Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: My Ten Most Recent Reads I Didn’t Review On My Blog #2

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books Guaranteed to Put a Smile On Your Face but it’s only been about a year since I did a similar prompt, Books That Make Me Smile. And since I’d probably just be repeating myself, I decided to do something different.

Hello Readers! I’m not sure how I feel about it already being September. Here in the US that means the end of summer. And while I’m ready for cooler weather, cups of warm tea, and all things pumpkin-flavored, I don’t feel ready to let go of my summer reading. There are a few books I didn’t get to. Maybe I can still squeeze them in?? Here in Texas, it won’t actually feel like fall until at least October. 😉

While I didn’t get to ALL the summer reading I had planned, I did spend the summer reading mostly off my backlist, which means I read a lot of older books that I didn’t feel the need to review on the blog. BUT, I still wanted to share my thoughts on them, so I’m going with a part 2 on a TTT prompt we did not too long ago, My Ten Most Recent Reads I Didn’t Review. (The books on today’s post are from oldest to most recent.)

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)

What’s your favorite most recent read? Did I include any of your favorites? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

17 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: My Ten Most Recent Reads I Didn’t Review On My Blog #2”

  1. I really liked Jessica’s book as I remember; I’ve read two of the three ‘Summer’ books by Han, and like them but there no TATBILB; and I still really do need to read “The Flatshare.” Sounds good!

    1. Yes! Song of Achilles was ALL the feels. I have it on ebook, but it’s one I will definitely want to add to my physical shelf someday. Now I just need to read Circe. 😉

    1. LOVED Well Met! I’m anxious to continue the series. I definitely picked up the three-word reviews idea somewhere else, but I’ve forgotten who it was. I like the challenge of not repeating a word. 😉

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