Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Extraordinary Book Titles

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week is “Extraordinary Book Titles” submitted by Elise @ A Book and a Cup!

The Dust That Falls from Dreams has one of the most beautiful titles I’ve ever come across. And the way the title is used in the book makes it even more meaningful. This is an epic historical fiction book that reads like a classic.

The title alone from this classic by Ray Bradbury book will send chills down your spine. I’ve yet to read Something Wicked This Way Comes, but I hope to get to it soon!

The Shadow of the Wind is a book off my very long tbr list. But I’ve heard only great things about this book, and if the title is any indication, it will be amazing!

It’s been a few years since I’ve read East of Eden, but I do remember I loved it.

I definitely have a thing for alliteration in titles. And I had a bit of an obsession with Edith Wharton books in college. The Custom of the Country was my favorite. But after a few recent rereads, I’ve realized how very sad most Edith Wharton books are. I think I must have been much more melancholy back then. I do still think her books are beautifully written, though.

I love when titles leave you wondering what the heck a book is even about. The Portable Veblen is a perfect example. What is a Veblen?? And why is it portable? And what does it have to do with a squirrel?? This book is so much fun!

I also love when a title means so much more after you’ve read the book, like Water for Elephants.

And We Were Liars.

And The Catcher in the Rye. For so long I thought this book was about a baseball player.

And Blue Lily, Lily Blue seems pretty obvious to fans of The Raven Cycle series, but after a reading, it means so much more.

Have I included any of your favorites? What’s your favorite title of a book ever? Let me know!

Happy Wandering!

24 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Extraordinary Book Titles”

    1. I gave it 4/5 stars. It reads like a classic, but with the gruesome realities of war that you’d expect from more modern books. It is lengthy, but the narrator’s foreshadowing of things to come kept me reading. I thought it was beautifully written! Thank you for stopping by!

    1. Sometimes it has mixed reviews, but I absolutely loved that book. I still think of it whenever I see a train. Or an elephant. 😉 Thank you for stopping by!

  1. Something Wicked This Way Comes is probably one of my favorite titles of all times. For some reason this list just reminded me I left out a title that is maybe my second favorite title of all time: Girl, Wash Your Face. Great list!!

    1. It would be amazing if I could get to Something Wicked this month, but it might take a miracle. 😉 I’ve heard good things about Girl, Wash Your Face! Thanks for stopping by!

    1. Thank you! I have yet to read The Shadow of the Wind either, but I’ve only heard great things!

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