Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Resolutions/Hopes for 2021 (bookish or not!).

Hello Readers! I hope you’re all well and safe at the start of this (already tumultuous) new year. I seem to be stuck in a bit of a reading slump, and my ARCs are slowly becoming overdue. It’s time to push myself out of it this week! I’m hoping sharing my resolutions/goals for 2021 will help.
But first, let’s take a look at My Top Ten Goals for 2020 and see how I did! Hmm, not too bad. I accomplished 7 1/2 out of 10. What I didn’t accomplish: (1) I didn’t DNF any books last year—but that’s because I never felt like I needed to. (2) Eh, I didn’t really do much better with my Bookstagram, but since they changed the algorithms, I haven’t spent as much time on there. I miss the “old” Bookstagram! (If you’ve successfully traversed the changes, let me know if you have any tips!) (3) While I read books by Leigh Bardugo, I did not read any books by Madeline Miller, hence the half point. But surprise! They’re on my TBR again for this year. 😉
Here’s what I would like to accomplish in 2021!
Limit my ARCs
Much like last year, I’m hoping to keep my ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) under control. I’m setting a goal to keep them down to two to three per month. Last year, I read 35 ARCs out of 109 books, which comes out to about three a month, so hopefully I can maintain that. Here’s my current Netgalley line-up:

I also have a physical copy of Prepped by Bethany Mangle, which publishes on February 23rd.
Read more from my existing shelves (physical and digital)
My physical and digital shelves are out of control, so I need to purchase less and read more of what I already own! While I do want to support bookstores during this difficult time, I’m hoping to do that by continuing with my book box subscription from The Strand Bookstore and purchasing books for others as gifts. I will be adding a few “must-read” releases from my favorite authors. And I will still receive books from paperbackswap.com, but I don’t consider that buying. 🙂

One of my favorite things to come out of 2020 was my beautiful new wall shelves and desk my husband built for me. <3
Don’t be afraid to DNF
So this was one of my goals for 2020, but I didn’t mark a single book as DNF last year. I honestly didn’t ever feel the desire to, though. I think because I limited my ARCs and tried to stick to books I own more, I was happy with everything I read. But I still don’t want to be afraid to DNF a book if I’m not enjoying it—even if it is an ARC. So I’m leaving this on my list of goals as a reminder.
Post at least 2 times a week
2020 was my first full year of blogging. I celebrated my one year anniversary in September, and I’d set a lower goal to post at least twice a week, hoping not to push myself too much. I wanted to keep it fun as I learned. So I’m hoping to continue with that, but also push my boundaries a bit. More on that below!

More discussion blog posts
I primarily stuck to Top Ten Tuesday, book tags, and book reviews in 2020, but I’m hoping to venture out into more discussion posts in 2021. Is there something specific you’d like to see?? Let me know in the comments!
Continue to reread more
I set a goal to reread more in 2020, and I was thrilled to discover at the end of the year that I did! I managed to reread 11 books last year, while I only reread 4 in 2019. I’m hoping to keep that up in 2021. A few of the ones I’d love to reread are Beach Read by Emily Henry—my favorite book of 2020—and The Emperor’s Edge series by Lindsay Buroker, a high fantasy series with the best slow-burn romance I’ve ever come across.
I discovered the first book in the series for free in 2011 (it still is!) and sped through the subsequent installments, each one getting better than the one before. The main storyline was wrapped up in the seventh book, but Buroker did two follow-up books that focused on more of the side characters, Republic and Diplomats and Fugitives. I still need to read the final one, which is why I’d love to reread the series. But it IS a commitment!
Complete my 2021 reading challenges

This will be my fourth year to participate in the Popsugar Reading Challenge! Ever since I’ve discovered it, my reading has diversified and my comfort zones have been stretched. You can check out what I’m “planning” to read in My Popsugar 2021 Reading Challenge post. I’ve also set a starting reading goal of 75 books on Goodreads, which I will increase if I see that I’ll reach it earlier than expected, like I did in 2020.
Continue to keep a reading planner
I received the Owlcrate Reading Planner at the end of 2019 and kept up with it all year. It was the first time I’d used a planner and now I don’t know how I ever survived without one. 😉 I didn’t want to wait to see if Owlcrate would release another one (they did!), and so I ordered a “used” blank one online so I could start planning my 2021 year. I highly recommend it! I even purchased post-it dividers that I can move each month for quick access!

Track bookish and blog stats
I discovered an amazing spreadsheet created by Kal @ Reader Voracious in 2019, and I used it throughout 2020—o-kay, mostly at the start, the middle, and the end of the year! But it’s simple to use, and I enjoyed having all my stats to share in my end-of-the-year wrap-up post.

Read more romance
Not too surprisingly, in 2020 I read more romance than any other genre—33 books out of 109 (fantasy was my second with 23 books). But I LOVED it. So I want more of that in 2021. I love love, okay!! 😉

Do we share any goals? What’s your top goal for 2021? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Wandering!

I like the way you think. Lovely plan. My TTT
Thank you! <3
Best of luck with your goals! I want to cut back on the NetGalley reads and read more from my backlist this year, too. I think so many of us have been reaching for more and more romance–it’s such happy escapism in the current climate!
Yes! Romance delivers that comfort-read I need at the moment. 🙂
I love the look of that planner! I always wish I would keep better track of my reading but I don’t have a consistent way to do it. Maybe a pretty book would help …
It definitely helped me! There’s something about physically writing it down that helps keep it all organized in my brain. 🙂
I also really want to read more of my physical TBR, try out some more adult romance and DNF things I’m not liking. Wishing you the best of luck with all of these 🙂
Reading off our own shelves seems to be the most popular goal this year. 🙂
Reading more romance is definitely on my list as well! I ordered a planner through Owlcrate as well and I’m LOVING it!
Oh yay for Romance and the Owlcrate Planner! It really changed my reading life. <3
DNFing is a good idea for books that you just don’t vibe with for whatever reason. Good for you for working to set those limits. 🙂
My post.
Thanks Lydia!
This is a great list! I am hoping to read more from my backlist, and I am participating in the Reading Women Challenge this year! Good luck – I think you can do it!
Oh, I’ve never heard of the Reading Women Challenge. I’ll have to check it out! Good luck to you, too. <3
Great goals, and I am always for reading more romance. They truly are my comfort reads. Good luck!
Yes! Romance is my ultimate comfort read. 🙂
Great goals, Deanna! One of my goals this year was to also keep at the DNFing because I did manage a few last year but I need to keep pushing that guilt aside to finish more that I don’t enjoy ? I also want to read more from my existing books and buy less and request less from NG because the number of ‘unread’ on my shelves is starting to get wow overwhelming! Also, I keep hearing about the Instagram algorithm change (again?!) yet have no idea what it is… But it makes me want to put my bookstagram to bed for good as I never seem to have enough time for it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy tackling these goals–you can totally do it!
Thanks Dini! I also suffer from DNFing guilt. It’s hard to get over that. Especially with ARCs. I don’t really understand the algorithm change either. Ha! I just know something changed and it didn’t work in my favor. LOL But what little time I spend on Bookstagram, I enjoy. I think I follow too many accounts, though, and it’s overwhelming to wade through them all. Maybe I need to try another clean?? I probably should have made that a goal. 😉
Omg I just realised I wrote Deanna instead of Dedra! ? So sorry! I follow a ton of bookstagram accounts too and I think I only end up seeing like 2% of them and those are the ones with likes that amount to the thousands and who have 5-10k followers. It’s kind of annoying. As it is I think I might reconsider going back to bookstagram. I enjoy it sometimes but I put too much pressure on myself to get the “perfect” shot and it’s never perfect so I’m never satisfied ? LOL blogging I allow myself a little more room to make not-so-pretty looking things haha.
Haha! No worries. I have noticed that if I consistently “like” the accounts I want to see (mostly my fellow bloggers or favorite authors) their posts seem to show up more at the top. Maybe?? 😉 I definitely feel like the blogging community is much more laid back. <3
I probably should slow down on my ARC requests, but requesting more from Netgalley does seem to mean that I buy less books, so I’m torn on that front!
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2021/01/12/top-ten-tuesday-298/
Ohhh, good point! That’s a nice way to think of it. If only I didn’t have all these physical books staring at me from my shelves. Ha!
These are all great! I really need to use my Reading Planner more. I go back and forth, but haven’t made it a regular thing.
There’s something about writing things down that helps keep it organized in my brain. Probably because I’m a visual learner. 🙂
These sound like some great goals! I used to have the “don’t be afraid to DNF” one on my perpetual goals list, but over the years I’ve gotten comfortable enough with DNFs that I don’t need to list it as a goal anymore. 😉
Ohhh, you give me hope that it can happen for me, as well. Thank you for sharing that! <3
A reading plan might work for me! I have a shelf on Goodreads called Monthly Reads that I try to stick to, but not always successful.
More discussion posts are a good idea! I know there’s a reading challenge, Let’s Discuss that is hosted by It starts at Midnight, but I haven’t signed up yet.
Good luck with your goals, I’m sure you can do it!
Elza Reads and TTT presents ABBA 2021
There’s something about physically writing things down that helps my brain keep track of them. 🙂
Oh, I have seen Let’s Discuss! I’ll have to remember that.
Thank you!
These are fantastic goals! One of mine is to stop rereading as much (I am a chronic re-reader) to expand to other genres and books. One of the ways that I accomplishing this is actually keep tracking of book recommendations for the first time ever and it is working! I am so type B that even basic organization is cause for celebration 😀
Haha! I love this. You’re basically the opposite of me. 😉 I wish I could be more relaxed about my reading sometimes. <3
Your reading shelves/desk looks so beautiful! I also want to re-read more in 2021, as it’ s something I rediscovered lately and I forgot how much fun it is to revisit favorite worlds. And as a romance-lover, I can only agree with more romance 😉 Good luck with all of these!
Thank you! I’m happy to hear I’m not alone in my love of rereading. Rereading a favorite romance is my ultimate comfort zone. <3
I also want to do #s 1-3 this year. I hope you accomplish all of these this year.
Hopefully we’re both successful! <3
Great goals, your planner is so beautiful!
Thank you! It definitely helps keep my thoughts organized. 🙂
Your shelves look amazing. Good luck!! My TTT https://readwithstefani.com/2021-bookish-and-reading-resolutions/
Thank you!
Scaling back on ARCs is a big one for me, too. I took on way more than I needed to last year! Here’s hoping for a much better 2021 for both reading and everything else.
It’s so easy to request and accept those ARCs! It seems like a constant battle. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2021, as well! <3
What a fantastic list! I love the bookshelves, they look amazing!
Thank you! <3
I refused to put limit my ARCs as an actual goal, because I’ve already failed. xD I love your way of approaching it, though, by breaking it down to how many you managed to read last year! Learning how to DNF was soooo freeing for me. I love that you didn’t feel the need to DNF anything last year, and I hope that streak continues! If it doesn’t, though, just know that life is too short to read a book that you’re just not enjoying, and you’re not doing the author any favors, either. 😉
Thank you Sammie! It’s just the reminder I need. You’re absolutely right. It’s not helping the author if I continue to read a book I’m not enjoying. <3
You have so many great goals that I want to hit too. I know that reading my own books is huge. I did pretty good last year and read about 150, I think. The bad part.. I bought a TON! I need to stop buying so many. I’m actually going to take this year to not plan TBR’s and just see how it goes. Read what I feel (which you kind of know already). I really do need to start cracking open books though. I need to be better about DNF’s too! I did two last year and I’m pretty proud of that because I never do it! Hoping to continue doing it more. I hope you hit all of these goals! <3
Maybe someday I can not plan a TBR… lol I’m afraid I wouldn’t read anything though. Ha! One thing I’m trying to do is search out an excerpt or “sneak peek” of ARCs before I commit to reading them. It seems to be forcing me to pause and think before I agree to read them. But, we’ll see how long that lasts. 😉
These all sound like great, doable goals Dedra. I am also trying to limit my ARCs, but not having much luck so far.