Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: MORE Books With Eerily Similar Covers

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is a Freebie.

Hello Readers! I hope this post finds you safe and well as we start a new reading month. Spring has sprung here in the south, which means warmer but stormier weather, blooming flowers but with more allergies. 😉 I’ll take it, though! I’m looking forward to being able to read outside again.

In January of 2020 I shared one of my favorite Top Ten Tuesday posts, Book Covers That Are Eerily Similar, and I’ve been wanting to create a part 2 post ever since. Today’s freebie seemed like the perfect opportunity. I’m continually noticing similar covers, so much so, I keep a running list going, adding titles when I notice them. So this should be an easy post to throw together. 🙂

Let’s see what similar covers I’ve found!

(Link to synopsis on Goodreads through the book title.)


You’ve Reached Sam and For All Time

Both of these YA titles published within a few months of each other last year AND they both have fantasy and magical realism elements.


Five Total Strangers and Rock Paper Scissors

The overhead snow shot with red font seems to be a popular style for thrillers.


West With Giraffes and We Are the Brennans

Both of these titles published last year, and I couldn’t help noticing the similar font, word placement, and that they both start with the letter ‘W’.


The Vanishing Half and Red at the Bone

When I added both of these historical fiction titles to my TBR, I found myself confusing them because the covers used such similar colors and styles.


Lies and This Is How I Lied

Another cover trend that seems to be popular for thrillers and mysteries is the shot looking up the stairs. After I read and enjoyed Lies by T.M. Logan, I began to notice this style more. Maybe someday I’ll dedicate an entire post to the trend. 🙂 The fact that both of these title have the word ‘Lie’ also caught my attention.


A Day Like This and My Wife Is Missing

These two mystery titles have similar sunset/mother and child(ren) covers. A Day Like This published last year and My Wife Is Missing will be available May of this year.


All My Rage and Out of Love

Really the only similarity between these two covers is the positioning of the half circles and that they both have three-word titles, but I thought it was curious. I’ve read an excerpt of All My Rage and what I read was very good!


The Lion’s Den and The Lucky Escape

The illustrated overhead shot of a woman in a two-piece suit and large hat, as well as the blue, red, and white colors made these two very similar. Also both books start with the word ‘The’. 🙂 I feel like there was another book with a cover very similar to these, as well, but I couldn’t remember which one. Let me know if you recognize it!


The Words We Keep and Words in Deep Blue

When I noticed the recently published The Words We Keep, it brought to mind the cover of Words in Deep Blue on my TBR. While one is post-it-notes and the other is books, the titles and colors are comparable.


The Roughest Draft, Rebel with a Donut, and Our Way Back to Always

I immediately noticed the similarity of these three illustrated covers with the overhead shot of the pool, the couples, the floats, the palm leaves, and the pink!

Do you ever notice similar book covers? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

27 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: MORE Books With Eerily Similar Covers”

  1. I love this topic you’ve chosen and wow, the similarities for some of them are so exact! 😂 I thought I was the only who saw Words in Deep Blue whenever I saw Stewart’s book—I always have to do a double take! Interesting about those half-circles being used cos I didn’t think they’d be so “common”. I wonder what they mean in each book! Fab list, Dedra!

    1. Oh good, I’m glad I wasn’t alone with the ‘Words’ books. Sometimes I think I’m seeing similarities where there aren’t really any. Lol And yeah, those half circles were odd… I probably wouldn’t have noticed them if I hadn’t seen both covers within hours of each other. Now I’ll probably be noticing half-circles everywhere. 😂

  2. I almost always skip the front cover and flip to the back to see the blurbs or summary, so I found your post to be remarkably revealing. Maybe I should start paying more attention to the front!

    1. Thank you! I can understand books having similar covers when they’re by the same author or in a series, but when they have different authors and publishers, it seems like maybe they should do better research before they settle on a cover. 😃

  3. I sometimes have that deja vu feeling when I see some covers, but I don’t think I would be able to remember them like you did. A lot of romance books use stock photos, so I am always mixing those up, but these fall solidly into different but similar.

    1. It’s only because I keep a running list that I can remember them. And I had several on my list where I listed a title but couldn’t remember what book it reminded me of. 😂 Yes, the stock photos on romance books would make a great post all on its own, as well!

  4. Great choice for a TTT topic, Dedra. It bothers me when titles and covers are so similar. I miss out on good books because I think I have already read a book when I haven’t.

    1. Yes! It seems silly that books still have similar covers and titles with our ability to google everything. It seems like the publishers must do it intentionally. 🙂

  5. I love this post! (And not because one of my books is featured, but that’s pretty cool). I’d like to think I started a trend because mine was published before the others, but I can’t design a book cover for anything and leave it up to a designer. It’s true book covers follow trends and romance books tend to use the same stock photos. After my first YA romance book published, I was surprised to find the exact same photo used on my cover on at least two other books. This post made my day, it’s so fun! And thanks for including my book.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! I always have fun with the similar cover posts. It’s fun hunting them down. And I never get tired of pool covers. They’re so summery!

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