Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: My Unfinished Series

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is a Freebie, so I decided to go with My Unfinished Series!

Hello Readers! I hope you are all staying healthy and safe. How is everyone doing? I participated in The Reading Rush readathon last week (I’ll update you on how I did in my monthly wrap-up) AND my family had a staycation, so that left me little time to blog hop. I’ve been missing you all! 🙂

MEANWHILE, my blog reached 100 followers!! How did that happen?? It almost
snuck right by me. I’ll be hosting a giveaway to celebrate very soon. Thank you for following. <3

Life Update: We are very fortunate that my husband already worked from home before Covid-19 hit, and his work load has actually increased but in a more customer service type way. He was finally able to take a week off, so we decided to make it a staycation. We had to get creative! We each drew a day of the week (there are five of us at home), and on our day we picked dinner, dessert, and entertainment for the evening. We all ended up picking very different things (hide-and-go-seek in the dark to Phase 10) and had fun trying some new food (Indian to Greek)!

For my freebie this week, I decided to share my unfinished series, or series I’ve started but haven’t completed. I’ve kept my selections to series that are complete, not ones the authors are still writing. Mostly, I was curious about which ones I still need to finish for my own selfish reasons. It appears I have issues completing young adult fantasy series. 😉

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)


Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

I own the whole series, but I’ve only read the first two books. It’s such a commitment! 😉

Will I finish it? YES! I think it’ll make the perfect binge-read one winter.


The Lorien Legacies by Pittacus Lore

I loved this young adult series back in the day! It has great characters, and reminds me of a book version of the TV show Heroes. I’ve read four out of seven books.

Will I finish it? Probably not. I’ve forgotten most of what happened in the first four books, which would mean I’d need to do a reread. And there are SEVEN books, not to mention all the spin-off titles. But I highly recommend this one if you need something for your teen to read!


The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

I’ve mentioned The Lord of the Rings series before. I’ve read the first two, but haven’t been able to talk myself into reading the last one.

Will I finish it? Yes… Maybe?? Who knows. Ha.


The Diviners by Libba Bray

I’ve only read and own the first book in this series, but I really enjoyed it. For some reason I haven’t had the desire to pick up the next one.

Will I finish it? Maybe?? I seem to have lost my desire to read a lot of young adult lately.


The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

I’ve read the first two books in this alien-take-over young adult series, and I own the last one. Although, now it’s been several years since I read them. I’m surprised by how much of the story I’ve retained, however.

Will I finish it? Yes! In fact, it’s pretty high up on my TBR (to-be-read) pile.


The Conqueror’s Saga by Kiersten White

I read the first book in this series, And I Darken, as an ARC (advanced review copy), and I enjoyed it! I do have the second book on my kindle, but I honestly don’t remember much of what happened in the first book, which would probably mean I would need to do a reread.

Will I finish it? Probably not?? Someone convince me to pick it up!


The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid

The Diabolic is another young adult fantasy book I read as an ARC, even giving it five stars. THEN I picked up a physical copy of this book to have on my shelves. But I never went on to read the next book. The final book will be released next month.

Will I finish it? Hopefully!


Schuyler Sisters by Beatriz Williams

This is an odd situation where I’ve read the second book in this series, but not the first. I received Tiny Little Thing as an ARC. In fact, I believe it was my first Beatriz Williams book. I own the other two books in this series now. I love the way Williams writes historical fiction.

Will I finish it? YES!!


Ruby Oliver by E. Lockhart

I adored The Boyfriend List by E. Lockhart. I adored it so much, I picked up copies of all four books in the series. But I still haven’t read them. It’s charming and funny and reminds me of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.

Will I finish it? Yes! Someday, I will. They would make the perfect books for a readathon or book challenge since they’re shorter.


The Ones Who Got Away by Roni Loren

And finally, another series I started because I read the first book, The Ones Who Got Away, as an ARC. This one was such a lovely surprise. While it’s packaged as a typical romance, it dealt with heavier issues, and it was written very well. I’ve already picked up the second book in the series on my kindle.

Will I finish it? Yes!

Have you completed any of these series? Which ones should I finish? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

67 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: My Unfinished Series”

    1. Oh wow, you’ve read the whole Anne series? That’s awesome! I love Beatriz Williams writing. They are definitely the kind of books that you can get lost in. 🙂

  1. I haven’t even started The Diviners yet. Some day!

    I read the first three of the lorien legacies I think. I kind of lost interest in them since I started them as an adult. I like the idea of it but not so much the writing I guess.

  2. I haven’t finished The Conqeror’s Saga either. But I did finish Anne of Green Gables. Rilla of Ingleside was my favorite! I should reread that someday.

  3. We’re planning a staycation this weekend too, well planning might be too strong a word for it. We’d like to take dogs for a walk somewhere but couldn’t come up with anywhere that wouldn’t be super hot or super mosquito-y.
    I’m so bad at finishing series I’m not ever really trying anymore

  4. That’s a great post! I haven’t read most of your series but I would definitely want to read Anne of Green Gabels as well. I’ve heard that the quality of I am number four really declines over time, so you’re probably not missing anything. 🙂
    I hope you get to read all the books you have set your eyes on. You can totally finish all of those. 🙂

  5. If you’ve read the first two LOTR books the hardest work is over! I always think the third one is the easiest read. I only read the first two Anne of Green Gables books as well – but I think that was because Anne started to annoy me a bit in the second one.

  6. I’ve only completed one series, The 5th Wave! I guessed the final ending by the second book, so I wasn’t too surprised but I didn’t enjoy it much. I also had no idea Anne Of Green Gables was a whole series!

    1. Oh ok. I’m thinking I’ll need to find a summary of the first two books to refresh my memory. I remember the big things, but not all the little points.

      Oh wow, you didn’t know Anne was a whole series?? I’m happy that I was able to introduce you to that. 😉

    1. That’s what I hear… I only rated the first two books with 3 stars, though. Yikes. I enjoyed the characters and plot, but got bogged down in all the words. Ha! I’m determined to finish it. If only so I can say that I have. 😉

  7. LOTR is one of my favourites, if not THE favourite, of all time! I really hope you enjoy it… if you get around to finishing it! 😀

  8. A great list – though I’ve not read many here. The Lord of the Rings I read as a kid and gave up halfway through – I think giant spiders freaked me out, damn you Shelob!) but devoured the whole trilogy in the course of one skiing holiday! Coming back to it I fund the writing style much more accessible than The Hobbit!

    1. Oh ok. I read the first two as an adult, though. And I actually enjoyed The Hobbit more than the trilogy. I think it was all the lengthy descriptions that did me in with LOTR. BUT, I will finish it someday! 😉

  9. Enjoyed reading this one so much especially because I made a blog post some time ago called “book series I need to finish” and I wrote that one with both a fun and guilty feeling, haha. For today’s TTT I came up with popular ya books I haven’t read and probably never will (?). :))

    1. Yes! Seeing all my fellow bloggers sharing the series they haven’t finished is what inspired me. I started wondering, “What do I need to finish??” 😉

      Oooh, I like your topic choice. I’ll have to check it out!

  10. I’m glad you and your spouse had a nice vacation and that his job seems secure. Those are both very good things!

    The Anne of Green Gables series is definitely worth reading. I think you’re right about it being particularly good in the winter. There’s something so cozy about seeing how her life turned out. If you decide to blog about the later books, I’d sure like to hear your thoughts on them! She had so many twists and turns in her life. 🙂

    My TTT .

    1. Yes! We know we’re so fortunate right now. It’s that fine line of feeling blessed and guilty at the same time.

      Oooh, that would be a good winter/blog project! I’m jotting that down in my planner. Thanks for the idea! <3

  11. Congratulations on hitting 100 followers!! Your staycation sounded like a lot of fun. I only read the first two books in The Fifth Wave trilogy and weirdly remember most of it after nearly five years or so (and I NEVER remember series that well), also I never read past And I Darken which is strange as I really enjoyed the first book in the trilogy.

    My TTT:

    1. Thank you!! Yes, same here! For some reason The 5th Wave is one that has stuck with me. It’s definitely very cinematic, so maybe that’s why?? It’s made me want to finish it. And I feel the same way about And I Darken. I remember really enjoying it, but I haven’t had the desire to finish it. So weird!

  12. I share three of your unfinished series: Anne of Green Gables (I own them all, but haven’t read all of them), The 5th Wave (only read the first one, but I really enjoyed it), and the LotR (again, own them all, but haven’t finished them. I have other series that I haven’t finished but would like to, like Dune and Skulduggery Pleasant (both of which I mention in my post for this week) and Discworld, although I only have a few novels left in that series before I’m done.

    Great idea for a topic, by the way! I talked about books that inspired me to be a writer:

    1. At least I’m not alone! It seems those three series are the common unfinished ones. I own all three of them, as well, so there’s really no excuse as to why they’re unfinished. 😉 I haven’t read any of the other ones you mentioned, either. Hopefully we can finish all of these!

      Love your topic choice! I’ll be checking that out. <3

  13. The Diabolic has been sitting on my TBR shelf for ages! I own it and everything, just haven’t read it yet. I need to get to it soon!

    I love your topic choice for this week’s freebie. I have so many unfinished series… I wouldn’t know how to pick just ten. 🙂

    1. Oh The Diabolic was so good. At least, I remember that I thought it was so good, but I don’t remember much about it anymore. 😉

      I actually didn’t have as many unfinished ones as I thought I would. Most of them are by authors that are still continuing the series, which I didn’t include here. I had a TON of those. Ha!

  14. I have that box set of Anne of Green Gables, but have only read the first two as well. I didn’t realize that Beatriz Williams wrote a series or trilogy. I think I have the last one on my kindle, so thanks for the heads up.

    1. Anne of Green Gables seems to be the unfinished winner of the day! I’m glad I’m not alone. 😉

      Each book is about a sister, but they can be read as standalones, so you won’t be lost if you read them out of order, which is what I did by accident, as well.

  15. I read The Ones Who Got Away earlier this year and need to finish that series myself. And I’ve been wanting to finish the Anne of Green Gables series with my daughter. We’ve only read the first book so far.

  16. I read the Diviners earlier this year. I really don’t want it to become yet another series I never finish 😀 Hopefully, I can get to it in August or September. Lol

    The 5th Wave was a lot of fun! I loved it so much <3 But the first book was definitely my favourite of all three.

    1. Ugh, I know. And I read The Diviners so long ago. Thankfully it is one that has stuck with me.

      Oh yay! Finally someone who also enjoyed The 5th Wave! I’m determined to finish that one this summer.

    1. It is hard to stay committed. Especially if I read a book as an ARC and then have to wait even longer for the next book. Too many other books have taken up space in my brain in between. 😉

  17. Congrats on 100 followers, and I’m glad you were able to have a staycation. Good luck with finishing these series. I’m also notorious for starting series and never completing them.

  18. I should really do a page for all the series I need to finish. It’s soo many ? I read The Diviner’s a couple
    Months ago and really enjoyed it! I need to just dive into book two.. soon… I hope! Haha ?

  19. Congrats on reaching 100 followers!!!! I loved The Diviners, but I haven’t read the sequels yet. I really want to, but unfortunately the last book was a bit spoiled and I was not happy with what I heard.

    Happy readings!

  20. Congrats on 100 followers, m’dear! *throws confetti* How exciting. Hubby and I took a staycation this week, too! Your idea for it sounds much more fun, though (and I love hide-and-seek in the dark!).

    I don’t even want to think about series I’ve started and haven’t finished yet. xD You’re so brave haha. I still want to read The Diviners, but I haven’t had a chance to pick it up yet. I actually bought the full Conqueror’s Saga on Kindle when they all went on sale, but I haven’t read them yet, either, even though I’ve heard good things about it. If you need motivation, try a buddy read! That’s how I end up getting through books I should’ve read already and haven’t LOL.

    The Diabolic is another series I need to read! It keeps catching my eye when I’m shelving at the library, but I haven’t read it yet, for … reasons haha.

    1. Thank you!! It snuck up on me. 😉 We used to play hide-and-seek in the dark a lot more when the kids were smaller. It was definitely a good way to get the house clean quick. Ha! We had fun bringing it back.

      I was a bit nervous when I started looking, but relieved to discover it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. But I didn’t count series the authors haven’t finished yet. That would be a HUGE list. A buddy read is a great idea!

      I remember thinking The Diabolic was so very good. I don’t know why I’ve lost the desire to pick up the next one. Hopefully we both get to it eventually. 😉

  21. I just finished Nemesis, and it was SO GOOD, you HAVE to finish Diabolic! I promise, the series won’t let you down (and I have been so let down by so many, so I was very pleasantly surprised!) I need to finish The 5th Wave series too, I always said I was going to, and then. Ditto And I Darken. Honestly, ditto like, 9 out 10 series I ever start, let’s be real ?

    1. Oh I’m happy to hear that! That helps me want to pick it up. I’m glad I’m not alone with not finishing series. There’s just too many new books. 😉

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