TBR Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: My Most Recent Additions to My Book Collection

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Most Recent Additions to My Book Collection (What books did you get as presents this holiday season? Or what did you buy with gift cards?)

Hello Readers! If you celebrate, I hope you had a lovely holiday. The last few weeks have been busy busy for me. I haven’t had time to read or blog. I even got a notification on my phone that my screen time was down 50%! Ha! I probably should have just taken a hiatus, but in my three years of blogging, I’ve never taken an official one. I’ve never missed a TTT, and it goes against my nature to skip. 😂 I’m going to try to get caught up soon, but I also want to take some time between Christmas and the New Year to recharge. To read, to do puzzles, to hang out with the family. So it might be early 2023 before I’m all caught up!

Today we’re sharing our most recent additions to our book collections. Sadly, I did not receive any books for Christmas. 😃 I did receive a very special bookish gift I’ll share in a future post. So, to keep things simple, all the books on my list today are the most recent physical books I’ve added to my shelves that I still need to read. Several are from book boxes, one giveaway, and a couple of new and used purchases. One thing I did discover from working on this post—I’ve done well not buying too many new books.

Let’s see what I’ve added!

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)

  1. The Do-Over by Lynn Painter – This ‘groundhog-day’ style book set on Valentine’s Day came in my most recent book subscription box. This would be my first book by the author.
  2. The Love Match by Priyanka Taslim – An advanced copy of this book arrived in the same box as The Do-Over. It sounds super cute!
  3. Meet Me in Mumbai by Sabina Khan – I won this one in a giveaway. I’m very excited about this YA book about teen pregnancy and adoption. It seems guaranteed to pull the heartstrings.
  4. Greywaren (Dreamer Trilogy, #3) by Maggie Stiefvater – The final book in The Raven Cycle universe, I picked up my copy through Owlcrate. I’m anxious, but excited to pick this one up soon. My daughter and I are hoping to buddy-read it together!
  5. Belladonna (Belladonna, #1) by Adalyn Grace – Another book that came in a book box—my fall one—I probably won’t pick this one up until later next year—unless I get swayed to pick it up sooner!
  6. Babel by R.F. Kuang – This one was all the rage in the fall. I purchased it with my daughter when we were visiting an indie bookstore out of town. She’s read and raved about it, so hopefully I can get to it soon!
  7. How to Make Friends with the Dark by Kathleen Glasgow – Arriving in my summer book box, I’ve heard good things about this intense YA novel that seems guaranteed to be heartrending.
  8. A Year to the Day by Robin Benway – Another book that came in my (summer) book box, this YA book has mixed reviews, but glowing ones from fellow bloggers, so I’m excited to give it a try.
  9. Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood – I’m always late to the latest Hazelwood release. I picked this one up through Pangobooks. I’m excited to finally read it since I adored The Love Hypothesis!
  10. The Switch by Beth O’Leary – I was also late to O’Leary’s books, as well. I’ve been working my way through her backlist, and this is my last one to be caught up. I’m such a fan of her writing style! I picked this one up through paperbackswap.

Have you read any of the books I’ve recently added? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Holidays and Happy Wandering!

37 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: My Most Recent Additions to My Book Collection”

  1. This is a great haul! I loved Belladonna and Babel and I can’t wait to read Love on the Brain and The Love Match! The latter looks and sounds so good 😍 I hope you enjoy all these books, Dedra!

    1. You’re gravitating to SFF and I’m gravitating to Romance. 😍 I’m gonna try hard to branch out more this year because I really enjoy books outside of Romance, as well. I miss them! Happy Reading Nicole!

      1. I want to read more contemporary Romance this year too! I usually think that I won’t enjoy it because it’s set in the real world, and then I usually DO enjoy the book, so it’s a hang-up I need to get over. 🙂

  2. I actually got A Year to the Day for Christmas. I only asked for 2 books and it was the one I got. I did get The Do-Over on audiobook from my library, though. I’ll be listening to it soon hopefully. These all look like fun additions!

  3. Meet Me In Mumbai looks interesting. I’ve noticed a trend with fewer actual teen pregnancy novels coming out these days compared to 20 years ago, but a major rise in dual-timeline ones that focus on the adopted baby — the one who would have been born around that time period, in fact — learning about her biological mother.

    How To Make Friends with the Dark and A Year to the Day are both on my TBR, but I really like that cover. The original cover is beautiful too, but a lot more…unnerving. This one entices me to actually open it.

    Lots of great books here though; I wish you happy reading!

  4. You have done well with not adding…I think I bought this many just last week between two used bookstores!! I am trying to make a ban/goal for not buying so many books next year!

    1. Haha! I haven’t had time to visit many used book stores, but if I had, I’m sure I would have had many more. I love a good find! They’re so hard to resist, right?! 😃

      1. That is true, plus it means I won’t forget what I read in the previous book which happens a lot in the year (or sometimes more) between new series releases! Thank you 🙂

  5. These all look good, Dedra. I hope you enjoy them all when you get to them. Enjoy your break and spending time with family and doing other things.

  6. I hope you continue to enjoy your holiday and time with family! I also hope you enjoy reading all of these! I’m very excited to read LOVE ON THE BRAIN and THE SWITCH myself. 😀

    My TTT

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