner from Owlcrate since January and I LOVE it! I’m able to organize my blog, reading, and Bookstagram in one place. And while a lot of people can do that digitally, I’m old school–I like to write things down.
Have a Bookstagram/Booktube/Booktwitter
I’m a dedicated Bookstagrammer (Is Booktwitter even the right term??), but it’s however you share your love of books–be it blogging, Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter to the rest of the world.
Use book-themed mugs

I have an assortment of book-themed mugs. Some I bought myself and some were gifts. <3
Take books on vacation
I always have at least a few books plus my kindle when I go on vacation. If it’s a road trip, I usually come home with more books. Oops. Some book lovers even have a harder time picking out what books to take than what clothes. 😉
Subscribe to a book box

I currently only subscribe to The Strand’s Book Hookup subscription box (which I love because it’s only quarterly), but I have ordered a single Owlcrate box before. I used to subscribe to the Book of the Month, but I found the books I was choosing I was also getting as ARCs (advance reader copies).
Have a Book Cart
Getting a book cart or TBR (To Be Read) cart was one of the best purchases I think I’ve ever made. Not only are there endless opportunities for pictures, I’m able to put all the books I have “planned” for my reading challenge (Popsugar) in one place. I ordered this cart from Target and even used a gift card to purchase it. Win, win!
Have bookish decor
My daughter, Emma, got me this adorable book lamp for Christmas. I love to keep it by my bed for when I need just a little bit more light.
Use a reading light

A reading light is necessary when the rest of the house is asleep but you only have a few chapters left and you can’t wait until morning to know what happens!
Build your own bookshelves

Last week, I mentioned my husband was building me a shelving system while we’re social distancing. It’s almost finished (we just have to add the desk), so here’s a sneak peek of how they turned out. He cut, sanded, and stained the wood. It took several days to finish these, and we love how they turned out. I’ll be sharing a start to finish shelving post soon!

Do we share any book-themed qualities? What’s your favorite way to let the world know you’re a book lover? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Wandering!

Love a good bookish tee, and of course, bookstagram is the best. 🙂
Bookstagram IS the best! 😉
Book Twitter is definitely a thing (although I think it’s typically two words). Gotta take your book on vacation with you, of course! I like the idea of taking pictures of your book going on vacation with you though. And I do have a book light and a book journal (although I use it to write down book quotes).
Ha! Thank you for clarifying Book Twitter for me. 🙂 Using the book light to write quotes is a great use, too. I’ll often take pictures of quotes with my phone to go back to them later, as well.
I really need a new book planner so I’m definitely checking out Owlcrate! Lovely post 🙂
Anika | chaptersofmay.com
Oh I really love mine! And I’ve never used a book planner before. <3
I once broke my bag and had to buy a new one at the airport because I brought too many books on holiday! I also have a book journal, several actually, to record my thoughts for reviews!
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2020/03/31/top-ten-tuesday-257/
Ha! Love it! I’ve ridden home on a road trip with stacks of books at my feet because they wouldn’t fit anywhere else. 😉 We’re dedicated, right?? This is the first time I’ve used a book planner/journal and I’m loving it!
I think 23 and Me should closely compare our DNA.
Here’s mine: 25 Outrageous Things I’ve Done for the Love of Books
Ha ha ha!! Love it! Can’t wait to check out your list. 🙂
Those are good ones! I don’t have a bookcart, although it surely would be very handy. I have some of my tbr books in crates, if that counts? It’s more or less movable. ?
I’m definitely gonna check out your bookstagram later, when I’m done browsing today’s TTT.
Ha! I think a book crate counts! Just stick some wheels on it and you have a cart! 😉
Those book-themed t-shirts are pretty cool.
My TTT .
I’ve been wearing a lot of book-themed t-shirts lately while stuck at home. 😉
I love this list. That light your daughter got you is wonderful, I want one! I just broke my favourite book themed mug while in Florida, so now I am carefully shopping for something new.
Oh no! I have broken several favorite mugs and it’s always hard to find that new replacement. <3
Fun list! I love wearing my book themed shirts, but I don’t have any from actual bookstores. I just never think to look for shirts when I could be browsing the books. 😉
Ha! I tend to be so overwhelmed by new bookstores, I end up grabbing a shirt. Sometimes a book, too. 😉
Great list! My husband built me bookshelves too. 🙂 I always take books on vacation! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.
I’m loving my new shelves. I just want to hang out and stare at them. 😉 Books make a vacation even better, right??
I have like 4 or 5 book themed shirts and I would have more if I could! 🙂
Same here. I’m constantly having to remove book-themed shirts from online shopping carts. 😉
I really need more bookish tees! I just bought two book carts! I have one for upstairs and one for downstairs. I’m trying to do read two books at a time.. hoping that I get more of my own books read! lol. I have a bookstagram but it’s so hard for me to remember to post! LOL!
Now I wish I had an upstairs so I’d have an excuse to get another cart! lol Sometimes I have a physical book I read during the day and an ebook to read at night, so I get the reading two books at once. It is hard to keep up with bookstagram and blogging. I’m getting better at it, though. 😉 And I don’t know how I wasn’t already following you on bookstagram, but I am now!
I totally relate to almost all of these, but the one that made me laugh is coming home from vacation with more books than you brought (even though you brought several). That’s SO me! Glad I’m not the only one.
Happy TTT!
Ha! Yes, it’s a bit of a problem for me. I have had to stack them at my feet when there was no room to fit them anywhere else in the car. We love to visit thrift stores when we’re on vacation, and I can’t pass up the good deals when I find them. 😉
Have you ever seen the bookish tees on Tee Turtle? I have a colleague at the librarian who buys her bookish shirts there, and they are soooo freaking cute! I totally didn’t even think about bookstagram and booktwitter, but yeah, of course they count. It’s really not a vacation without a book, is it? Oh my gosh, that book lamp is just too cute and I want one! I love it.
I have not heard of Tee Turtle, but you bet I’ll be looking that up now! 😉 Yes, no way I could count it as a vacation without a book–to read or buy. <3
Some day I’d like to subscribe to a book box. 🙂
Check out my TTT and my March Read Harder Challenge Update
They really are so much fun. I don’t know that I ever would have done it on my own, but since it was a gift, I don’t feel as guilty about it. Ha!
Well, you’ve convinced me!
Ha! 🙂
Ooh, these are some great signs and so totally me! I didn’t even think about subscribing to a book box as a sign but well, it’s a book box ? Am I following you on bookstagram by the way? I love that picture you shared! I’ve been really inconsistent with posting since January but I’m trying to make my way back there ? Fab post, Dedra!
I just followed you on Instagram! I’m not sure how I haven’t found you yet. 😉 I’ve been trying to follow all my blogging friends. I’ve just recently started posting more regularly again. I took a long break, too. <3
Oh that reading planner is absolutely gorgeous! Owlcrate has such lovely merchandise. I don’t really have the money for it or the book boxes, but both are always something I love to see other people do unboxings for, or I’ll just browse through and see what all is available in hopes of that day I’ll finally be able to get something! I love the bookshelves and decor as well! And now I really want a book cart… haha. Great list!
I hear ya! I wouldn’t have a book box unless it was a gift, and I usually use birthday and Christmas money for all my other goodies. Bookish goodies can add up! But I also love to watch other people’s unboxings and live vicariously through them, too. 😉 A book cart is an investment and well-worth the money! Ha!