TBR Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Book Releases | July-December 2021

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2021.

Hello Readers! I’m not sure how we’re already at the end of June, but here we are. I hope you were able to participate in last week’s TTT! I was able to hop around and grant a few bookish wishes and received a gift of my own—which was so unexpected and nice. (Thank you!!) I definitely think Jana should make it an annual event for her birthday. I love any excuse to buy books—especially for other people. 🙂

(I saw that many of you didn’t want to share your wishlists because you didn’t want to give out your address, just rest assured that when you share a wishlist, the buyer can’t see any of your information—at least on the wishlists I’ve used before. Just your name. And even just your first name… or even a fake name. I definitely wouldn’t be putting my address out into the world. Okay, that’s my public service announcement for the week. 😉 )

We’re here to talk about the books coming out the second half of the year, so let’s dive in!

I took a look back at my Most Anticipated Book Releases | January-June 2021 and I was very surprised to see I’ve actually read 7 out of 10! Not too bad, right? And one of the books I didn’t get to made it on to My Summer 2021 TBR, so hopefully I’ll get to it soon. My ten picks for today are a mix of advanced reader copies I have coming up, books in series, and some new authors. There are a few I probably won’t get to anytime soon, but I’m still very excited about them!

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)

  1. The Mixtape by Brittainy Cherry – This was one of my Amazon First Reads picks for June and when I saw Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse left a great review for it, it moved up my TBR! (7/1/21)
  2. Damnation Spring by Ash Davidson – This is one of my next reads and I’m so intrigued by this historical fiction book set in a Pacific Northwest logging town in 1977. (8/3/21)
  3. The Heart Principle (The Kiss Quotient, #3) by Helen Hoang – Here’s one I might not get to read before the end of the year, but I’m still super excited about it. I adored Hoang’s first two books in this series, but if you haven’t read them they can be read as stand-alones. BUT you should read them! (8/31/21)
  4. Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney – I’ve only read Normal People by Rooney, but it was such a memorable experience, I’m anxious to read more by her. (9/7/21)
  5. Never Saw You Coming by Erin Hahn – I’m very intrigued to get to this arc about two teens who grew up with religious oppressive parents. (9/7/21)
  6. Eight Perfect Hours by Lia Louis – My most anticipated book for the second half of the year is Eight Perfect Hours. I read Louis’ previous book Dear Emmie Blue and it was one of my favorite reads last year. I can’t wait to get to this snowy romance!
  7. Our Way Back to Always by Nina Moreno – I haven’t read a book by Moreno yet, although I just picked up a copy of Don’t Date Rosa Santos, but this YA set in Florida over summer break sounds super sweet! (10/12/21)
  8. Heard It in a Love Song by Tracey Garvis Graves – Two of my favorite bookish combinations: romance and music! And I’ve enjoyed two of Graves’ previous books, so I’m very hyped about this arc. (11/2/21)
  9. Within These Wicked Walls by Lauren Blackwood – An “Ethiopian-inspired debut fantasy retelling of Jane Eyre“?? I’m here for it! (11/9/21)
  10. Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone (Outlander, #9) by Diana Gabaldon – I most definitely will not get to this book soon because I’ve only made it through Outlander #6, and each book is chunky! But any Outlander fan is excited about a new book. Especially since it’s been seven years since the last book. But that title is ominous!

Do we share any books on our most anticipated list? Have you read any of these yet? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

25 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Book Releases | July-December 2021”

  1. I want to read most of these. I have Hahn’s and Louis’ books, so definitely reading those, but I am eager to read Hoang’s and Moreno’s books too. I loved their previous books, and in the case of Hoang’s, I have been dying to get that sibling’s story.

  2. It will be so long before I get to that Outlander book because I’m only in book 4. I really need to kick it in gear but I’m nervous about that title!!!!!

  3. P.S. Thanks for the shout out! I’m so happy my review made you want to read The Mixtape! I meant to include that with my comment, but got distracted by something!

    1. You’re so welcome! I’m so excited to get to The Mixtape. And I’m not seeing another comment from you on this post… I hope it didn’t get eaten again! 😉

  4. I’m also REALLY intrigued by NEVER SAW YOU COMING. I am always interested in books that tackle religion from a critical and thoughtful standpoint. I’m also interested in Nina Moreno’s new book- her debut was really cute and I loved the Cuban influence!

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