Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: My Favorite Bookmarks

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Favorite Bookmarks!

I wasn’t very excited about this prompt until I started going through my bookmarks. I quickly realized just how many fun and special bookmarks I’ve collected over the years. Enjoy!

1. Book Swag

Just a few of my book swag bookmarks!

2. Twilight Bookmarks

Because I love Twilight. 😉

3. Hand-painted Bookmark

I love this hand-painted bookmark my daughter brought me back from Honduras.

4. Wood Bookmark

This is a bookmark made from wood I picked up at the Georgia O’Keefe Museum in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

5. Homemade Bookmark

6. Nanowrimo Bookmarks

Because I love Nanowrimo. <3

7. Bookstore Bookmarks

8. Bookmarks Found in Used Books

I love when I purchase a book from a thrift store or used book store and find a bookmark inside!

9. Initial Bookmarks

In case I forget what initial my name starts with.

10. Specialty Bookmarks

Gorgeous Outlander bookmark designed by Haleigh at Sweet Sequels. Find her and all her lovely creations here!

What’s your favorite bookmark? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for stopping by!

Happy Wandering!

33 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: My Favorite Bookmarks”

  1. I don’t use a lot of bookmarks, but when I do, I like the cute little character bookmarks that are also magnetic. They always make me smile. 🙂

    1. They are just the perfect size and so cute. Especially if they match the book you’re reading! 🙂

      Thank you for stopping by!

    1. Oh yay! It’s always a little bonus you don’t expect. Plus it always makes me wonder who was reading it, and why didn’t they finish?? 😉

    1. I’ve also come across movie ticket stubs and old airline tickets. It’s always fun to see those too.

      Thank you for stopping by! 🙂

  2. Dedra, what a lovely collection of bookmarks. I particular like the initialed ones and I am a little sad that I’ve never found a bookmark in any of the second hand books I’ve bought! Except for a safety leaflet which I presume the previous owner was using a makeshift bookmark.

    1. Thank you! I’m so surprised by how many bookmarks I’ve come across in used books! I must purchase a lot of used books that people decide not to finish reading. 😉

      Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I may be the source of some of those found bookmarks….not yours, but an assortment scattered across Canada nonetheless… >.>

    That said, I’m always in favour of swag. Swag bookmarks bring back memories of a book or a convention for me 🙂

    1. Ha! Well, someone somewhere is so excited to find your bookmarks.

      I agree. Swag bookmarks always hold great memories!

  4. Oooh, the wood bookmark is fabulous! I’ve always thought they were so beautiful. <3 I always thought it's so interesting when you find bookmarks in used books! It's like a teensy peak into the life of the person who owned the book before you.

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